Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

Latest breaking updates are that raid is regarding Trumps payments to women Before he was a candidate for President
Personification of a witch hunt
Trump just Underwent a Cohen-Noscopy ...Ouch LoL
Use of search warrant sends message on Michael Cohen probe

View attachment 187159▶ 4:57

Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the legal particulars of the FBI raid ..

It’s all coming home to roost.

Keep in mind, Trump has no one but himself to blame for all of this. None of this would be happening had he not cheated on his wife.
But it was just a bimbo eruption so it was ok for bill. Rape was ok for bill but consensual sex is an impeachable offence for Trump. No double standard here is there, it’s impeachable for Republicans. Would it have been better if Trump had his hooker in the oval office?

Clinton was NEVER accused of rape by anyone until Ken Starr threatened to throw Juanita Broaddrick in jail if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Paula Jones trial.
Latest breaking updates are that raid is regarding Trumps payments to women Before he was a candidate for President
Personification of a witch hunt
I'd take you just bit more seriously if you would deign to provide a link to such information?

I, for one, find that hard to believe..given the info that the charges being contemplated involve Wire Fraud/Bank Fraud.
US attorney recused from Michael Cohen investigation

ABC News has learned that Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is recused from the Michael Cohen investigation.

Two sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News Berman was not involved in the decision to raid Cohen's office because of the recusal.

Good to know that all the legal requirements were met..and that propriety was observed.
Then you have no idea what evidence he has. Yet you keep claiming that hard evidence backs up everything he does.

You don't understand that you're only proving that you're an idiot.

I claim no such thing - But unlike yourself, I can read tea leaves. There is something to be learned from every new move.

Bob is playing three dimensional chess while you and Donald are playing with your fidget spinners ;)

US attorney recused from Michael Cohen investigation

ABC News has learned that Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is recused from the Michael Cohen investigation.

Two sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News Berman was not involved in the decision to raid Cohen's office because of the recusal.

Good to know that all the legal requirements were met..and that propriety was observed.

And you know this HOW?

US attorney recused from Michael Cohen investigation

ABC News has learned that Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is recused from the Michael Cohen investigation.

Two sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News Berman was not involved in the decision to raid Cohen's office because of the recusal.

Good to know that all the legal requirements were met..and that propriety was observed.

And you know this HOW?

Uh..from your link? Good grief!
What could possibly have gone more wrong with the raid on Cohen's office?

Stormy Daniels? Shut up already. Donald Trump is in the show biz. Some of his business interests run beauty pageants. Women are paid to appear on those things. End of story. The newsroom jockey boys and the FBI G-men need to zip their pants up and keep their private pornography surfing habits to themselves.

The couch potatoes watching that smut on television in their living room with their children are free to either switch the channel or better yet, turn off that stupid television entirely and cancel their $150+/month premium cable subscription.

Those Nazi Democrats are playing the old Jew trick on Trump, and trying to pick him up for the general immorality of the entire show business on some niggardly technicality about how some woman or another might have been paid for some show appearance on TV -- while they themselves are paying the money and spending the time to watch the exact same shows for which they are accusing Trump.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer. His client files and and communications with clients are privileged and confidential and inadmissible in court unless there is a bar complaint against Cohen and probable cause that he is actively facilitating and participating in organized crime himself. That "Special Counsel's" case will assuredly be laughed out of court when he is forced to confess that he obtained evidence on Trump by raiding Trump's lawyer's office.

It is high time to raid the offices of Mueller and Rosenstein, and bring them up on charges of criminal barratry, fraternization, robbery, and burglary at law, if not high treason. What they have done is even worse than what Nixon did in Watergate, because they are doing it under color of law; and likewise for purely political purposes.
btw there is a very simple reason it's recently been distinguished that trump was a "subject" of the russian investigation and not a "target".

hopefully, should presumably be easier for any honest trumptards to parse out later on...
Cohen is Trump's lawyer. His client files and and communications with clients are privileged and confidential and inadmissible in court unless there is a bar complaint against Cohen and probable cause that he is actively facilitating and participating in organized crime himself. That "Special Counsel's" case will assuredly be laughed out of court when he is forced to confess that he obtained evidence on Trump by raiding Trump's lawyer's office.

You Lose Son

There is a limitation to the attorney-client privilege -- exceptions that Trump doesn't seem to understand. And the specific limit here is something called the crime-fraud exception.

That exception does what its name suggests. If communications typically covered by attorney-client privilege are deemed to be "in furtherance of a current or a planned crime or fraud" then the privilege does not apply. In other words, if attorney-client privilege is being invoked to cover up an ongoing criminal act or a planned criminal act, that privilege is suspended over those communications. (For much more on the history of the crime fraud exception, check out David J. Fried's article in the North Carolina Law Review.)

According to John Moye, an Atlanta-based litigator at Kilpatrick Townsend, the bar for invoking the crime fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege is a high one.

"The fact that the judge issued a search warrant of the office and home of Trump's personal attorney suggests that a judge likely concluded either that the privilege was being used in furtherance of a criminal act or that the privilege was being used to perpetuate a fraud," Moye explained. "Otherwise, judges and courts guard the sanctity of attorney-client privilege like you can't imagine. By issuing the warrant, the court apparently concluded that the crime-fraud exception may apply, such that the privilege can be set aside."​

The FBI just proved Donald Trump wrong on attorney-client privilege - CNNPolitics
Cohen can choose...either flip or spend decades in jail. I expect the idiot trump is still talking to Cohen....and the FBI IS listening.....
I guess the presumption of innocence isn't in your vocabulary.

BTW, Cohen is his lawyer.
He shares attorney client privileges.
He has a right to talk to him.
And that's the only reason they raided his home.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Weren’t you the one earlier claiming Hillary committed crimes but was never charged with them??

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead..... backwards, so you can read it every time you look in a mirror.
Yeah because our justice system ALWAYS gets the crook...LOL!
Moron, what does that have to to with someone talking about presumption of innocence after crying that Hillary got away with committing crimes?

Why didn't they raid the place where Hillary's server was? It was under subpeona and she failed to produce it.

marion, it was a civil suit that was asking for her server....not anything to do with Congressional investigations or the FBI investigation...... :rolleyes:
What could possibly have gone more wrong with the raid on Cohen's office?

Stormy Daniels? Shut up already. Donald Trump is in the show biz. Some of his business interests run beauty pageants. Women are paid to appear on those things. End of story. The newsroom jockey boys and the FBI G-men need to zip their pants up and keep their private pornography surfing habits to themselves.

The couch potatoes watching that smut on television in their living room with their children are free to either switch the channel or better yet, turn off that stupid television entirely and cancel their $150+/month premium cable subscription.

Those Nazi Democrats are playing the old Jew trick on Trump, and trying to pick him up for the general immorality of the entire show business on some niggardly technicality about how some woman or another might have been paid for some show appearance on TV -- while they themselves are paying the money and spending the time to watch the exact same shows for which they are accusing Trump.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer. His client files and and communications with clients are privileged and confidential and inadmissible in court unless there is a bar complaint against Cohen and probable cause that he is actively facilitating and participating in organized crime himself. That "Special Counsel's" case will assuredly be laughed out of court when he is forced to confess that he obtained evidence on Trump by raiding Trump's lawyer's office.

It is high time to raid the offices of Mueller and Rosenstein, and bring them up on charges of criminal barratry, fraternization, robbery, and burglary at law, if not high treason. What they have done is even worse than what Nixon did in Watergate, because they are doing it under color of law; and likewise for purely political purposes.

Trump himself opened up the can of worms that is the legal ethics and money laundering investigation against Cohen when he told the press he knew nothing about the NDA or the payment to Daniels. A lawyer can’t bind his client in an agreement without that client’s knowledge or consent.

Trump should have kept his mouth shut. HE did this to Cohen.

For a guy who demands loyalty, he gives none to those around him.
What could possibly have gone more wrong with the raid on Cohen's office?

Stormy Daniels? Shut up already. Donald Trump is in the show biz. Some of his business interests run beauty pageants. Women are paid to appear on those things. End of story. The newsroom jockey boys and the FBI G-men need to zip their pants up and keep their private pornography surfing habits to themselves.

The couch potatoes watching that smut on television in their living room with their children are free to either switch the channel or better yet, turn off that stupid television entirely and cancel their $150+/month premium cable subscription.

Those Nazi Democrats are playing the old Jew trick on Trump, and trying to pick him up for the general immorality of the entire show business on some niggardly technicality about how some woman or another might have been paid for some show appearance on TV -- while they themselves are paying the money and spending the time to watch the exact same shows for which they are accusing Trump.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer. His client files and and communications with clients are privileged and confidential and inadmissible in court unless there is a bar complaint against Cohen and probable cause that he is actively facilitating and participating in organized crime himself. That "Special Counsel's" case will assuredly be laughed out of court when he is forced to confess that he obtained evidence on Trump by raiding Trump's lawyer's office.

It is high time to raid the offices of Mueller and Rosenstein, and bring them up on charges of criminal barratry, fraternization, robbery, and burglary at law, if not high treason. What they have done is even worse than what Nixon did in Watergate, because they are doing it under color of law; and likewise for purely political purposes.

Trump himself opened up the can of worms that is the legal ethics and money laundering investigation against Cohen when he told the press he knew nothing about the NDA or the payment to Daniels. A lawyer can’t bind his client in an agreement without that client’s knowledge or consent.

Trump should have kept his mouth shut. HE did this to Cohen.

For a guy who demands loyalty, he gives none to those around him.

The agreement doesn't bind Trump to anything, moron.
What could possibly have gone more wrong with the raid on Cohen's office?

Stormy Daniels? Shut up already. Donald Trump is in the show biz. Some of his business interests run beauty pageants. Women are paid to appear on those things. End of story. The newsroom jockey boys and the FBI G-men need to zip their pants up and keep their private pornography surfing habits to themselves.

The couch potatoes watching that smut on television in their living room with their children are free to either switch the channel or better yet, turn off that stupid television entirely and cancel their $150+/month premium cable subscription.

Those Nazi Democrats are playing the old Jew trick on Trump, and trying to pick him up for the general immorality of the entire show business on some niggardly technicality about how some woman or another might have been paid for some show appearance on TV -- while they themselves are paying the money and spending the time to watch the exact same shows for which they are accusing Trump.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer. His client files and and communications with clients are privileged and confidential and inadmissible in court unless there is a bar complaint against Cohen and probable cause that he is actively facilitating and participating in organized crime himself. That "Special Counsel's" case will assuredly be laughed out of court when he is forced to confess that he obtained evidence on Trump by raiding Trump's lawyer's office.

It is high time to raid the offices of Mueller and Rosenstein, and bring them up on charges of criminal barratry, fraternization, robbery, and burglary at law, if not high treason. What they have done is even worse than what Nixon did in Watergate, because they are doing it under color of law; and likewise for purely political purposes.

Trump himself opened up the can of worms that is the legal ethics and money laundering investigation against Cohen when he told the press he knew nothing about the NDA or the payment to Daniels. A lawyer can’t bind his client in an agreement without that client’s knowledge or consent.

Trump should have kept his mouth shut. HE did this to Cohen.

For a guy who demands loyalty, he gives none to those around him.

The agreement doesn't bind Trump to anything, moron.

Where did I claim that it did? In fact, I did say that it wasn’t possible for Cohen to bind his client without Trump’s knowledge or consent.

But Trump’s statement to the press meant that Cohen was acting unethically in his dealings with Daniels and by giving her money, and Cohen could be disbarred for his part in the Daniels story.

By telling the press he knew nothing about the NDA or the payment, Trump gave Mueller an excuse to search Cohen’s client filed for proof that Cohen violated ethics laws.

Before you call someone a “moron”, you should look in the mirror.

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