Michael Cohen plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler in democratic primary: ‘It’s enough already’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Michael Cohen plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler in democratic primary:
‘It’s enough already’
15 Jun 2024 ~~ By Brady Knox

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen revealed his plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the Democratic primary.
In a long-form interview with New York Magazine, Cohen detailed his journey from being former President Donald Trump’s fixer to one of his biggest rivals. Completing his turn, he announced his plans to run against the incumbent Nadler to become the Democratic representative of New York‘s 12th Congressional District seat.
“We thank him for his service, but it’s enough already,” Cohen said of Nadler.
The New York Democrat has held the position for over three decades.
Cohen plans to announce his campaign on Nov. 6, the day after the general election, meaning he would start his campaign two years before the next election.
He added that he would have run for office this year but suffered a mental breakdown as a result of his role in Trump’s hush money trial.
Nadler was dismissive of Cohen in a statement to Politico.
“What a great country America is,” he said. “Anyone can run for Congress — even con men.”
Cohen gave an intricate account of his sudden personal and political turn, tacking it onto a feeling of deep, personal betrayal after Trump failed to give him a job in his administration, and then failed to issue him a pardon for his legal troubles.

No this is not a Babylon Bee spoof, You can't make this stuff up.
The self admitted serial perjurer and thief that stole more than $60,000 from a corporation. is running for Congress against New York City Congressman Jerry Nadler.
Problem! Don’t know which one to dislike more. Glad I no longer live live there. New York City is an iconic city now being destroyed by idiot Democrats Nadler and undoubtedly Cohen.
A 'Crooked Fixer' versus. the 'Waddling Penquin'. An interesting political fight to observe. It says a lot about the district itself that it would attract a couple of losers like this.
Michael Cohen plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler in democratic primary:
‘It’s enough already’
15 Jun 2024 ~~ By Brady Knox

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen revealed his plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the Democratic primary.
In a long-form interview with New York Magazine, Cohen detailed his journey from being former President Donald Trump’s fixer to one of his biggest rivals. Completing his turn, he announced his plans to run against the incumbent Nadler to become the Democratic representative of New York‘s 12th Congressional District seat.
“We thank him for his service, but it’s enough already,” Cohen said of Nadler.
The New York Democrat has held the position for over three decades.
Cohen plans to announce his campaign on Nov. 6, the day after the general election, meaning he would start his campaign two years before the next election.
He added that he would have run for office this year but suffered a mental breakdown as a result of his role in Trump’s hush money trial.
Nadler was dismissive of Cohen in a statement to Politico.
“What a great country America is,” he said. “Anyone can run for Congress — even con men.”
Cohen gave an intricate account of his sudden personal and political turn, tacking it onto a feeling of deep, personal betrayal after Trump failed to give him a job in his administration, and then failed to issue him a pardon for his legal troubles.

No this is not a Babylon Bee spoof, You can't make this stuff up.
The self admitted serial perjurer and thief that stole more than $60,000 from a corporation. is running for Congress against New York City Congressman Jerry Nadler.
Problem! Don’t know which one to dislike more. Glad I no longer live live there. New York City is an iconic city now being destroyed by idiot Democrats Nadler and undoubtedly Cohen.
A 'Crooked Fixer' versus. the 'Waddling Penquin'. An interesting political fight to observe. It says a lot about the district itself that it would attract a couple of losers like this.
Hmmm. 6 more years for Jerry Nadler, eh?
Michael Cohen plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler in democratic primary:
‘It’s enough already’
15 Jun 2024 ~~ By Brady Knox

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen revealed his plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the Democratic primary.
In a long-form interview with New York Magazine, Cohen detailed his journey from being former President Donald Trump’s fixer to one of his biggest rivals. Completing his turn, he announced his plans to run against the incumbent Nadler to become the Democratic representative of New York‘s 12th Congressional District seat.
“We thank him for his service, but it’s enough already,” Cohen said of Nadler.
The New York Democrat has held the position for over three decades.
Cohen plans to announce his campaign on Nov. 6, the day after the general election, meaning he would start his campaign two years before the next election.
He added that he would have run for office this year but suffered a mental breakdown as a result of his role in Trump’s hush money trial.
Nadler was dismissive of Cohen in a statement to Politico.
“What a great country America is,” he said. “Anyone can run for Congress — even con men.”
Cohen gave an intricate account of his sudden personal and political turn, tacking it onto a feeling of deep, personal betrayal after Trump failed to give him a job in his administration, and then failed to issue him a pardon for his legal troubles.

No this is not a Babylon Bee spoof, You can't make this stuff up.
The self admitted serial perjurer and thief that stole more than $60,000 from a corporation. is running for Congress against New York City Congressman Jerry Nadler.
Problem! Don’t know which one to dislike more. Glad I no longer live live there. New York City is an iconic city now being destroyed by idiot Democrats Nadler and undoubtedly Cohen.
A 'Crooked Fixer' versus. the 'Waddling Penquin'. An interesting political fight to observe. It says a lot about the district itself that it would attract a couple of losers like this.
Oddly, as much as Cohen is a con man, it might be good for him to win. 30 Years in these positions. How is this any different than the old British monarchy?

By the way, Trump is going to push for a limit on Congress. This should be broadly supported
Michael Cohen plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler in democratic primary:
‘It’s enough already’
15 Jun 2024 ~~ By Brady Knox

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen revealed his plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the Democratic primary.
In a long-form interview with New York Magazine, Cohen detailed his journey from being former President Donald Trump’s fixer to one of his biggest rivals. Completing his turn, he announced his plans to run against the incumbent Nadler to become the Democratic representative of New York‘s 12th Congressional District seat.
“We thank him for his service, but it’s enough already,” Cohen said of Nadler.
The New York Democrat has held the position for over three decades.
Cohen plans to announce his campaign on Nov. 6, the day after the general election, meaning he would start his campaign two years before the next election.
He added that he would have run for office this year but suffered a mental breakdown as a result of his role in Trump’s hush money trial.
Nadler was dismissive of Cohen in a statement to Politico.
“What a great country America is,” he said. “Anyone can run for Congress — even con men.”
Cohen gave an intricate account of his sudden personal and political turn, tacking it onto a feeling of deep, personal betrayal after Trump failed to give him a job in his administration, and then failed to issue him a pardon for his legal troubles.

No this is not a Babylon Bee spoof, You can't make this stuff up.
The self admitted serial perjurer and thief that stole more than $60,000 from a corporation. is running for Congress against New York City Congressman Jerry Nadler.
Problem! Don’t know which one to dislike more. Glad I no longer live live there. New York City is an iconic city now being destroyed by idiot Democrats Nadler and undoubtedly Cohen.
A 'Crooked Fixer' versus. the 'Waddling Penquin'. An interesting political fight to observe. It says a lot about the district itself that it would attract a couple of losers like this.
Things I'd rather do than have Michael Cohen as a Congressman...

Oddly, as much as Cohen is a con man, it might be good for him to win. 30 Years in these positions. How is this any different than the old British monarchy?

By the way, Trump is going to push for a limit on Congress. This should be broadly supported
I think the senate should revert to the good ole days when the state legislature choose the senators.

The House of Representatives should become like a jury selection process. A raffle of sorts. Once a person is selected, a class maybe to teach them the job.
Oddly, as much as Cohen is a con man, it might be good for him to win. 30 Years in these positions. How is this any different than the old British monarchy?

By the way, Trump is going to push for a limit on Congress. This should be broadly supported
Congressional term limits violate the constitution for a good reason. How is Trump going to push this on Congress?

Is he promising a constitutional convention?

Good luck.
What is the good reason in having a political oligarch?
It's listed in federalist paper 53.

A few of the members, as happens in all such assemblies, will possess superior talents; will, by frequent reelections, become members of long standing; will be thoroughly masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages. The greater the proportion of new members, and the less the information of the bulk of the members the more apt will they be to fall into the snares that may be laid for them. This remark is no less applicable to the relation which will subsist between the House of Representatives and the Senate.
It's listed in federalist paper 53.

A few of the members, as happens in all such assemblies, will possess superior talents; will, by frequent reelections, become members of long standing; will be thoroughly masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages. The greater the proportion of new members, and the less the information of the bulk of the members the more apt will they be to fall into the snares that may be laid for them. This remark is no less applicable to the relation which will subsist between the House of Representatives and the Senate.
So they are just allowed to stay forever because of "superior talents"?

Well, your Founders should have known the risk of corruption and the vast amount of resources some with ulterior motives would employ to keep the same people in power. The same proclivity that would entice a permanent president regardless of their "superior talents".

Thank you for the information though, this would appear to be a weak spot in the U.S system I wasn't aware of.
So they are just allowed to stay forever because of "superior talents"?

No. Because they get the most votes.

Well, your Founders should have known the risk of corruption and the vast amount of resources some with ulterior motives would employ to keep the same people in power. The same proclivity that would entice a permanent president regardless of their "superior talents".

Thank you for the information though, this would appear to be a weak spot in the U.S system I wasn't aware of.
Do you really think a Congress full of MTGs and AOCs is a good idea when dealing with global issues against enemies like China and Russia?
No. Because they get the most votes.

Do you really think a Congress full of MTGs and AOCs is a good idea when dealing with global issues against enemies like China and Russia?
There goes that comparison again. Progs have at least a hundred AOC's and that is a kind statement. Republicans need a hundred of House members just like Progs. Go toe to toe with insults and antics.
There goes that comparison again. Progs have at least a hundred AOC's and that is a kind statement. Republicans need a hundred of House members just like Progs. Go toe to toe with insults and antics.
I don't think you got the point I was making.

My post was not intended to denigrate Republicans or Democrats in the house. Only to point out having inexperienced Congress people dealing with Russia and China etc is not a good idea.

Congress needs experienced leaders as the founders clarified in the federalist papers.
I don't think you got the point I was making.

My post was not intended to denigrate Republicans or Democrats in the house. Only to point out having inexperienced Congress people dealing with Russia and China etc is not a good idea.

Congress needs experienced leaders as the founders clarified in the federalist papers.
The same ones who told us about foreign entanglements. The NAVY chartered to only keep the sea lanes open. That simple crap became complicated in 1913. I do not see many of the experienced in Congress with exceptionally high IQ's. Osmosis from the corruption had educated them.
The same ones who told us about foreign entanglements. The NAVY chartered to only keep the sea lanes open. That simple crap became complicated in 1913. I do not see many of the experienced in Congress with exceptionally high IQ's. Osmosis from the corruption had educated them.
Congress doesn't make perfect decisions so violate the constitution and put a bunch of n00bs there. That will help.

Great plan.
No. Because they get the most votes.

Do you really think a Congress full of MTGs and AOCs is a good idea when dealing with global issues against enemies like China and Russia?
You support term limits or not?

If you had term limits, these people would not be there forever.

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