Michael Cohen - Why Am I Supposed To Care?

Closing statement democrat shitstain talking points! Cohen has been bought and paid for by the DNC
Only idiots, like the DNC, would dredge up a known and convicted liar like Cohen as a tool to smear Trump. And now Cohen has admitted in front of the committee he was doing work as an unregistered lobbyist thereby getting more jail time for himself. Such a freaking dope.
As described by Ben Shapiro, "Trump is made of mud." That is to say, you can't harm President Trump by slinging mud at him, because he is made of mud. He can't look any worse.

Fortunately, he is turning out to be the best President in living memory...if only the Leftists would stop trying to obstruct everything he does.
Closing statement democrat shitstain talking points! Cohen has been bought and paid for by the DNC
Only idiots, like the DNC, would dredge up a known and convicted liar like Cohen as a tool to smear Trump. And now Cohen has admitted in front of the committee he was doing work as an unregistered lobbyist thereby getting more jail time for himself. Such a freaking dope.
Wait....you making the same "mistake" as Rep Meadows did? :71:

You know that the contract indicates that Cohen as a non-government entity has to report any contact with foreign GOVERNMENTS, right?
Cohen: Trump is a racist!!!

Thread on this forum today: Trump kissed a black woman!!!!!

Loons give me a headache
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
I thought the way it worked is an impeachable offence is anything Congress decides it to be.
The only reason this hearing was held is because Mueller could NOT find any collusion with Russia, because we all know it’s a lie and because the President has made incredible strides with NoKo.

It wasn’t long ago that the Dimms SWORE Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NoKo, and now NoKo and SoKo are sitting down together in Vietnam.

If Obama had accomplished this, the MSM and the Dimms would be sucking Obama’s asspipe endlessly, but it’s Trump, so it must be marginalized.

Such political hacks, it’s fucking pathetic.
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When Sammy the Bull Gravano testified against his boss and help put Gotti in jail, did anyone doubt his testimony because he was a known to be involved in 19 murders

Its not always about the person who is testifying at a trial but what he knows about his former boss

And does it fit into the larger picture
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
Of course you don't see anything to be concerned about. You like it when people lie to you. You like it when laws are broken. You like an amoral, liar & cheat to run our country.
With that said

Then why do you believe Cohen?

I liked it when that anti Semite bitch called meadows a racist then had to walk it back! Fun times in libtard land!
The hearing was an absolute joke, the circus has always been in Washington DC
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
Of course you don't see anything to be concerned about. You like it when people lie to you. You like it when laws are broken. You like an amoral, liar & cheat to run our country.

Of course you think this is all about "Anyone who doesn't hate Trump like I do MUST think THIS!"

In the future, "Assfuck Dave", when you see a post from me, please assume that it's addressed to rational people with 3-digit IQs (in other words, not you) and assume that nothing you have to say is of interest or wanted.
Lol he's testifying in front of Congress after being found guilty of....lying to Congress
And the looney liberals are glued to his every word like it's the gospel.

Looking for something....anything....to pin on Trump. ... :cuckoo:


Sara Carter: Michael Cohen’s Testimony Is Filled With Speculation, Reads Like A Jilted Lover

Cohen is an extremely flawed witness.

Sara Carter: Michael Cohen’s Testimony Is Filled With Speculation, Reads Like A Jilted Lover
So disgusting for Dimms to be doing this hearing while Trump is in Vietnam at a Summitt with NoKo.

Fucking disgusting.

They are doing it on purpose to be cvnts. They could have easily done this after the summit, they are doing anything they can to compromise POTUS.


Yeah, that's my point. It seems like all he's really said is, "Trump's an asshole."

Okay, I'll stipulate to that. Everyone already knew he was an asshole. I didn't vote for him because I thought he was an asshole.

But again, being an asshole isn't impeachable, so why exactly am I supposed to care at this point?
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. [emoji38] [emoji38]
They do this with turned snitches literally allllllll the time. They even stated that in the hearing. Convicted criminals spill about their associates for leniency. If it can be corroborated or can lead to more justice served, all the better. It has lead to numerous crime families demise. Your willful ignorance on this is grand.

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