Michael Cohen - Why Am I Supposed To Care?

When the dems top person that they call to testify is a convicted liar it says a lot.

At least he was in good company.

The son of a bitch lied today. First he signed a legal document saying he was not tied to any foreign contracts and then he testified that he was tied to at least 2. Slap the cuffs on the SOB and try his ass again. He needs to do much longer then 3 years.
Let's all remember who he was lying FOR.

Himself. Whats your point?

He testified today that nobody told him to lie.
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?


Just because I hurled a pejorative at a woman, doesn’t mean I’m misogynistic, dumbass. There are men that are bitches too.
She hasn't a clue what it means to be a "woman"

She either wears a strap on pretending to be a man or takes it pretending it is real. Either way.....clueless
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. [emoji38] [emoji38]
They do this with turned snitches literally allllllll the time. They even stated that in the hearing. Convicted criminals spill about their associates for leniency. If it can be corroborated or can lead to more justice served, all the better. It has lead to numerous crime families demise. Your willful ignorance on this is grand.

Kinda off-topic, since Trump isn't a "crime family", and Cohen sure as shit hasn't implicated him in any crimes I've noted, beyond maybe the most fiddly-fuck unimportant possible campaign finance violation imaginable.

So I'll ask it again: what has Cohen said, or been expected to say, that is actually of interest to the American public? Why should anyone who isn't fapping nightly to thoughts of "We're FINALLY gonna get him!" give a rat's ass about any of this?
I saw and heard some stuff from the hearing. Go look it up. Dont ask here.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, actually less than zero credibility.
And in any real court would never except any testimony from the guy because he already lied in front of Congress under oath so shut the fuck up
So...since you believe that Cohen lied today, report those lies to the Authorities to extend his prison sentence.
Only a fool would believe anything that clown would say...
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
During the modest Oval Office ceremony swearing in Pence, the Trumpians will be saying the exact same thing.

Trump Derangment Syndrome is not something exclusive to the Left. Trumpians are counted as 'patient zero' where TDS is concerned. They believe Trump is infallible in spite of his obvious foibles.
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Like Trump said, it's all legal, and if it is something that needs to change, then everyone needs to change the bullcrap.

But until then he is going to do everything legal that is allowed in business under current regs and laws, just like any other business owner does while in business, and rightfully so.
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. [emoji38] [emoji38]
They do this with turned snitches literally allllllll the time. They even stated that in the hearing. Convicted criminals spill about their associates for leniency. If it can be corroborated or can lead to more justice served, all the better. It has lead to numerous crime families demise. Your willful ignorance on this is grand.

Kinda off-topic, since Trump isn't a "crime family", and Cohen sure as shit hasn't implicated him in any crimes I've noted, beyond maybe the most fiddly-fuck unimportant possible campaign finance violation imaginable.

So I'll ask it again: what has Cohen said, or been expected to say, that is actually of interest to the American public? Why should anyone who isn't fapping nightly to thoughts of "We're FINALLY gonna get him!" give a rat's ass about any of this?
I saw and heard some stuff from the hearing. Go look it up. Dont ask here.

Here's a thought. If all you have to contribute to a thread is "You shouldn't talk about this. Go look up how right I am, but don't have this thread", then you not only have no reason for wasting space by being on the thread, you have no reason to waste space by existing.

Address the topic, or get the fuck out.
I did in my first post. I was ot and replying to head in the sand Turkey. Go look. I then responded honestly when pushed. Dont come at me with ur fake and narrow outrage.
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. [emoji38] [emoji38]
They do this with turned snitches literally allllllll the time. They even stated that in the hearing. Convicted criminals spill about their associates for leniency. If it can be corroborated or can lead to more justice served, all the better. It has lead to numerous crime families demise. Your willful ignorance on this is grand.

Kinda off-topic, since Trump isn't a "crime family", and Cohen sure as shit hasn't implicated him in any crimes I've noted, beyond maybe the most fiddly-fuck unimportant possible campaign finance violation imaginable.

So I'll ask it again: what has Cohen said, or been expected to say, that is actually of interest to the American public? Why should anyone who isn't fapping nightly to thoughts of "We're FINALLY gonna get him!" give a rat's ass about any of this?
I saw and heard some stuff from the hearing. Go look it up. Dont ask here.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, actually less than zero credibility.
And in any real court would never except any testimony from the guy because he already lied in front of Congress under oath so shut the fuck up
He provided some info that will be followed up on. They wouldnt take a proven liar at his word like you dopes do on the reg with the king klown.

What's your take btw on trumps thousands of proven lies. Everytime he said zero connection to Russia he was lieing. He lied about stormy. He has lied or just made shit up about all kinds of issues to stir shit. How do you feel about your guy doing that and being so dishonest, equally as dishonest as cohen and his other long time criminal partners?
Come to think of it, it makes sense that a 9 time felon guilty of lying to congress and tax evasion would be the gentleman of the democratic party and someone they hold in the highest regard.

A man who cheated on his wife with a college intern at the white house while president is their idol.

Oh look, Cohen already has an inmate number:

Inmate Locator


At least he's got a hot daughter:

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So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. [emoji38] [emoji38]
They do this with turned snitches literally allllllll the time. They even stated that in the hearing. Convicted criminals spill about their associates for leniency. If it can be corroborated or can lead to more justice served, all the better. It has lead to numerous crime families demise. Your willful ignorance on this is grand.

Kinda off-topic, since Trump isn't a "crime family", and Cohen sure as shit hasn't implicated him in any crimes I've noted, beyond maybe the most fiddly-fuck unimportant possible campaign finance violation imaginable.

So I'll ask it again: what has Cohen said, or been expected to say, that is actually of interest to the American public? Why should anyone who isn't fapping nightly to thoughts of "We're FINALLY gonna get him!" give a rat's ass about any of this?
I saw and heard some stuff from the hearing. Go look it up. Dont ask here.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, actually less than zero credibility.
And in any real court would never except any testimony from the guy because he already lied in front of Congress under oath so shut the fuck up
He provided some info that will be followed up on. They wouldnt take a proven liar at his word like you dopes do on the reg with the king klown.

What's your take btw on trumps thousands of proven lies. Everytime he said zero connection to Russia he was lieing. He lied about stormy. He has lied or just made shit up about all kinds of issues to stir shit. How do you feel about your guy doing that and being so dishonest, equally as dishonest as cohen and his other long time criminal partners?
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
There are two main purposes of Cohen's testimony which are:
Accusations that will be the basis of further investigation to find corroborating evidence.
The other is political, a sort of get to know your president. In spite of Cohen's previous lies, his testimony about the character of the president is going to ring true for most voters who expect their president to be more than just a deal maker. Believe it or not, most people in this country expect their president to be a good leader and a good man that embodies political skill and personal virtue. Being belligerent and lacking both civility and common decency is not what makes a great president.
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
There are two main purposes of Cohen's testimony which are:
Accusations that will be the basis of further investigation to find corroborating evidence.
The other is political, a sort of get to know your president. In spite of Cohen's previous lies, his testimony about the character of the president is going to ring true for most voters who expect their president to be more than just a deal maker. Believe it or not, most people in this country expect their president to be a good leader and a good man that embodies political skill and personal virtue. Being belligerent and lacking both civility and common decency is not what makes a great president.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
I don't know about you but I expect my president to be better than I am. Being an ill tempered brawler who lacks even a hint of common decency and civility is not the hallmark of a great president but rather a man whose success is due to cheating, lying, and manipulating others.
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
I don't know about you but I expect my president to be better than I am. Being an ill tempered brawler who lacks even a hint of common decency and civility is not the hallmark of a great president but rather a man whose success is due to cheating, lying, and manipulating others.

So you're not a homeowner.
As I said earlier...this is a rehash of the same old shit we've known for months.
It may be the same old shit, but it's being told by Trump's fixer who lied and did his dirty work for 10 years. Now he has no reason to lie. His testimony is not going to reduce his sentence. I would say he is pretty pissed but also pretty dumb to expect his boss of ten years to offer any help. Trump doesn't do that. He uses people and tosses them away like garbage when they're not needed.
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
I don't know about you but I expect my president to be better than I am. Being an ill tempered brawler who lacks even a hint of common decency and civility is not the hallmark of a great president but rather a man whose success is due to cheating, lying, and manipulating others.
Look, the Demon-crats are way worse than anything a Trump could ever be in life, and attempting to make him look as bad as the Demon-crats already do, and this in regards to the American people is just laughable actually.
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
I don't know about you but I expect my president to be better than I am. Being an ill tempered brawler who lacks even a hint of common decency and civility is not the hallmark of a great president but rather a man whose success is due to cheating, lying, and manipulating others.

So you're not a homeowner.
I don't cheat on my taxes.
I play by the rules.
That means I sleep good at night and never have to worry about a tax audit.
As I said earlier...this is a rehash of the same old shit we've known for months.
It may be the same old shit, but it's being told by Trump's fixer who lied and did his dirty work for 10 years. Now he has no reason to lie. His testimony is not going to reduce his sentence. I would say he is pretty pissed but also pretty dumb to expect his boss of ten years to offer any help. Trump doesn't do that. He uses people and tosses them away like garbage when they're not needed.

No reason to lie???
You're a fuken dolt.
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
I don't know about you but I expect my president to be better than I am. Being an ill tempered brawler who lacks even a hint of common decency and civility is not the hallmark of a great president but rather a man whose success is due to cheating, lying, and manipulating others.

So you're not a homeowner.
I don't cheat on my taxes.
I play by the rules.
That means I sleep good at night and never have to worry about a tax audit.

So you're dumb enough not to contest the value of your home come tax time?
We've saved up to 10k contesting our tax bill.
I guess I can assume ya put on the lip balm and sucked dick while you paid to much.

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