Michael Cohen - Why Am I Supposed To Care?

When Sammy the Bull Gravano testified against his boss and help put Gotti in jail, did anyone doubt his testimony because he was a known to be involved in 19 murders

Its not always about the person who is testifying at a trial but what he knows about his former boss

And does it fit into the larger picture

Yes, actually, the cops and the prosecutor did, so they insisted that he provide some sort of corroboration, whereas someone who WASN'T a known criminal might have just been taken at his word.

Meanwhile, none of this answers my question: Why am I supposed to care about Cohen's testimony? As far as I can tell, he doesn't "know" anything about his former boss that's of any particular interest to me at all.

How can anyone answer why you do not care about his testimony

It is a personal preference

My point is that he knows trump as he has worked for him for many years

They know each other

He has insight that is on a business and a personal level

He knows more about trump and is willing to talk

whether you believe him is your prerogative

whether you care is your prerogative

Unfortunately it will be up to congressional members who will have collaborating material that the normal citizen might not have to make their own decisions

I didn't ask you why I don't care. I asked you why I'm supposed to. If the English here is too complicated for you, I can dumb it down.

What did he say that actually means anything to the American people? What did he say that is actionable/impacts on his Presidency?

Let me know if I'm still going over your head.
I saw and heard some stuff from the hearing. Go look it up. Dont ask here.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, actually less than zero credibility.
And in any real court would never except any testimony from the guy because he already lied in front of Congress under oath so shut the fuck up
So...since you believe that Cohen lied today, report those lies to the Authorities to extend his prison sentence.
Only a fool would believe anything that clown would say...

Still stuck on, "Even if I do believe him, so what? What about this actually means anything to me?"
Yep, his whole testimony should be thrown in the dumpster… That’s the credibility it has

Nope, I'm not even at the credibility question. Even if I were willing to stipulate that everything he said was gospel truth, carved in stone by the finger of God, I'm still missing anything he said that was really meaningful.

Trump's a lousy person with a decided lack of character. Okay, already knew that. Didn't vote for him because of that. Everyone else knew that, and already decided for themselves whether or not it was important to them. Nothing changed.

For his testimony to actually matter, it's going to have to contain something beyond confirmation bias that genuinely affects his Presidency, and I just don't see any indication that it did.
Good stuff today. Trump’s actions should be discussed. Next up? Hope Hicks?

See if you can manage to relate it to the topic of the thread. Did any of that "good stuff" involve any reason the American people - y'know, the ones who aren't feverishly looking for any reason they can invent to vilify Trump - to actually give a damn? Or was it just more "he's a big poopyhead"?

Those who are intelligent enough to know what was being discussed were interested. A worthless hack on a message board? No, they probably didn’t care since their messiah’s reputation was being tarnished.

*yawn* Can't imagine why the 3654165169th repetition of "If you don't hate Trump and want him drawn and quartered, it can ONLY be because you're a slavish worshipper!!!! I'm too obsessed with hating him to admit any other possibility!" was so desperately necessary that you had to spew it again here.

And seriously, Cornball, don't EVER confuse your interest in anything with intelligence. In fact, don't ever confuse your existence with intelligence.

If there was really anything "interesting" there, you'd be telling us what it is, instead of trying to fake this lofty tone of vague hints that "something" was there that only the "intelligent" - read "frothing rabid leftist partisans" - noticed. Since I note that that is not the case, I can only assume this post translates to "Orgasms over Trump insults!!!!"
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
It would only matter if Cohen was Obama's or Hillary's long time personal lawyer...

But since he is Trump's long time personal lawyer, its obvious he barely knew the inside workings of Trump's businesses....
When Sammy the Bull Gravano testified against his boss and help put Gotti in jail, did anyone doubt his testimony because he was a known to be involved in 19 murders

Its not always about the person who is testifying at a trial but what he knows about his former boss

And does it fit into the larger picture

Yes, actually, the cops and the prosecutor did, so they insisted that he provide some sort of corroboration, whereas someone who WASN'T a known criminal might have just been taken at his word.

Meanwhile, none of this answers my question: Why am I supposed to care about Cohen's testimony? As far as I can tell, he doesn't "know" anything about his former boss that's of any particular interest to me at all.

How can anyone answer why you do not care about his testimony

It is a personal preference

My point is that he knows trump as he has worked for him for many years

They know each other

He has insight that is on a business and a personal level

He knows more about trump and is willing to talk

whether you believe him is your prerogative

whether you care is your prerogative

Unfortunately it will be up to congressional members who will have collaborating material that the normal citizen might not have to make their own decisions

I didn't ask you why I don't care.

Let me know if I'm still going over your head.

"I asked you why I'm supposed to."

"What did he say that actually means anything to the American people? What did he say that is actionable/impacts on his Presidency?"

Do you see the difference between those two statements

One is self centered

The other asks a broader question about the American people and how it impacts on his presidency

I assumed you watch the testimony but that is only an assumption

Trump’s written responses to Mueller questions included a denial that Stone had told him about WikiLeaks plan to leak clinton emails

Cohen’s testimony said that he was present when Stone called Trump and told him about wikileaks intention to release clinton's email that were hacked by the russians

This means Trump lied to Mueller

Now if this does not bother you then that your opinion

To the American public it shows yet another Trump lie and this time he lied to an investigator doing an investigation which is a crime.

Repubs tried to Impeach Bill Clinton because he lied to a grand jury
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
I don't know about you but I expect my president to be better than I am. Being an ill tempered brawler who lacks even a hint of common decency and civility is not the hallmark of a great president but rather a man whose success is due to cheating, lying, and manipulating others.
Look, the Demon-crats are way worse than anything a Trump could ever be in life, and attempting to make him look as bad as the Demon-crats already do, and this in regards to the American people is just laughable actually.
And what democratic president after being in office just 2 years has had 6 members of his staff convinced of crimes and 4 cabinet members forced to resign over ethics violations. And what democrat president is credited with 7645 misleading or false claims in just 710 days. And what democrat president has presided over a longer goverment shutdown than Trump. And what democrat president has used a national emergency declaration to go against the will of congress. And what democratic president has lost more staff than Trump. We have had some crappy democrat and republican presidents but none can hold a candle to Trump.
Easy - The Demon-crats were getting a pass just like Hillary was given in these years gone by now. Hopefully the trend is changing, and the hypocrisy will come to an end in it all. For years it was thought that the demon-crats represented the poor and downtrodden in life, but it turns out that they just saw these people as weak, and dumb enough to be used for political power and for manipulative purposes until got that power, then it was like "get back in the box BOY", we'll call you up in about 4 years again......
So a bitter 4 count convicted felon heading to prison says negatives things about his ex employer.

Only hard core TDS liberal loons will believe anything this guy says and think they're an impeachable offense. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
When Sammy the Bull Gravano testified against his boss and help put Gotti in jail, did anyone doubt his testimony because he was a known to be involved in 19 murders

Its not always about the person who is testifying at a trial but what he knows about his former boss

And does it fit into the larger picture

Yes, actually, the cops and the prosecutor did, so they insisted that he provide some sort of corroboration, whereas someone who WASN'T a known criminal might have just been taken at his word.

Meanwhile, none of this answers my question: Why am I supposed to care about Cohen's testimony? As far as I can tell, he doesn't "know" anything about his former boss that's of any particular interest to me at all.

How can anyone answer why you do not care about his testimony

It is a personal preference

My point is that he knows trump as he has worked for him for many years

They know each other

He has insight that is on a business and a personal level

He knows more about trump and is willing to talk

whether you believe him is your prerogative

whether you care is your prerogative

Unfortunately it will be up to congressional members who will have collaborating material that the normal citizen might not have to make their own decisions

I didn't ask you why I don't care.

Let me know if I'm still going over your head.

"I asked you why I'm supposed to."

"What did he say that actually means anything to the American people? What did he say that is actionable/impacts on his Presidency?"

Do you see the difference between those two statements

One is self centered

The other asks a broader question about the American people and how it impacts on his presidency

What I see is you word-parsing like a food processor gone berserk.

However much you desperately want to focus on this made-up distinction without a difference in order to avoid having to admit that he didn't actually say a damned thing that meant anything, it's not gonna happen. I am a member of "the American people"; born that way, y'know. So they are actually the exact same question. The reason I phrased it differently the second time was to clarify that I'm not asking you to speak to my personal interests, preferences, and biases; I am, in both questions, asking you to speak specifically to what he said that matters to me as an American citizen. I further clarified what I meant by that with my third question, "What did he say that was actionable or impacts on the Presidency".

Now that we have completed your course in Remedial Reading for Asshats Who Want To Pretend Not to Understand, perhaps you could stop wasting time and give an answer.

I assumed you watch the testimony but that is only an assumption

Trump’s written responses to Mueller questions included a denial that Stone had told him about WikiLeaks plan to leak clinton emails

Cohen’s testimony said that he was present when Stone called Trump and told him about wikileaks intention to release clinton's email that were hacked by the russians

This means Trump lied to Mueller

Now if this does not bother you then that your opinion

To the American public it shows yet another Trump lie and this time he lied to an investigator doing an investigation which is a crime.

Repubs tried to Impeach Bill Clinton because he lied to a grand jury

First of all, Bill Clinton lied to the grand jury about whether or not he had committed a criminal act. So far as I know, having Stone tell him about WikiLeaks isn't criminal in and of itself. So there's a bit of a difference there.

Not really seeing that as particularly actionable, particularly since Cohen can't prove it, so it's just more "he said/he said".

That being said, I appreciate that you became the first person - after 11 pages of posts - to FINALLY list an actual thing he said, rather than just falling back on dark vagueries about "Oooh, it's really bad for Trump; ooh, it's so significant, if you don't agree it's just because you're stupid".
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, actually less than zero credibility.
And in any real court would never except any testimony from the guy because he already lied in front of Congress under oath so shut the fuck up
So...since you believe that Cohen lied today, report those lies to the Authorities to extend his prison sentence.
Only a fool would believe anything that clown would say...

Still stuck on, "Even if I do believe him, so what? What about this actually means anything to me?"
Yep, his whole testimony should be thrown in the dumpster… That’s the credibility it has

Nope, I'm not even at the credibility question. Even if I were willing to stipulate that everything he said was gospel truth, carved in stone by the finger of God, I'm still missing anything he said that was really meaningful.

Trump's a lousy person with a decided lack of character. Okay, already knew that. Didn't vote for him because of that. Everyone else knew that, and already decided for themselves whether or not it was important to them. Nothing changed.

For his testimony to actually matter, it's going to have to contain something beyond confirmation bias that genuinely affects his Presidency, and I just don't see any indication that it did.
This is something I keep telling people on the left. Trump supporters don't care if he cheats, lies, or for that matter is guilty of actual crimes. Most people that support Trump are authoritarians; that is they favor a leader who get's things done regardless of method. What democrats need to ask themselves is this the belief of most voters. If it is, then they need to run someone who will use the same tactics as Trump, someone who is morally bankrupt who not only believes the end always justifies the means but is willing make that part his campaign.
When Sammy the Bull Gravano testified against his boss and help put Gotti in jail, did anyone doubt his testimony because he was a known to be involved in 19 murders

Its not always about the person who is testifying at a trial but what he knows about his former boss

And does it fit into the larger picture

Yes, actually, the cops and the prosecutor did, so they insisted that he provide some sort of corroboration, whereas someone who WASN'T a known criminal might have just been taken at his word.

Meanwhile, none of this answers my question: Why am I supposed to care about Cohen's testimony? As far as I can tell, he doesn't "know" anything about his former boss that's of any particular interest to me at all.

How can anyone answer why you do not care about his testimony

It is a personal preference

My point is that he knows trump as he has worked for him for many years

They know each other

He has insight that is on a business and a personal level

He knows more about trump and is willing to talk

whether you believe him is your prerogative

whether you care is your prerogative

Unfortunately it will be up to congressional members who will have collaborating material that the normal citizen might not have to make their own decisions

I didn't ask you why I don't care.

Let me know if I'm still going over your head.

"I asked you why I'm supposed to."

"What did he say that actually means anything to the American people? What did he say that is actionable/impacts on his Presidency?"

Do you see the difference between those two statements

One is self centered

The other asks a broader question about the American people and how it impacts on his presidency

What I see is you word-parsing like a food processor gone berserk.

However much you desperately want to focus on this made-up distinction without a difference in order to avoid having to admit that he didn't actually say a damned thing that meant anything, it's not gonna happen. I am a member of "the American people"; born that way, y'know. So they are actually the exact same question. The reason I phrased it differently the second time was to clarify that I'm not asking you to speak to my personal interests, preferences, and biases; I am, in both questions, asking you to speak specifically to what he said that matters to me as an American citizen. I further clarified what I meant by that with my third question, "What did he say that was actionable or impacts on the Presidency".

Now that we have completed your course in Remedial Reading for Asshats Who Want To Pretend Not to Understand, perhaps you could stop wasting time and give an answer.

I assumed you watch the testimony but that is only an assumption

Trump’s written responses to Mueller questions included a denial that Stone had told him about WikiLeaks plan to leak clinton emails

Cohen’s testimony said that he was present when Stone called Trump and told him about wikileaks intention to release clinton's email that were hacked by the russians

This means Trump lied to Mueller

Now if this does not bother you then that your opinion

To the American public it shows yet another Trump lie and this time he lied to an investigator doing an investigation which is a crime.

Repubs tried to Impeach Bill Clinton because he lied to a grand jury

First of all, Bill Clinton lied to the grand jury about whether or not he had committed a criminal act. So far as I know, having Stone tell him about WikiLeaks isn't criminal in and of itself. So there's a bit of a difference there.

Not really seeing that as particularly actionable, particularly since Cohen can't prove it, so it's just more "he said/he said".

That being said, I appreciate that you became the first person - after 11 pages of posts - to FINALLY list an actual thing he said, rather than just falling back on dark vagueries about "Oooh, it's really bad for Trump; ooh, it's so significant, if you don't agree it's just because you're stupid".
Fabrications have long been a part of American politics. Politicians lie to puff themselves up, to burnish their resumes and to cover up misdeeds, including sexual affairs such as Bill Clinton. Sometimes they cite false information for what they believe are justifiable policy reasons. But Trump has taken lying to a whole new level.

From his days peddling the false notion that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, to his inflated claims about how many people attended his inaugural, to receiving phone calls he never received to making claims contrary to his own statements, Donald Trump's lying is deeply ingrained in his personality. When he feels it's to his advantage, he tells people what they want to hear or what they don't want to hear. Whether it's true or not, makes no difference at all to him. This is why, his people fight to keep him from testifying because they know he will lie. He can't help it.
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Cohen provided lots of personal accusations but no facts. “He’s a bad man and I’m sorry I worked for him for over a decade but I’m pure now and he’s a bad man. He also did what they ALL do to get elected but we are mad he won because he’s a bad man”
Sounded like a jilted prom queen speaking.
So...since you believe that Cohen lied today, report those lies to the Authorities to extend his prison sentence.
Only a fool would believe anything that clown would say...

Still stuck on, "Even if I do believe him, so what? What about this actually means anything to me?"
Yep, his whole testimony should be thrown in the dumpster… That’s the credibility it has

Nope, I'm not even at the credibility question. Even if I were willing to stipulate that everything he said was gospel truth, carved in stone by the finger of God, I'm still missing anything he said that was really meaningful.

Trump's a lousy person with a decided lack of character. Okay, already knew that. Didn't vote for him because of that. Everyone else knew that, and already decided for themselves whether or not it was important to them. Nothing changed.

For his testimony to actually matter, it's going to have to contain something beyond confirmation bias that genuinely affects his Presidency, and I just don't see any indication that it did.
This is something I keep telling people on the left. Trump supporters don't care if he cheats, lies, or for that matter is guilty of actual crimes. Most people that support Trump are authoritarians; that is they favor a leader who get's things done regardless of method. What democrats need to ask themselves is this the belief of most voters. If it is, then they need to run someone who will use the same tactics as Trump, someone who is morally bankrupt who not only believes the end always justifies the means but is willing make that part his campaign.

1) I'm not a Trump supporter. But your assumption that anyone who doesn't agree with you MUST be one means YOU are an ass clown.

2) I would care if he committed a crime. Can't imagine how you can look at testimony that manifestly does not prove a crime was committed and surmise that because I think it was pointless means that I "wouldn't care if he committed a crime" says nothing about the people you erroneously label Trump supporters and everything about people with TDR.

Whether or not I care enough about cheating and lying to want to drag the country through any sort of protracted procedure about it depends entirely on what he cheated and lied about. And I don't see much reason at all to care about the one alleged lie Cohen accused him of, regarding WikiLeaks, because I didn't see any sort of corroborating evidence of it.

3) I'm laughing derisively at your pathetic attempt to pretend anyone on the right, Trump and his supporters or otherwise, is more authoritarian and focused on ends over means than your average Democrat. Waiter, could we get the reality check at this table?! Puhleeze.

4) If you're just now advising Democrats to "run someone morally bankrupt who believes the end justifies the means", then you're several decades too late. They're already way ahead of you there.
Yes, actually, the cops and the prosecutor did, so they insisted that he provide some sort of corroboration, whereas someone who WASN'T a known criminal might have just been taken at his word.

Meanwhile, none of this answers my question: Why am I supposed to care about Cohen's testimony? As far as I can tell, he doesn't "know" anything about his former boss that's of any particular interest to me at all.

How can anyone answer why you do not care about his testimony

It is a personal preference

My point is that he knows trump as he has worked for him for many years

They know each other

He has insight that is on a business and a personal level

He knows more about trump and is willing to talk

whether you believe him is your prerogative

whether you care is your prerogative

Unfortunately it will be up to congressional members who will have collaborating material that the normal citizen might not have to make their own decisions

I didn't ask you why I don't care.

Let me know if I'm still going over your head.

"I asked you why I'm supposed to."

"What did he say that actually means anything to the American people? What did he say that is actionable/impacts on his Presidency?"

Do you see the difference between those two statements

One is self centered

The other asks a broader question about the American people and how it impacts on his presidency

What I see is you word-parsing like a food processor gone berserk.

However much you desperately want to focus on this made-up distinction without a difference in order to avoid having to admit that he didn't actually say a damned thing that meant anything, it's not gonna happen. I am a member of "the American people"; born that way, y'know. So they are actually the exact same question. The reason I phrased it differently the second time was to clarify that I'm not asking you to speak to my personal interests, preferences, and biases; I am, in both questions, asking you to speak specifically to what he said that matters to me as an American citizen. I further clarified what I meant by that with my third question, "What did he say that was actionable or impacts on the Presidency".

Now that we have completed your course in Remedial Reading for Asshats Who Want To Pretend Not to Understand, perhaps you could stop wasting time and give an answer.

I assumed you watch the testimony but that is only an assumption

Trump’s written responses to Mueller questions included a denial that Stone had told him about WikiLeaks plan to leak clinton emails

Cohen’s testimony said that he was present when Stone called Trump and told him about wikileaks intention to release clinton's email that were hacked by the russians

This means Trump lied to Mueller

Now if this does not bother you then that your opinion

To the American public it shows yet another Trump lie and this time he lied to an investigator doing an investigation which is a crime.

Repubs tried to Impeach Bill Clinton because he lied to a grand jury

First of all, Bill Clinton lied to the grand jury about whether or not he had committed a criminal act. So far as I know, having Stone tell him about WikiLeaks isn't criminal in and of itself. So there's a bit of a difference there.

Not really seeing that as particularly actionable, particularly since Cohen can't prove it, so it's just more "he said/he said".

That being said, I appreciate that you became the first person - after 11 pages of posts - to FINALLY list an actual thing he said, rather than just falling back on dark vagueries about "Oooh, it's really bad for Trump; ooh, it's so significant, if you don't agree it's just because you're stupid".
Fabrications have long been a part of American politics. Politicians lie to puff themselves up, to burnish their resumes and to cover up misdeeds, including sexual affairs such as Bill Clinton. Sometimes they cite false information for what they believe are justifiable policy reasons. But Trump has taken lying to a whole new level.

From his days peddling the false notion that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, to his inflated claims about how many people attended his inaugural, to receiving phone calls he never received to making claims contrary to his own statements, Donald Trump's lying is deeply ingrained in his personality. When he feels it's to his advantage, he tells people what they want to hear or what they don't want to hear. Whether it's true or not, makes no difference at all to him. This is why, his people fight to keep him from testifying because they know he will lie. He can't help it.

Gosh, how did you know that I was hungering for another meaningless repetition of "Orange Man Bad", because I certainly didn't ask for one?

Is it really that you find lying reprehensible and intolerable, or that you're pissed that someone might have been stealing the left's schtick?
When Sammy the Bull Gravano testified against his boss and help put Gotti in jail, did anyone doubt his testimony because he was a known to be involved in 19 murders

Its not always about the person who is testifying at a trial but what he knows about his former boss

And does it fit into the larger picture

Yes, actually, the cops and the prosecutor did, so they insisted that he provide some sort of corroboration, whereas someone who WASN'T a known criminal might have just been taken at his word.

Meanwhile, none of this answers my question: Why am I supposed to care about Cohen's testimony? As far as I can tell, he doesn't "know" anything about his former boss that's of any particular interest to me at all.

How can anyone answer why you do not care about his testimony

It is a personal preference

My point is that he knows trump as he has worked for him for many years

They know each other

He has insight that is on a business and a personal level

He knows more about trump and is willing to talk

whether you believe him is your prerogative

whether you care is your prerogative

Unfortunately it will be up to congressional members who will have collaborating material that the normal citizen might not have to make their own decisions

I didn't ask you why I don't care.

Let me know if I'm still going over your head.

"I asked you why I'm supposed to."

"What did he say that actually means anything to the American people? What did he say that is actionable/impacts on his Presidency?"

Do you see the difference between those two statements

One is self centered

The other asks a broader question about the American people and how it impacts on his presidency

What I see is you word-parsing like a food processor gone berserk.

However much you desperately want to focus on this made-up distinction without a difference in order to avoid having to admit that he didn't actually say a damned thing that meant anything, it's not gonna happen. I am a member of "the American people"; born that way, y'know. So they are actually the exact same question. The reason I phrased it differently the second time was to clarify that I'm not asking you to speak to my personal interests, preferences, and biases; I am, in both questions, asking you to speak specifically to what he said that matters to me as an American citizen. I further clarified what I meant by that with my third question, "What did he say that was actionable or impacts on the Presidency".

Now that we have completed your course in Remedial Reading for Asshats Who Want To Pretend Not to Understand, perhaps you could stop wasting time and give an answer.

I assumed you watch the testimony but that is only an assumption

Trump’s written responses to Mueller questions included a denial that Stone had told him about WikiLeaks plan to leak clinton emails

Cohen’s testimony said that he was present when Stone called Trump and told him about wikileaks intention to release clinton's email that were hacked by the russians

This means Trump lied to Mueller

Now if this does not bother you then that your opinion

To the American public it shows yet another Trump lie and this time he lied to an investigator doing an investigation which is a crime.

Repubs tried to Impeach Bill Clinton because he lied to a grand jury

First of all, Bill Clinton lied to the grand jury about whether or not he had committed a criminal act. So far as I know, having Stone tell him about WikiLeaks isn't criminal in and of itself. So there's a bit of a difference there.

Not really seeing that as particularly actionable, particularly since Cohen can't prove it, so it's just more "he said/he said".

That being said, I appreciate that you became the first person - after 11 pages of posts - to FINALLY list an actual thing he said, rather than just falling back on dark vagueries about "Oooh, it's really bad for Trump; ooh, it's so significant, if you don't agree it's just because you're stupid".
If you look at bills of impeachment, you will see that most articles are not crimes in themselves. High crimes and misdemeanors include abuses of authority, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, etc which in themselves are not crimes. However for a president to have knowledge of a crime and fail to take action could certain be a "high crime or misdemeanor".

Making false statements
(18 U.S.C. § 1001) is the common name for the United States federal process crime laid out in Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which generally prohibits knowingly and willfully making false or fraudulent statements, or concealing information, in "any matter within the jurisdiction" of the federal government of the United States

He said she said is a problem

All rape cases in courts are just that

It will depend on who has the most collaborating evidence

whose problem it is will depend on whether Mueller has collaborating evidence

because Trump has denied that Stone told him about the wikileak's Clinton email dump in legally binding assurances to the government.

Cohen is a witness that this is a lie, now it is up to Mueller to have more collaborating evidence on whom is speaking the truth

If Mueller can take down stone who is literally stonewalling Mueller investigation then trump will have a very big problem

will it mean that Trump will be impeached , well Clinton wasn't
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
I think h e made the Dimocrats look stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid.
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
Of course you don't see anything to be concerned about. You like it when people lie to you. You like it when laws are broken. You like an amoral, liar & cheat to run our country.
He hasn't let any US Ambassadors get Murdered , or given 150,000,000,000 to our enemies so there's that. And you shouldn't talk about Bill Clinton Like that he hasn't been president for a long time, and Hillary never will be.:highfive:
Only a fool would believe anything that clown would say...

Still stuck on, "Even if I do believe him, so what? What about this actually means anything to me?"
Yep, his whole testimony should be thrown in the dumpster… That’s the credibility it has

Nope, I'm not even at the credibility question. Even if I were willing to stipulate that everything he said was gospel truth, carved in stone by the finger of God, I'm still missing anything he said that was really meaningful.

Trump's a lousy person with a decided lack of character. Okay, already knew that. Didn't vote for him because of that. Everyone else knew that, and already decided for themselves whether or not it was important to them. Nothing changed.

For his testimony to actually matter, it's going to have to contain something beyond confirmation bias that genuinely affects his Presidency, and I just don't see any indication that it did.
This is something I keep telling people on the left. Trump supporters don't care if he cheats, lies, or for that matter is guilty of actual crimes. Most people that support Trump are authoritarians; that is they favor a leader who get's things done regardless of method. What democrats need to ask themselves is this the belief of most voters. If it is, then they need to run someone who will use the same tactics as Trump, someone who is morally bankrupt who not only believes the end always justifies the means but is willing make that part his campaign.

1) I'm not a Trump supporter. But your assumption that anyone who doesn't agree with you MUST be one means YOU are an ass clown.

2) I would care if he committed a crime. Can't imagine how you can look at testimony that manifestly does not prove a crime was committed and surmise that because I think it was pointless means that I "wouldn't care if he committed a crime" says nothing about the people you erroneously label Trump supporters and everything about people with TDR.

Whether or not I care enough about cheating and lying to want to drag the country through any sort of protracted procedure about it depends entirely on what he cheated and lied about. And I don't see much reason at all to care about the one alleged lie Cohen accused him of, regarding WikiLeaks, because I didn't see any sort of corroborating evidence of it.

3) I'm laughing derisively at your pathetic attempt to pretend anyone on the right, Trump and his supporters or otherwise, is more authoritarian and focused on ends over means than your average Democrat. Waiter, could we get the reality check at this table?! Puhleeze.

4) If you're just now advising Democrats to "run someone morally bankrupt who believes the end justifies the means", then you're several decades too late. They're already way ahead of you there.
I didn't say you were a Trump supporter but if I implied that and you're not, then I apologize because calling someone a Trump supporter is about as profane as I get.

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