Michael Cohen's attorney says Cohen has info about Trump for Mueller

if you think cohen is finished spilling his guts youre dumber than you seem

What evidence specifically makes it definite that Cohen will spill his guts for you ? I will consider your evidence - that is if I am not too dumb to understand it.
if you think cohen is finished spilling his guts youre dumber than you seem

What evidence specifically makes it definite that Cohen will spill his guts for you ? I will consider your evidence - that is if I am not too dumb to understand it.
Freak just tried that lame “show me the evidence” line with me... we are having a discussion and expressing our opinions here using events, logic and observations. Wait and see how things play out. If you have a different opinion then express it.
if you think cohen is finished spilling his guts youre dumber than you seem

What evidence specifically makes it definite that Cohen will spill his guts for you ? I will consider your evidence - that is if I am not too dumb to understand it.

ask Davis, cohens lawyer ..

‘no collusion, no collusion, no collusion'” is the issue of criminal conspiracy, which he distinguished from collusion. (For the record, Davis said he thinks there was also collusion, meaning “active coordination between people in the Trump campaign and Russian government officials.”)

A conspiracy to commit a crime becomes a crime if there’s one overt act — meaning you do anything to implement the crime,” Davis added. “So if there is a conversation and a plan for there to be dirt on Hillary Clinton, and then someone knows the way you’re willing to get the dirt is a Russian agent called WikiLeaks… and then WikiLeaks hacks into an email account, which is a crime, then you have committed a crime of conspiracy.”

A crime of conspiracy, he maintained, “could mean that somebody knows about a crime about to be committed and doesn’t call the FBI.”

Thank you Mr Cohen for clearing up Trumps request for the Russians to make the emails public - and why they did it the very next day ...

now Mr Cohen - tell us everything you know about Trump and the meetings with Russians in Trump Tower ....

meanwhile back at the golf course ....................................................
Mueller had Cohen's home and office raided, so why would Mueller need Cohen to give him something he already has? Cohen's word on something is truth. If Cohen actually had something on TRUMP he would have been able to receive immunity like Gates.
What evidence specifically makes it definite that Cohen will spill his guts for you ?
The evidence that he obviously desires a lighter sentence...the evidence that his lawyer says he has info to provide....

What else would you require?
Mueller had Cohen's home and office raided, so why would Mueller need Cohen to give him something he already has?
Simple....Mueller may not have all the info, as not everything pertinent is necessarily on tapes or documents seized from Cohen. Furthermore, some 9f those materials may be inadmissible.
I doubt they'll do something to Trump anyhow ... He is the President and have thick skin ... we'll just have to wait and see what Cohen brings to that Nazi Mueller.


Michael Cohen's attorney says Cohen has info about Trump for Mueller
2 hours ago
You can’t be so naive as to think that Trump is clean, can you?! Of course there is dirt. There is a reason why he wouldn’t release his tax returns. Follow the money and you will likely find the dirt

So by your way of reasoning, the lack of evidence is evidence of something! So there must be a reason why Obama wouldn't release his school records and a reason why Clinton wouldn't release his medical records. I kinda thought so too.
I didn’t say anything about evidence, don’t put words in my mouth. I’m jist saying if we cut the crap I think we all have a pretty good idea of what’s going on. If you really don’t rhen just wait and see the rest of this debacle play out. I just wouldn’t be too loud and vocal on a position that Trump is clean.
you got anything on him? if not, he's clean.
Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

This is very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.

Paying you to be quiet is not a crime.
You are another parroting idiot without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.


That means it was a crime.

Stop eating the bullshit being shoveled into your mouth.

Yes one of two of the charges are tied to the payment to two women and failure of Cohen to report that as campaign contribution.

The payment to someone to be quiet on your behalf is just as legal as paying someone to speak on your behalf.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.
Except Cohen released a tape showing Trump had no idea about the payment......kinda sucks Cohen cucked himself
So by your way of reasoning, the lack of evidence is evidence of something! So there must be a reason why Obama wouldn't release his school records and a reason why Clinton wouldn't release his medical records. I kinda thought so too.
No President has ever released their college records, dumbass.

So I had to release my school transcripts and birth certificate to get my job, but you don't have to, to be president. Got it. And Obama NEVER released his transcripts or birth certificate to no one NEVER in his entire life. I guess because he never actually had a real Job.

Hell the guy didn't do any work in the White House! And he still hasn't worked since. Obama, the perfect ultimate welfare queen.
No President has ever released their school transcripts. And the black guy is the only President in which you hacks ever expressed an interest in seeing his birth certificate.

He's the only one where he, his wife, his home town in Kenya, and his book publisher all claimed he was foreign born.
Oh God, don’t start with the brother crap. Are you wanting people to take you seriously?

Looks like you just caught yourself another stupid birther.

Here's how just down right stupid and lazy birthers are.

If they had taken two seconds to do a search on line they would know it's impossible for Obama to have been born in Kenya in 1961.

If they had paid any attention to their teachers in school when they learned World History they would know it's impossible for Obama to have been born in Kenya in 1961.

For the reason that Kenya didn't exist in 1961.

A person can't be born in a nation that doesn't exist.

That is how down right stupid and lazy birthers are.
Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

This is very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.

Paying you to be quiet is not a crime.
You are another parroting idiot without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.


That means it was a crime.

Stop eating the bullshit being shoveled into your mouth.

Yes one of two of the charges are tied to the payment to two women and failure of Cohen to report that as campaign contribution.

The payment to someone to be quiet on your behalf is just as legal as paying someone to speak on your behalf.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.
Except Cohen released a tape showing Trump had no idea about the payment......kinda sucks Cohen cucked himself

Paying you to be quiet is not a crime.
You are another parroting idiot without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.


That means it was a crime.

Stop eating the bullshit being shoveled into your mouth.

Yes one of two of the charges are tied to the payment to two women and failure of Cohen to report that as campaign contribution.

The payment to someone to be quiet on your behalf is just as legal as paying someone to speak on your behalf.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.
Except Cohen released a tape showing Trump had no idea about the payment......kinda sucks Cohen cucked himself


What financing is a quote from Trump.
No President has ever released their college records, dumbass.

So I had to release my school transcripts and birth certificate to get my job, but you don't have to, to be president. Got it. And Obama NEVER released his transcripts or birth certificate to no one NEVER in his entire life. I guess because he never actually had a real Job.

Hell the guy didn't do any work in the White House! And he still hasn't worked since. Obama, the perfect ultimate welfare queen.
No President has ever released their school transcripts. And the black guy is the only President in which you hacks ever expressed an interest in seeing his birth certificate.

He's the only one where he, his wife, his home town in Kenya, and his book publisher all claimed he was foreign born.
Oh God, don’t start with the brother crap. Are you wanting people to take you seriously?

Looks like you just caught yourself another stupid birther.

Here's how just down right stupid and lazy birthers are.

If they had taken two seconds to do a search on line they would know it's impossible for Obama to have been born in Kenya in 1961.

If they had paid any attention to their teachers in school when they learned World History they would know it's impossible for Obama to have been born in Kenya in 1961.

For the reason that Kenya didn't exist in 1961.

A person can't be born in a nation that doesn't exist.

That is how down right stupid and lazy birthers are.

Oops, sorry, jackass, before 1963, Kenya DID exist, just that the region was then known as the Colony of Kenya. BFD.

Kenya Colony - Wikipedia

Bantu Obama was BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, HIS WIFE'S ADMISSION, and HIS PUBLISHER'S ADMISSION, born in the region now known as KENYA, which ain't, my sweet Jackass, the United Freeking States.

Obumma never was a legal U.S. President. (which is why Nancy ran around getting him on the candidate registrations in all 50 states).

Everything he ever did is null and void. Thanks to Trump, by the end of his term, everything Obumma did WILL be null and void.

PS: His home village in Kenya and his grandmother and brother all say/said he was born there too.
I doubt they'll do something to Trump anyhow ... He is the President and have thick skin ... we'll just have to wait and see what Cohen brings to that Nazi Mueller.


Michael Cohen's attorney says Cohen has info about Trump for Mueller
2 hours ago
You can’t be so naive as to think that Trump is clean, can you?! Of course there is dirt. There is a reason why he wouldn’t release his tax returns. Follow the money and you will likely find the dirt
I never said I thought Trump was clean (or entirely clean, at the least) ... I just don't think they'll do anything to him. :)

And Trump is STILL better than the bitch named Hillary. ;)
I’m tired of the Hillary diversion. Let it go
Nope. Why should I ....... ( Such irony, btw ) :)
Because you sound like a fool that has no arguement so you divert to Clinton. It’s a weak way of debating. If that’s how you want to come across then fine, it’s your right.

Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
You can’t be so naive as to think that Trump is clean, can you?! Of course there is dirt. There is a reason why he wouldn’t release his tax returns. Follow the money and you will likely find the dirt
I never said I thought Trump was clean (or entirely clean, at the least) ... I just don't think they'll do anything to him. :)

And Trump is STILL better than the bitch named Hillary. ;)
I’m tired of the Hillary diversion. Let it go
Nope. Why should I ....... ( Such irony, btw ) :)
Because you sound like a fool that has no arguement so you divert to Clinton. It’s a weak way of debating. If that’s how you want to come across then fine, it’s your right.

Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.
I never said I thought Trump was clean (or entirely clean, at the least) ... I just don't think they'll do anything to him. :)

And Trump is STILL better than the bitch named Hillary. ;)
I’m tired of the Hillary diversion. Let it go
Nope. Why should I ....... ( Such irony, btw ) :)
Because you sound like a fool that has no arguement so you divert to Clinton. It’s a weak way of debating. If that’s how you want to come across then fine, it’s your right.

Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.

It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
You are another parroting idiot without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.


That means it was a crime.

Stop eating the bullshit being shoveled into your mouth.

Yes one of two of the charges are tied to the payment to two women and failure of Cohen to report that as campaign contribution.

The payment to someone to be quiet on your behalf is just as legal as paying someone to speak on your behalf.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.
Except Cohen released a tape showing Trump had no idea about the payment......kinda sucks Cohen cucked himself


What financing is a quote from Trump.

cohen tells trump he needs to open a company- bla bla bla

regardless BOTH conspired to break federal campaign laws and cohen includes a third party ON THE RECORDING - ALAN

their problem is failing to DISCLOSE the payments .... a criminal offense



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