Michael Cohen's attorney says Cohen has info about Trump for Mueller

I’m tired of the Hillary diversion. Let it go
Nope. Why should I ....... ( Such irony, btw ) :)
Because you sound like a fool that has no arguement so you divert to Clinton. It’s a weak way of debating. If that’s how you want to come across then fine, it’s your right.

Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.

It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.
Is it a crime to use a fake dossier created by dirt from Russia paid for by an opposing campaign to try to affect an election?

Apparently that's clean as the summer breeze.
Nope. Why should I ....... ( Such irony, btw ) :)
Because you sound like a fool that has no arguement so you divert to Clinton. It’s a weak way of debating. If that’s how you want to come across then fine, it’s your right.

Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.

It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.

I had you on ignore for months specifically for race baiting. Grow the fuck up. I'm not being unfair to you at all.

And I've never once seen you disavow any of the stupid shit Democrats are doing calling everyone racists and Nazis or the stupid shit that Russia is running our government. Grow the fuck up. Either man up and cut the stupid shit and say it's wrong or stop whining when you get called on it.

And I am being completely fair to hate filled racist morons who call half the country racist Nazis and keep saying stupid crap like Russia owns Trump. There is nothing positive to acknowledge in that. Leftists are destroying your own country. No, I don't respect leftists at all, and that is the correct amount of respect to give people who pull the stupid crap to your own country that you do.

You are destroying America. I'm not interested in a touchy feely discussion of why you hate us so much
Last edited:
I believe things that are supported by facts and logic, but I’ve been around long enough to take everything I hear from 3rd parties with a grain of salt.
Trump didn't release his tax returns because it's none of your fucking business
Haha, yeah good one. And everybody else did release their tax returns because it’s none of our fucking business too huh?

Their choice, but their financial/tax situations are very different.

You only want them to find things to attack him with.

Neither of us cares what they actually say
I have little doubt that if you dig into Trumps finances you’d find the same crimes as Cohen and manafort just got busted for. It’s no mystery why he was hiding his tax returns. Get real and honest we all know what’s going on
what about Al Sharpton or Hitlery Clinton or any congress person, let's say Maxine Waters? you don't think you'd find the same sort of shit? you are naive if you don't.
"Whataboutism"......just about the last desperate gasp of the Trump cult.
Trump didn't release his tax returns because it's none of your fucking business
Haha, yeah good one. And everybody else did release their tax returns because it’s none of our fucking business too huh?

Their choice, but their financial/tax situations are very different.

You only want them to find things to attack him with.

Neither of us cares what they actually say
I have little doubt that if you dig into Trumps finances you’d find the same crimes as Cohen and manafort just got busted for. It’s no mystery why he was hiding his tax returns. Get real and honest we all know what’s going on
what about Al Sharpton or Hitlery Clinton or any congress person, let's say Maxine Waters? you don't think you'd find the same sort of shit? you are naive if you don't.
"Whataboutism"......just about the last desperate gasp of the Trump cult.

Of course your hypocrisy is relevant. It means this isn't a standard to you, just a hack partisan attack. It's hilarious how stupid you are that you don't grasp that. That you apply your standards to Republicans and not Democrats shows that all that's driving you is your butt hurt that Trump beat your queen and now keeps beating you like a drum
Because you sound like a fool that has no arguement so you divert to Clinton. It’s a weak way of debating. If that’s how you want to come across then fine, it’s your right.

Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.

It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.

I had you on ignore for months specifically for race baiting. Grow the fuck up. I'm not being unfair to you at all.

And I've never once seen you disavow any of the stupid shit Democrats are doing calling everyone racists and Nazis or the stupid shit that Russia is running our government. Grow the fuck up. Either man up and cut the stupid shit and say it's wrong or stop whining when you get called on it.

And I am being completely fair to hate filled racist morons who call half the country racist Nazis and keep saying stupid crap like Russia owns Trump. There is nothing positive to acknowledge in that. Leftists are destroying your own country. No, I don't respect leftists at all, and that is the correct amount of respect to give people who pull the stupid crap to your own country that you do.

You are destroying America. I'm not interested in a touchy feely discussion of why you hate us so much
I disenvow shit from the Left all the time. Yesterday morning I was watching New Day and Warren gave a joke of an interview and Berman was a puff cake. He asked a good question about the Tibbets murder and illegal immigration but she diverted to family separation. I hate that shit. Both should be put on blast for that... I saw Gutfield and Tucker both mention it.

Your race bait bullshit is just that, bullshit. I don’t do that and I call people out who do it. I do ask challenging question of people all the time. You either got me confused with somebody else or you misunderstood a conversation if you thought I was race baiting. Or perhaps you couldn’t handle the tough questions and decided to ignore me.

I do find it funny that you go all snowflake on me and then do the same thing you accuse me of. You just implied that I’m a racist, hate filled Leftist who is destroying America. Real nice. What a joke.

Now that you’re all puffed up and defensive can you point to your recent critiques of Trump since you claim you are not a blind partisan?
Last edited:
Haha, yeah good one. And everybody else did release their tax returns because it’s none of our fucking business too huh?

Their choice, but their financial/tax situations are very different.

You only want them to find things to attack him with.

Neither of us cares what they actually say
I have little doubt that if you dig into Trumps finances you’d find the same crimes as Cohen and manafort just got busted for. It’s no mystery why he was hiding his tax returns. Get real and honest we all know what’s going on
what about Al Sharpton or Hitlery Clinton or any congress person, let's say Maxine Waters? you don't think you'd find the same sort of shit? you are naive if you don't.
"Whataboutism"......just about the last desperate gasp of the Trump cult.

Of course your hypocrisy is relevant. It means this isn't a standard to you, just a hack partisan attack. It's hilarious how stupid you are that you don't grasp that. That you apply your standards to Republicans and not Democrats shows that all that's driving you is your butt hurt that Trump beat your queen and now keeps beating you like a drum
There you go with the Trump defense again. So is your point that the “whataboutism” from Trump is ok because Dems do it?

It’s bullshit when anybody does it. Why can’t you just admit that?
Their choice, but their financial/tax situations are very different.

You only want them to find things to attack him with.

Neither of us cares what they actually say
I have little doubt that if you dig into Trumps finances you’d find the same crimes as Cohen and manafort just got busted for. It’s no mystery why he was hiding his tax returns. Get real and honest we all know what’s going on
what about Al Sharpton or Hitlery Clinton or any congress person, let's say Maxine Waters? you don't think you'd find the same sort of shit? you are naive if you don't.
"Whataboutism"......just about the last desperate gasp of the Trump cult.

Of course your hypocrisy is relevant. It means this isn't a standard to you, just a hack partisan attack. It's hilarious how stupid you are that you don't grasp that. That you apply your standards to Republicans and not Democrats shows that all that's driving you is your butt hurt that Trump beat your queen and now keeps beating you like a drum
There you go with the Trump defense again. So is your point that the “whataboutism” from Trump is ok because Dems do it?

It’s bullshit when anybody does it. Why can’t you just admit that?
not at all, merely pointing out that it's done on both sides. however, the payment was first discussed in 2011 prior to any campaign. so it will really be difficult to use it. And why cohen pleading guilty to it is stupid.
Obviously your hypocrisy is very relevant because it's an admission on your part you are hyper partisan
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.

It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.

I had you on ignore for months specifically for race baiting. Grow the fuck up. I'm not being unfair to you at all.

And I've never once seen you disavow any of the stupid shit Democrats are doing calling everyone racists and Nazis or the stupid shit that Russia is running our government. Grow the fuck up. Either man up and cut the stupid shit and say it's wrong or stop whining when you get called on it.

And I am being completely fair to hate filled racist morons who call half the country racist Nazis and keep saying stupid crap like Russia owns Trump. There is nothing positive to acknowledge in that. Leftists are destroying your own country. No, I don't respect leftists at all, and that is the correct amount of respect to give people who pull the stupid crap to your own country that you do.

You are destroying America. I'm not interested in a touchy feely discussion of why you hate us so much
I disenvow shit from the Left all the time. Yesterday morning I was watching New Day and Warren gave a joke of an interview and Berman was a puff cake. He asked a good question about the Tibbets murder and illegal immigration but she diverted to family separation. I hate that shit. Both should be put on blast for that... I saw Gutfield and Tucker both mention it.

Your race bait bullshit is just that. I don’t do that and I call people out who do it. You either got me confused with somebody else or you misunderstood a conversation if you thought I was race baiting.

Now that you’re all puffed up and defensive can you point to your recent critiques of Trump since you claim you are not a blind partisan?

Aww, the widdwe bawby is cwying again. Powr baba
Their choice, but their financial/tax situations are very different.

You only want them to find things to attack him with.

Neither of us cares what they actually say
I have little doubt that if you dig into Trumps finances you’d find the same crimes as Cohen and manafort just got busted for. It’s no mystery why he was hiding his tax returns. Get real and honest we all know what’s going on
what about Al Sharpton or Hitlery Clinton or any congress person, let's say Maxine Waters? you don't think you'd find the same sort of shit? you are naive if you don't.
"Whataboutism"......just about the last desperate gasp of the Trump cult.

Of course your hypocrisy is relevant. It means this isn't a standard to you, just a hack partisan attack. It's hilarious how stupid you are that you don't grasp that. That you apply your standards to Republicans and not Democrats shows that all that's driving you is your butt hurt that Trump beat your queen and now keeps beating you like a drum
There you go with the Trump defense again. So is your point that the “whataboutism” from Trump is ok because Dems do it?

It’s bullshit when anybody does it. Why can’t you just admit that?

Can you be more specific what you want condemned about the republicans?
Not true at all. I pledge no allegiance to any party. I didn’t vote forbidden Clinton or Trump. I agree with and respect ideas on both sides of the aisle and will call out corruption and dishonesty on either side when I see it. I lean more Liberal as I support smaller government and more personal freedom so my views fall more in with that philosophy.

You all who blindly support a corrupt serial liar is pretty sad and makes your partisan insults all that less impactful when you try and dish them.

It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.

I had you on ignore for months specifically for race baiting. Grow the fuck up. I'm not being unfair to you at all.

And I've never once seen you disavow any of the stupid shit Democrats are doing calling everyone racists and Nazis or the stupid shit that Russia is running our government. Grow the fuck up. Either man up and cut the stupid shit and say it's wrong or stop whining when you get called on it.

And I am being completely fair to hate filled racist morons who call half the country racist Nazis and keep saying stupid crap like Russia owns Trump. There is nothing positive to acknowledge in that. Leftists are destroying your own country. No, I don't respect leftists at all, and that is the correct amount of respect to give people who pull the stupid crap to your own country that you do.

You are destroying America. I'm not interested in a touchy feely discussion of why you hate us so much
I disenvow shit from the Left all the time. Yesterday morning I was watching New Day and Warren gave a joke of an interview and Berman was a puff cake. He asked a good question about the Tibbets murder and illegal immigration but she diverted to family separation. I hate that shit. Both should be put on blast for that... I saw Gutfield and Tucker both mention it.

Your race bait bullshit is just that. I don’t do that and I call people out who do it. You either got me confused with somebody else or you misunderstood a conversation if you thought I was race baiting.

Now that you’re all puffed up and defensive can you point to your recent critiques of Trump since you claim you are not a blind partisan?

Aww, the widdwe bawby is cwying again. Powr baba
Re-read my post and then your post and tell me who the baby is.

Just as I thought, you can’t handle a challenging debate so you digress. Go play in the flame zone or find an echo chamber. Those are the places you belong
I have little doubt that if you dig into Trumps finances you’d find the same crimes as Cohen and manafort just got busted for. It’s no mystery why he was hiding his tax returns. Get real and honest we all know what’s going on
what about Al Sharpton or Hitlery Clinton or any congress person, let's say Maxine Waters? you don't think you'd find the same sort of shit? you are naive if you don't.
"Whataboutism"......just about the last desperate gasp of the Trump cult.

Of course your hypocrisy is relevant. It means this isn't a standard to you, just a hack partisan attack. It's hilarious how stupid you are that you don't grasp that. That you apply your standards to Republicans and not Democrats shows that all that's driving you is your butt hurt that Trump beat your queen and now keeps beating you like a drum
There you go with the Trump defense again. So is your point that the “whataboutism” from Trump is ok because Dems do it?

It’s bullshit when anybody does it. Why can’t you just admit that?

Can you be more specific what you want condemned about the republicans?
You call me a partisan race baiting racist America hater... while getting all butt hurt at the accusation that I call you a blind partisan. I’m just asking you to prove me wrong and show where you’ve been critical of Trump, cause I haven’t seen it. I just see you jumping to his defense every time one of your Leftist enemies sends out a critique. So show me where you’ve been objective
Ok, but you changed the question. You said to condemn the republicans, so i ssked you to be more specific what you want me to condemn them for. You answer that. I'll reply again and adftess your new question
It's hilarious how you give me a lecture about not being in either party, then you slam me with that to simply not believe the stupid Democrat shit about racism and Russia means I "blindly support a corrupt serial liar." You're too much, LOL
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.

I had you on ignore for months specifically for race baiting. Grow the fuck up. I'm not being unfair to you at all.

And I've never once seen you disavow any of the stupid shit Democrats are doing calling everyone racists and Nazis or the stupid shit that Russia is running our government. Grow the fuck up. Either man up and cut the stupid shit and say it's wrong or stop whining when you get called on it.

And I am being completely fair to hate filled racist morons who call half the country racist Nazis and keep saying stupid crap like Russia owns Trump. There is nothing positive to acknowledge in that. Leftists are destroying your own country. No, I don't respect leftists at all, and that is the correct amount of respect to give people who pull the stupid crap to your own country that you do.

You are destroying America. I'm not interested in a touchy feely discussion of why you hate us so much
I disenvow shit from the Left all the time. Yesterday morning I was watching New Day and Warren gave a joke of an interview and Berman was a puff cake. He asked a good question about the Tibbets murder and illegal immigration but she diverted to family separation. I hate that shit. Both should be put on blast for that... I saw Gutfield and Tucker both mention it.

Your race bait bullshit is just that. I don’t do that and I call people out who do it. You either got me confused with somebody else or you misunderstood a conversation if you thought I was race baiting.

Now that you’re all puffed up and defensive can you point to your recent critiques of Trump since you claim you are not a blind partisan?

Aww, the widdwe bawby is cwying again. Powr baba
Re-read my post and then your post and tell me who the baby is.

Just as I thought, you can’t handle a challenging debate so you digress. Go play in the flame zone or find an echo chamber. Those are the places you belong

Things i disagree with trump on and say so on this board.

Offshore jobs - i have no problem with us companies offshoring
Middle east. I want to leave the ME entirely
Im for unlimited tech employee visas
He's a dog
Signing the spending bill

You obviously don't spend time in economic threads

What about you? I never see you argue with democrats
Hey, if you’ve been fair and objective with your critics of Trump then I’ll be happy to apologize. I don’t recall ever hearing you do so but I could very well be mistaken.

Of course what you act so offended about is exactly what you just did to me. Maybe think about that one for a second.

I had you on ignore for months specifically for race baiting. Grow the fuck up. I'm not being unfair to you at all.

And I've never once seen you disavow any of the stupid shit Democrats are doing calling everyone racists and Nazis or the stupid shit that Russia is running our government. Grow the fuck up. Either man up and cut the stupid shit and say it's wrong or stop whining when you get called on it.

And I am being completely fair to hate filled racist morons who call half the country racist Nazis and keep saying stupid crap like Russia owns Trump. There is nothing positive to acknowledge in that. Leftists are destroying your own country. No, I don't respect leftists at all, and that is the correct amount of respect to give people who pull the stupid crap to your own country that you do.

You are destroying America. I'm not interested in a touchy feely discussion of why you hate us so much
I disenvow shit from the Left all the time. Yesterday morning I was watching New Day and Warren gave a joke of an interview and Berman was a puff cake. He asked a good question about the Tibbets murder and illegal immigration but she diverted to family separation. I hate that shit. Both should be put on blast for that... I saw Gutfield and Tucker both mention it.

Your race bait bullshit is just that. I don’t do that and I call people out who do it. You either got me confused with somebody else or you misunderstood a conversation if you thought I was race baiting.

Now that you’re all puffed up and defensive can you point to your recent critiques of Trump since you claim you are not a blind partisan?

Aww, the widdwe bawby is cwying again. Powr baba
Re-read my post and then your post and tell me who the baby is.

Just as I thought, you can’t handle a challenging debate so you digress. Go play in the flame zone or find an echo chamber. Those are the places you belong

Things i disagree with trump on and say so on this board.

Offshore jobs - i have no problem with us companies offshoring
Middle east. I want to leave the ME entirely
Im for unlimited tech employee visas
He's a dog
Signing the spending bill

You obviously don't spend time in economic threads

What about you? I never see you argue with democrats
I get in plenty of arguments with Dems but I am a pretty liberal person so I’m definitely not as contentious with them as we are usually closer in our views. I also commend and agree with conservatives much of the time. I have many good relationships with far right posters on this board. I certainly don’t call them haters and anti American.

But good on you for voicing your disagreements with Trump. Stay true to your values and call out BS on both sides and I happily apologize for calling you a blind partisan.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.

The payoff didn't violate campaign finance law - the failure to report it did.

The payoff did violate campaign finance law.
$130k is well over the $2700 limit. That is why it was not reported.
You are another parroting idiot without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.


That means it was a crime.

Stop eating the bullshit being shoveled into your mouth.

Yes one of two of the charges are tied to the payment to two women and failure of Cohen to report that as campaign contribution.

The payment to someone to be quiet on your behalf is just as legal as paying someone to speak on your behalf.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.
Except Cohen released a tape showing Trump had no idea about the payment......kinda sucks Cohen cucked himself


What financing is a quote from Trump.

This conversation is before the payment was made, dope.
You are another parroting idiot without a single critical thinking brain cell in your head.


That means it was a crime.

Stop eating the bullshit being shoveled into your mouth.

Yes one of two of the charges are tied to the payment to two women and failure of Cohen to report that as campaign contribution.

The payment to someone to be quiet on your behalf is just as legal as paying someone to speak on your behalf.
And so my statement which you quoted is still entirely true. So what the fuck are you making a public ass of yourself for?

Cohen has admitted he and Trump entered into a conspiracy to make a payoff that violates campaign finance law.

That's very bad news for Trump. Very bad news.
Except Cohen released a tape showing Trump had no idea about the payment......kinda sucks Cohen cucked himself


What financing is a quote from Trump.

You idiot. That's a tape of Cohen and Trump discussing how payments to his mistresses are going to be made! Cohen is explaining the mechanics of the process. "I need to open up a company..."

That's the shell company Cohen created to pay off the mistresses.

You just shot yourself in the mouth.

Contribution Limits
An individual may give a maximum of:

  • $2,700 per election to a federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee.2 Notice that the limit applies separately to each election. Primaries, runoffs and general elections are considered separate elections.
There is a 100 year old ban on corporate and union contributions to federal candidates.

When AMI paid Karen McDougal $150,000 so they could bury her story in order to help Trump get elected, they violated that ban. Bigly.

"If the American people have rock solid proof that a candidate lied repeatedly in order to win an election (a closely won election) then I believe that should be grounds for impeachment." - Rambunctious, November 2013.


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