Michael Moore Has No Class At All


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Liberal film producer Michael Moore is out with a new “NSFW” (not safe for work) Moveon.org campaign ad featuring elderly nursing home residents cursing and describing the dirty things they will do if the Republican Party and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney win the election.

“I was born in 1915 during World War I. My first vote was in 1940 for Franklin D. Roosevelt and I have not missed an election since,” says 97-year-old Marie, in the video. “And I want the Republican Party to know, if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama we will burn this motherfucker down. ”

“Si se puede,” adds her unidentified nursing home peer.

VIDEO: Old people will 'cock punch' Mitt Romney if he wins | The Daily Caller

Perfect racial stereotype wouldn't you say???? It would have been funnier if the white woman had said it!!! As it is I expected that language from the Obama supporter!!!!
Liberal film producer Michael Moore is out with a new “NSFW” (not safe for work) Moveon.org campaign ad featuring elderly nursing home residents cursing and describing the dirty things they will do if the Republican Party and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney win the election.

“I was born in 1915 during World War I. My first vote was in 1940 for Franklin D. Roosevelt and I have not missed an election since,” says 97-year-old Marie, in the video. “And I want the Republican Party to know, if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama we will burn this motherfucker down. ”

“Si se puede,” adds her unidentified nursing home peer.

VIDEO: Old people will 'cock punch' Mitt Romney if he wins | The Daily Caller

Perfect racial stereotype wouldn't you say???? It would have been funnier if the white woman had said it!!! As it is I expected that language from the Obama supporter!!!!

Wow, that's not very nice language..I thought the older generation were more respectful..Obama must be so proud.
Michael Moore, Jerry Springer, Al Franken...what do they all have in common?
The entire Left is disgusting. No new news there.

Commies in Hollywood.. Investigated by the FBI. The investigation was squashed in the early 60's when the Dems got in.
LOL, conservatives are so dickless. Hey let's start wars and fuck the economy so millions of lives are destroyed but bringing up a dick punch is going too far.
Says the crossdressing lefty.

On top of being dickless, apparently conservatives are uncreative and not funny. No wonder so many of them have menial jobs and little education.
LOL, conservatives are so dickless. Hey let's start wars and fuck the economy so millions of lives are destroyed but bringing up a dick punch is going too far.

I'm not a conservative and by condoning this kind of political discourse you're simply showing us all what a child you are. I assure you, the average American wouldn't find this the least bit palatable, but then, what would you ignoramuses know about the average American. If toilet humor is your thing, then yeah, I guess that's funny.
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Of course Moore has no class, but he is not Obama nor all of the demoncrats.

Nor does it mean he does not ever bring up a valid point.
LOL, conservatives are so dickless. Hey let's start wars and fuck the economy so millions of lives are destroyed but bringing up a dick punch is going too far.

I'm not a conservative and by condoning this kind of political discourse you're simply showing us all what a child you are. I assure you, the average American wouldn't find this the least bit palatable, but then, what would you ignoramuses know about the average American.

I don't considering I make a lot more money and have a lot more education than the average American. And honestly despite liking a few of his movies, I think Moore is a fat pompous windbag who for every valid thing he says equalizes it with something stupid. However, whining about these commercials is just ridiculous. So an old lady said she wanted to cockpunch Romney. The world will continue, I assure you.
This guy has no class either.

Rush Limpballs has no class either.
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Of course Moore has no class, but he is not Obama nor all of the demoncrats.

Nor does it mean he does not ever bring up a valid point.

I agree he is not representative of the Democratic Party, but he is representative of the far left of the political spectrum.
Of course Moore has no class, but he is not Obama nor all of the demoncrats.

Nor does it mean he does not ever bring up a valid point.

I agree he is not representative of the Democratic Party, but he is representative of the far left of the political spectrum.

Yep kind of a Rush LImbaugh opposite.

And unfortuantely Ryan is far too representative of the far right. But that is why Romney picked him...
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LOL, conservatives are so dickless. Hey let's start wars and fuck the economy so millions of lives are destroyed but bringing up a dick punch is going too far.

Oh so the Dems didnt' vote for those wars and hey, they had absolutely nothing to do with the meltdown. Nice to know.

Your a fucking idiot.
This is just downright vulgar and tactless and this is why these people are going to lose. This kind of discourse is completely unacceptable.

VIDEO: Old people will 'cock punch' Mitt Romney if he wins | The Daily Caller
Michael Moore has always been a fat lying example of the true left. Pigs all of them.

Yep. He dresses like a street person and tries to make everyone think that he's just one of the guys.

He then laughs all the way to the bank.

Yup. Douchebag plus.

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