Michael Moore hired NON UNION LABOR for "Capialism"

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
Oh, this is rich!


Michael Moore Film Used Non-Union Labor | Sweetness & Light

The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) lists a crew of 26 in job categories that would be covered by the IA or a sister union.

The crew list is conspicuous for its lack of any electric, grip, property, art department or production people, which should push the number much higher.

We wonder if Mr. Moore even hired Teamsters? (His fellow lobbyists for the ‘public option.’)

By the way, for some reason the New York Post neglected to mention that Michael Moore’s agent is none other than Rahm Emanuel’s other brother.

Read the article for even more hypocrisy from the Large One regarding his agent, Ari Emmanuel (Rahm's even-more-crooked brother, a porn entrepreneur)

You can't make this stuff up, people!
I would go back and change my error in the title, but I know for a fact that neither of the people who saw the movie post here.

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