Michael Moore tells angry white american guys to give it up


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.

Easy Obeservations:
Traditionally the dumb liberal Bigots have regarded white males to be the world's oppressors.
1) Why do minorities want to immigrate to America if white males are the world's oppressors?
2) Why do the dumb liberals bigots want to live in such an oppressive country and not move to a majority minority country?
3) Why do liberals claim to be against stereotyping, intolerance, prejudice....when those are their favorite activities?
4) Why do so many of the dumb liberal bigots live in all white neighborhoods behind walls and gates?
5) Why are the countries that are run by the evil white oppressors the most prosperous countries on the planet?


Michael Moore's toilet
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.
If only...

During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.

Easy Obeservations:
Traditionally the dumb liberal Bigots have regarded white males to be the world's oppressors.
1) Why do minorities want to immigrate to America if white males are the world's oppressors?
2) Why do the dumb liberals bigots want to live in such an oppressive country and not move to a majority minority country?
3) Why do liberals claim to be against stereotyping, intolerance, prejudice....when those are their favorite activities?
4) Why do so many of the dumb liberal bigots live in all white neighborhoods behind walls and gates?
5) Why are the countries that are run by the evil white oppressors the most prosperous countries on the planet?

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Michael Moore's toilet
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Once you start using logic, you have lost every liberal in America.


Seth Meyer's bigotry was the reason why so many people stopped watching SNL.
Easy Observation: Almost everyone who Seth Meyers hates is a Wasp.
Liberals are thinly veiled bigots.

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Moore's fellow Hollywood types threatened the President of the United States with everything from arson to assault and murder. An actress apparently thought it was hilarious to hold a facsimile of the President's bloody severed head. An actor said it would be a good idea if the Press Secretary's kids were kidnapped. A Sanders supporter democrat activist opened fire on a republican baseball team and it's likely that the Vegas shooter's motive was anger at what the media called "a Trump Rally". Now the little fat guy claims that "angry white American guys " are the problem?
Like anyone gives a shit about what Michael Moore says.

That fat fuck has laughed all the way to the bank with his every guy impersonation.

What a fat load of shit he is.
Will he say the same thing to black people? Their numbers are even lower than white people, by far. Should black people give up?
Moore's fellow Hollywood types threatened the President of the United States with everything from arson to assault and murder. An actress apparently thought it was hilarious to hold a facsimile of the President's bloody severed head. An actor said it would be a good idea if the Press Secretary's kids were kidnapped. A Sanders supporter democrat activist opened fire on a republican baseball team and it's likely that the Vegas shooter's motive was anger at what the media called "a Trump Rally". Now the little fat guy claims that "angry white American guys " are the problem?
Stupidly angry, pussified, white, liberal American guys....Just needed a few more adjectives in there for the truth....
All the white beta male cucks like Moore can jump off a cliff. The rest of us will repopulate our race.
Just what are these "angry white guys" so angry about? You see these guys on the news regularly: "Proud Boys," "patriot" something, Richard Spencer, "incel," "lock her up," "Jews will not replace us," yadda yadda yadda. But what's the deal? What are these monkeys complaining about when they get the same as everyone else?
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.
Michael Moore needs to give up glazed donuts...
I love Michael Moore.
He knows how to trigger rightwingers.


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