Michael Moore tells angry white american guys to give it up

I still don't understand why these boys are so angry. They don't explain. Not a one of them. They get just the same as every one of us gets. What is all of this spoiled whining about? It's just whine, whine, whine, and stomp their feet. Frankly, it's embarrassing.
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.
Michael Moore needs to give up glazed donuts...
But...Bubba Moore is the glazed donut industry’s national spokesman!
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.


During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.


But then you come up with trump and pigpence; Not "men" by any standard.
During an appearance on NBC’s “Late Night” with Seth Meyers, film maker Michael Moore called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because their demographic time is over.
Michael Moore Tells “Angry White American Guys” to “Give it Up”

Leave it to this fat over load whose weak fat azz agrees with anything just to have his name kept in the public eye since most pp can't stand this traitorous loser anyway. A strong man tells frontholes like this stfup yah little bitch.

As you try and rip the guns from the American population and in the same breath your hypocritical ass has armed body guards standing behind you. We tell AMERICAN IDIOTS ike you give it up front hole.


But then you come up with trump and pigpence; Not "men" by any standard.

From 99% of your postings you illustrate that you just HATE White men, you especially HATE White CHRISTIAN men and you invade every thread that's about White men in general to vomit up your Hate Mantra.
How long have the moonbats been invoking that lame-assed "demographics" argument, and losing seats of influence?

Going on 20 years now?

They get increasingly deranged by the day, we have to hope that their micro brains overload that much that many of them start having Grand Mal Seizures.
I still don't understand why these boys are so angry. They don't explain. Not a one of them. They get just the same as every one of us gets. What is all of this spoiled whining about? It's just whine, whine, whine, and stomp their feet. Frankly, it's embarrassing.
You are an enemy of the state.
Michael Moore is very well paid to be subversive by the Hollywood elite. That should sum it up. Some lowlife scumbags do anything for money.
Just what are these guys so angry about? They have the same that everybody else does. There seems to be no explanation for this acting out What ails them? They won't say! They are angry about something and somebody, but what that something is, is a mystery.

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