Michael Savage facing death threats heads to secret location

I mean, you spend you’re entire life publicly spreading hate, you gotta think eventually you’re going to get a death threat or 2, am I right?
he's not that hateful, he's actually a positive economic nationalist on one level, but hateful a little bit on foreign policy i do concede

really? ever read 'savage nation'? the man is chock full of hate.

What do you hate? Borders, language and culture?
He told a gay caller that he wanted the dude to get AIDS and die. That tells me EVERYTHING I need to know about michael weiner.
His ratings must be low and he needs fake attention, the lying POS scumbag.
Haha, probably true .

Uh, no.
Savage and everything he says is made up garbage, super duper. Your propaganda your party are a disgrace... Ruining the middle class and the country for 35 years now...

Then you'll have no problem showing the list of those alleged lies will you dupe? Oh right, you can't so you'll just keep up with your usual BS. He's hardly hurting for money with a bunch of best seller books. You and your disgraceful party going to curse some more now?
His ratings must be low and he needs fake attention, the lying POS scumbag.
Haha, probably true .

Uh, no.
Savage and everything he says is made up garbage, super duper. Your propaganda your party are a disgrace... Ruining the middle class and the country for 35 years now...

Then you'll have no problem showing the list of those alleged lies will you dupe? Oh right, you can't so you'll just keep up with your usual BS. He's hardly hurting for money with a bunch of best seller books. You and your disgraceful party going to curse some more now?
Every phony crime he has gone on about with Hillary Obama holder learner etc etc are total garbage. None of them have reached the real world of law enforcement or journalism. Like all your crap, super duper.
I mean, you spend you’re entire life publicly spreading hate, you gotta think eventually you’re going to get a death threat or 2, am I right?
he's not that hateful, he's actually a positive economic nationalist on one level, but hateful a little bit on foreign policy i do concede

really? ever read 'savage nation'? the man is chock full of hate.

What do you hate? Borders, language and culture?
He told a gay caller that he wanted the dude to get AIDS and die. That tells me EVERYTHING I need to know about michael weiner.

That was his one day on MSLSD TV show, i think? Queer called in making trouble. Savage went easy on the fag. But got fired after that one show by the commie red MSM at NBC.
City, state and federal agencies are taking a look at a vicious, hateful email sent a restaurant frequented by talk radio icon Michael Savage that threatens to shoot up the establishment if he’s not denied future service.
Michael Savage, facing death threats, heads to secret location

And hopefully whatever scum made those threats may the karma find you and get you with the same wish you have for others. Trump haters are the most miserable fks on the planet.

Though I agree that the person making those threats is a lowlife POS, many Trump critics have been receiving death threats for years now.
Savage has been talking for ten years or more about eating out or takeout. Chinese is often talked about. Can lead to a great show!

Sounds like some wackjob staked out some Chinese resturants and tracked him down. Maybe some harmless prank fag SF call? Maybe loon has a gun. Savage wont go back. He has a few studio locations.

Not an evil bone in Savage body. He is tremendously caring to all good persons no matter who. Cross him? He will give rope then finally fight back. A HERO! We need more.
Savage has been talking for ten years or more about eating out or takeout. Chinese is often talked about. Can lead to a great show!

Sounds like some wackjob staked out some Chinese resturants and tracked him down. Maybe some harmless prank fag SF call? Maybe loon has a gun. Savage wont go back. He has a few studio locations.

Not an evil bone in Savage body. He is tremendously caring to all good persons no matter who. Cross him? He will give rope then finally fight back. A HERO! We need more.

Horse shit. He is a nasty, bitter little runt with delusions of godhood. The world will improve when he keels over.
Savage has been talking for ten years or more about eating out or takeout. Chinese is often talked about. Can lead to a great show!

Sounds like some wackjob staked out some Chinese resturants and tracked him down. Maybe some harmless prank fag SF call? Maybe loon has a gun. Savage wont go back. He has a few studio locations.

Not an evil bone in Savage body. He is tremendously caring to all good persons no matter who. Cross him? He will give rope then finally fight back. A HERO! We need more.

Yes, Savage does stream of consciousness shows which can lead to great shows! True he can become a bit irascible but then, a lot less irascible than some of the nit-wit haters in this forum.
City, state and federal agencies are taking a look at a vicious, hateful email sent a restaurant frequented by talk radio icon Michael Savage that threatens to shoot up the establishment if he’s not denied future service.
Michael Savage, facing death threats, heads to secret location

And hopefully whatever scum made those threats may the karma find you and get you with the same wish you have for others. Trump haters are the most miserable fks on the planet.
Sure......he's looking for attention again.
Savage has been talking for ten years or more about eating out or takeout. Chinese is often talked about. Can lead to a great show!

Sounds like some wackjob staked out some Chinese resturants and tracked him down. Maybe some harmless prank fag SF call? Maybe loon has a gun. Savage wont go back. He has a few studio locations.

Not an evil bone in Savage body. He is tremendously caring to all good persons no matter who. Cross him? He will give rope then finally fight back. A HERO! We need more.

Horse shit. He is a nasty, bitter little runt with delusions of godhood. The world will improve when he keels over.
Anyone that pisses off progressives can’t be all that bad
Savage has been talking for ten years or more about eating out or takeout. Chinese is often talked about. Can lead to a great show!

Sounds like some wackjob staked out some Chinese resturants and tracked him down. Maybe some harmless prank fag SF call? Maybe loon has a gun. Savage wont go back. He has a few studio locations.

Not an evil bone in Savage body. He is tremendously caring to all good persons no matter who. Cross him? He will give rope then finally fight back. A HERO! We need more.

Horse shit. He is a nasty, bitter little runt with delusions of godhood. The world will improve when he keels over.
Anyone that pisses off progressives can’t be all that bad

They hate him because he wrote a non-fiction, true book entitled "Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder"....
I hate him because he is a nasty little turd. He squeezes out jewels like claiming autism is an "illness du jour" and that PTSD is just "weakness". The list of people I wish ALS on is short, but he is on it.
I hate him because he is a nasty little turd. He squeezes out jewels like claiming autism is an "illness du jour" and that PTSD is just "weakness". The list of people I wish ALS on is short, but he is on it.
Progressives are pussies
I hate him because he is a nasty little turd. He squeezes out jewels like claiming autism is an "illness du jour" and that PTSD is just "weakness". The list of people I wish ALS on is short, but he is on it.
Progressives are pussies
get ready =) it's coming because this is how we have to un do Obama's Bs policies not to mention other losers like Bushes, Clintons etc........

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Prepares America For Declaration Of National Emergency

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