Michele Bachmann May Face Lawsuit Over 'Religious Freedom in The Military' Campaign


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Michele Bachmann May Face Lawsuit Over 'Religious Freedom in The Military' Campaign - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

A series of media reports that allege the Pentagon could start court-martialing soldiers for their Christian faith has been debunked by the fact-checking website PolitiFact and even the Pentagon itself.

But that didn't stop Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., from sending out a fundraising email Monday asking supporters to sign a "Protect Religious Freedom in the Military Pledge," along with a plea for donations to her campaign so she can "have the funds necessary to continue fighting for religious liberty and our troops."

[PHOTOS: Christians Around the World Celebrate Good Friday]

Now, the man at the center of the court-martial allegations, Mikey Weinstein, says he may sue Bachmann for "propagating complete and utter lies."

Of course the conservative bloggers went crazy with the non-story...I'm shocked they got fooled again :doubt:

Bachmann like other Pols should have to be truthful while using their office or official position at all times. But it seems most enjoy the shit flinging more than the truth. Actually Bachmanns website still has the "protect religious freedom" site up now.

Protect Religious Freedom in the Military | MicheleBachmann.com
The Congresswoman said the decision wasn't tied to an ethics probe...
Michele Bachmann won’t seek re-election
29 May`13 > Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann said early Wednesday that she will not run for re-election in 2014.
The Minnesota conservative made the announcement in a video posted on her website. "After a great deal of thought and deliberation, I have decided next year I will not seek a fifth congressional term," Bachmann said in the eight-and-a-half-minute video. "After serious consideration, I am confident that this is the right decision."

The 57-year-old said her decision was not influenced by concerns she would lose a re-election bid to Democrat Jim Graves (whom she narrowly defeated in 2012) nor by a recent probe into the ethics of her 2012 presidential campaign. “My decision was not in any way influenced by any concerns about my being re-elected to Congress," Bachmann said. "I have every confidence that if I ran, I would again defeat the individual who I defeated last year, who recently announced he is once again running." “And rest assured, this decision was not impacted in any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my former presidential campaign or my former presidential staff," she continued. "It was clearly understood that compliance with all rules and regulations was an absolute necessity for my presidential campaign. And I have no reason to believe that that was not the case."

The tea party favorite left the door open for a return to politics: "There is no future option or opportunity, be it directly in the political arena or otherwise, that I won't be giving serious consideration if it can help save and protect our great nation."

Bachmann also used the platform to take a swipe at her detractors. ”I fully anticipate the mainstream, liberal media to put a detrimental spin on my decision," she said. "But I take being the focus of their attention of their disparagement as a true compliment of my public-service effectiveness." "So will Michele Bachmann go to Fox News? Heritage Foundation? Or maybe lobbying?" the Brooklyn Quarterly wondered on Twitter. "After the book tour of course." "Michele Bachmann's corrosive politics will not be missed," Greg Dworkin tweeted. Eric Reif‏ added: "Shame on Michele Bachmann for doing a tremendous disservice to people who like to make jokes about politics."

Michele Bachmann won?t seek re-election
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Stop the presses, SHE MAY BE and it's been debunked by politifact..

I guess this wouldn't be a witch hunt?

Now, the man at the center of the court-martial allegations, Mikey Weinstein, says he may sue Bachmann for "propagating complete and utter lies."
wow, the must be high and misdemeanor there...

is this from the National enquire..?
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Stop the presses, SHE MAY BE and it's been debunked by politifact..

I guess this wouldn't be a witch hunt?

Now, the man at the center of the court-martial allegations, Mikey Weinstein, says he may sue Bachmann for "propagating complete and utter lies."
wow, the must be high and misdemeanor there...

is this from the National enquire..?

You're on record for supporting lies.
Does that mean we can sue Pelosi, Holder, Dodd, Frank, Obama, Durgen, Boxer, Feinstein, etal for all their lies over the years?
we get it you are desperate..and worse than a woman for passing gossip

No one is worse than you sweetie, u done now?

no I'm not, na na na na you are..
this story you posted is about some man OFFENDED over something and thinks he can sue her..
gives us a break

Thanks for the crib notes. You seem more upset at the victim of the lies than the person who did the lying.

I already said you are noted at being ok with lying already. Jeez...Add in some blame the victim and you have Steph in all her Gorey
No one is worse than you sweetie, u done now?

no I'm not, na na na na you are..
this story you posted is about some man OFFENDED over something and thinks he can sue her..
gives us a break

Thanks for the crib notes. You seem more upset at the victim of the lies than the person who did the lying.

I already said you are noted at being ok with lying already. Jeez...Add in some blame the victim and you have Steph in all her Gorey

again, I don't give a shit what you say..this story was your desperate attempt at NOTHING
live with it
no I'm not, na na na na you are..
this story you posted is about some man OFFENDED over something and thinks he can sue her..
gives us a break

Thanks for the crib notes. You seem more upset at the victim of the lies than the person who did the lying.

I already said you are noted at being ok with lying already. Jeez...Add in some blame the victim and you have Steph in all her Gorey

again, I don't give a shit what you say..this story was your desperate attempt at NOTHING
live with it

Gotcha, so you're mad at me for posting the story, the guy that was lied on and NOT at the liar.

You're good...
Thanks for the crib notes. You seem more upset at the victim of the lies than the person who did the lying.

I already said you are noted at being ok with lying already. Jeez...Add in some blame the victim and you have Steph in all her Gorey

again, I don't give a shit what you say..this story was your desperate attempt at NOTHING
live with it

Gotcha, so you're mad at me for posting the story, the guy that was lied on and NOT at the liar.

You're good...

done playing...see if you can dig up some more GOSSIP from some place called, washintonwhispers..
You forgot to get mad at the newspaper for posting it
The AV guy for setting up Bachmanns mic
And the PC the author used to write the article
Show me the mailer she sent out.

good luck

Found it...read it for yourself. Protect Religious Freedom in the Military | MicheleBachmann.com

This story is bogus...Mikey Weinstein is wasting his time even contemplating a suit.

The only purpose for "considering" it is so leftwing trash rags will use it as fodder for a smear campaign.

of course it is when it starts out MAY FACE LAWSUIT and the guy so offended MAY SUE HER..

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