Michelle Obama Bears Witness - Brace Yourselves For The Deluge of Christian Hate...

Total and purposeful ignorance from the evil minded DNC deniers that they actually had the first man as a first lady put into the white house.

Barry & Mike early years.PNG

Over what?

Your fantasies of tall African American women with wads of throbbing gristle?

Or your passion for a dotard in a fake tan?

Wow, you REALLY have this firmly seated in whatever you have for a brain, don't you.
Geez, no wonder you're so fucked up. Now we understand.

Not only do you have Extreme TDS, you have extreme Obama dick on your mind 24/7!!!
She also took a jab at her husband’s successor over his inauguration crowd size, a long-running point of contention for the Trump White House which has falsely claimed the turnout was the largest ever.

“You take your last flight off, flying over the Capitol, where there weren’t that many people there. We saw it,” she said, which gained laughs from the audience.


It's like spitting in the face of MAGAt dogma.

Next she'll try to convince us Grifty didn't turn water into whine...
They belonged to a Christian church that was multi racial then the leaders of that Church barred all white people from belonging to the Church. The Obama's a fake Christians, they are satanic marxists so I can see why some would be concerned.
You're the one with the photo collection.

It's revealing..

When the cops find kiddie porn on your computer, the assumption is unlikely to be that it's political commentary...

As your projecting is telling us all what kind of dangerous, deranged, and demented psychopath you truly are...........

I have a life AND a job. So I have to go make money so YOU can live off welfare and scavange for supplies in the dumpsters.
They belonged to a Christian church that was multi racial then the leaders of that Church barred all white people from belonging to the Church. The Obama's a fake Christians, they are satanic marxists so I can see why some would be concerned.
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