Michelle Obama Bears Witness - Brace Yourselves For The Deluge of Christian Hate...


Which party this week had 25 members who refused to sign on to a document denouncing white supremacy?

I'll wait.
She also took a jab at her husband’s successor over his inauguration crowd size, a long-running point of contention for the Trump White House which has falsely claimed the turnout was the largest ever.

“You take your last flight off, flying over the Capitol, where there weren’t that many people there. We saw it,” she said, which gained laughs from the audience.


It's like spitting in the face of MAGAt dogma.

Next she'll try to convince us Grifty didn't turn water into whine...

Jesus, are you guys still crying about this? Let it go dude.
Again....she was First Lady...

Grifty was POTUS.
Big moo got her feelings hurt over every slight. She was wounded because Viola Davis portrayed her with a duck face. There would be a veritable tsunami of abuse, mocking and humiliation coming her way. His hubby, shitstain obama once said he was portrayed as a caricature of himself. Times that by ten for the Royal Wookie.

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