Michelle Obama bombs at the oscars?!?!

Of course!

"LOS ANGELES – The Dolby Theater at Hollywood and Highland was filled with A-listers for the 85th Academy Awards on Sunday night, but the coveted task of presenting the final award was given to someone not even on the premises.
Instead presenter Jack Nicholson cut to First Lady Michelle Obama, featured on a drop-down screen, flanked by military servicemen and women, to deliver a passionate monologue live from the White House.
"(These films) taught us that love can beat all odds," Obama said of the nominees. "They reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage within ourselves."
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the FLOTUS appearance was the work of Obama supporter and friend Harvey Weinstein and his daughter Lilly, who arranged for Academy representatives and show producers to secretly fly (via Disney's jet) to D.C. just two weeks ago to make the magic happen.
And let's not forget that last month former President Bill Clinton made an unexpected cameo and drew a standing ovation at the Golden Globes when he presented "Lincoln." That guest list addition was rumored to have been a last-minute favor pulled by director Steven Spielberg, one of the entertainment industry's most dedicated Democratic donors.
So not to be outdone, the Academy went for a one-up: a reigning White House resident.
"I was hallucinating at that point," Ben Affleck said backstage with regards Obama's presentation of the Best Picture Oscar to his film "Argo." "I was asking people, 'was that Michelle Obama?' It was a huge honor, and the fact she was surrounded by servicemen and women. It was very cool."
However, instead of inspiring, the surprising presenter instantly drew a few head shakes and loud groans from journalists backstage.
"This makes no sense, it adds nothing to the show," one industry expert told FOX411's Pop Tarts column with a bemused laugh, while another surmised it as something of a "suck job."
"They threw all the campaign parties, I guess it was Hollywood's way of acknowledging their continued love and support of the Obamas," said another. "It was stupid and pointless."
Indeed FLOTUS' presentation drew mixed reviews and ignited quite the debate in the twitterverse.
"Forget separation of church and state - we need a separation of Hollywood and state," conservative journalist Michelle Malkin retweeted, while others weighed in that it was "tacky and tasteless" and cheapened the Presidency.
Scores of other viewers gave Obama rave reviews, however, calling her appearance "amazing," "show stealing" and placing her and her designer Naeem Khan gown at the top of the Oscars best dressed list."

I can't find any sparking debate or where Faux found fault with Mrs. Obama's appearance :confused:

So it all boils down to her "breathtaking" dress? Can anyone else spell "shallow"?

"Shallow" Yeah you. You're an inch deep for going on theis crusade, complete with every rightwing talking you memorized glued to Beck and Limbaugh.

We get it, you hate the Obamas. Now move on.
So, we flash back to the 10th of May, 2012. Obama's rubbing asscheeks with the Hollyweird 1%-er hoi polloi. The price at the door, a cool $40,000...just to chow down with the chosen one. Here's the conversation overheard:

Obama: "Well, George, I was...uhhhh....ummm...wondering, could you...uhhnn...eherrr...maybe hook me up with an Oscar for Michelle. She...she...she's always wanted one...you....uh...know."
Clooney: "Well, Barry, you know I'd love to do that, Meme's just such a fine woman, so into this Transformation thing you've got going on, but there's a lot of my colleagues who have paid their dues and are waiting to get one of those little babies."
Obama: "Aw, c-c-c-c- c'mon, George, there must be sumthin you can do? Michelle's got her heart set on getting uh-uh-uh-up on that stage sporting some fancy threads, just like those hottie actresses."
Clooney: "OK, Barry, I'll chat up some of the big metal here tonight and see what I can come up with."
A little later:
Clooney: "Well, Barry, I think we can get her up on stage, but she won't be awarded her own Oscar, at least not at the Awards. I'll hook you up with one later, though. She can put it on her dresser, or whatever. You think that'll work?"
Obama: C'mon, Dawg....uh..uhhhmm...I mean, George. Bitch ain't gonna like that shit."
Clooney: "It's what I've got, Barry. Take it, or leave it. Besides, this little party is gonna net you a pretty bit of pocket change. Buy her a sweet dress and I'll sell her on the gig."

Best government the 1% can buy.
BTW - everyone has seen the footage and knows that our First Lady did not "bomb" at the Oscars.

The rw nutters are desperate.

And, stupid.
I'll be amazed if they don't whine about her Jimmy Fallon appearance.

Frankly, I'm glad to have a First Family that lives in the 21st century - unlike the GObP/Rs.
obamas are everywhere. There's no way to avoid them. They insert themselves into every facet of life. It would not be surprising to see them handing out diplomas at the local high school.

Some days I'm afraid to open a canned ham, thinking Barry will jump out of there too...
they are both so in our face all the time. I think a lot of people are pretty sick of them

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