Michelle Obama bombs at the oscars?!?!

just a common nappy headed HO

^this is more like what the RWrs wanted to see.

It wasn't a republican that put japaneese Americans in interment camps, nor was it a republican who was grand kleagle of the kkk. Nor was it a republican who said that Obama was clean.

No, those were "confederate conservatives". Remember, in the middle 60's, the Confederates fled the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. They just couldn't stand the blacks.

Consider this history lesson a "favor".
Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually
"These nine movies took us back in time and all around the world. They made us laugh, they made us weep, and they made us grip our armrests just a little tighter," Obama said. "They taught us that love can endure against all odds and transform our lives in the most surprising ways, and they reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we can dig deep enough and fight
Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Didn't watch the Oscars don't care who or what won and could care even less about Michele making a appearance there it does not make a dimes bit of difference in my life.

Your not alone in your opinion even though you did take the time to post how you don't care. Lol

"However, the entrance of Michelle Obama, via video link, at the end of the ceremony to announce the Best Picture winner was a bizarre moment that was completely pointless. It was reportedly arranged by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, a close friend of the Obamas "

Dallas was over and there was nothing else good on the tube.
Didn't watch the Oscars don't care who or what won and could care even less about Michele making a appearance there it does not make a dimes bit of difference in my life.

Your not alone in your opinion even though you did take the time to post how you don't care. Lol

"However, the entrance of Michelle Obama, via video link, at the end of the ceremony to announce the Best Picture winner was a bizarre moment that was completely pointless. It was reportedly arranged by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, a close friend of the Obamas "

Dallas was over and there was nothing else good on the tube.

else? :eusa_eh:
Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial BY ESTHER ZUCKERMAN ET"It began as a seemingly awkward Jack Nicholson introduction of the very long list of nominees, but the Best Picture denouement*at a very long Oscars ceremony on Sunday turned into a surprise appearance by Michelle Obama, via satellite from the Governors' Ball in Washington, D.C.—where earlier she had sat next to Chris Christie—to introduce and announce the winner,*Argo.*"These nine movies took us back in time and all around the world. They made us laugh, they made us weep, and they made us grip our armrests just a little tighter," Obama said. "They taught us that love can endure against all odds and
Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Get over it, and get a life.

I didn't write the article. Take a midol and get over yourself.

You posted it
Of course!

"Forget separation of church and state - we need a separation of Hollywood and state," conservative journalist Michelle Malkin retweeted, while others weighed in that it was "tacky and tasteless" and cheapened the Presidency.
Scores of other viewers gave Obama rave reviews, however, calling her appearance "amazing," "show stealing" and placing her and her designer Naeem Khan gown at the top of the Oscars best dressed list."

I can't find any sparking debate or where Faux found fault with Mrs. Obama's appearance :confused:


Are you asserting Malkin is with Faux?
"It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election). I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird."

Washington Post

"Cheap" is the adjective that comes most readily to mind. The presidency has been sold to the highest bidder, for the cheapest price...sleazy comes next.
Not sure why anyone would be surprised or outraged. Obama is an actor pretending to be a president, and his "role" of president is only propt up by the liberal media.

Kickbacks have to be repaid, so he rented out his wife.

If acting awards were honestly considered (and not politically driven), obama would never even make a blip on the radar, he's that poor an actor.

What was disgusting?

What was embarassing?

Because it was inappropriate. This is an award ceremony belonging to the entertainment industry. Is Big Moo an entertainer? Is she a member of the Academy? Or any Guild? She inserted herself, where she didn't belong, for the sole purpose of getting her face in front of the camera one more time. It's all about MEEEEEE and if it isn't about MEEEEEE I will by damn MAKE it about MEEEEEEE. How disgusting that someone could be that much of a media hog that they can't even let a movie award go off without putting an ugly mug in front of the camera. How embarassing that we have political figures that can't let anything pass without their direct participation. The only thing missing was Kanye West saying that the award should have been given to obama for the best performance of a first lady.

What was inappropriate about it? She gave a positive message and opened an envelope. She was on....how long? Out of how long a show?

Seems to me, people like you want our First Family hidden away. This is 2013, my friend. Welcome to the 21st century.

Could it possibly be that some of us would appreciate a first family that behaves like...god forbid, a first family? As in, not appearing on every fucking TV talk show and hogging every possible public event? I'm shocked that we didn't see them on the NASCAR commentaries.
Next year, the Westminster Dog Show!

There really is no end to what the Big Moo can inject herself. There are 4-H awards, Miss America, Miss Universe, and yes, she can ride on the Rose Parade float with the Queen.

Is it any wonder why the obama clan isn't invited to any events anywhere in the world. They are low-class meddlers who think nothing of picking their noses at the dinner table.

The Westminster would be disappointing for obama. Those people really do know their dogs. Mongrels of indeterminate pedigree need not apply.

And about the nose-picking, you have to watch that "eye-roll" video to the end: the POTUS picks his nose, no shit!
michelleobama eyeroll - Yahoo! Video Search
Next year, the Westminster Dog Show!

There really is no end to what the Big Moo can inject herself. There are 4-H awards, Miss America, Miss Universe, and yes, she can ride on the Rose Parade float with the Queen.

Is it any wonder why the obama clan isn't invited to any events anywhere in the world. They are low-class meddlers who think nothing of picking their noses at the dinner table.

This really really bothers you, doesn't it? The question is.......why?

Because theoretically, this clown represents us.
Laura has too much integrity to demand the spotlight from others.

Big Moo has no integrity at all. She is an embarrassment to the nation. Maybe next year she'll WIN the Best in Show.

Wow....it's clear to see who the REAL embarassment is. And it isn't our Esteemed First Lady.

That really eats at you, doesn't it?

24/7 obama, do we really need it? Aren't we just tired of seeing those faces everywhere? No wonder they aren't wanted anywhere in the world. No one if any importance wants to be seen with them. obama and big moo are the Honey Boo-Boo of politics.

Could anyone have any more clearly explained?
Don't you realize that public appearances are part of the office?

How is naming best picture different than a President throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game?

Is that being arrogant?

I see no problem with an occasional public appearance... But come on. This is getting ridiculous. The Obama's entire life is becoming a giant public appearance. All while nothing got done economically for the last four years. I guess I shouldn't complain, the less time these idiots spend in the White House, the better off America will be.

You realize Michelle was in the White House during this appearance at the Oscars, right?

Who could miss the fact that she was monopolizing two, count 'em, TWO public events simultaneously. Otherwise, she would have flown "Taxpayer Express Airlines" to the Left Coast to present her award in person.

"LOS ANGELES – The Dolby Theater at Hollywood and Highland was filled with A-listers for the 85th Academy Awards on Sunday night, but the coveted task of presenting the final award was given to someone not even on the premises.
Instead presenter Jack Nicholson cut to First Lady Michelle Obama, featured on a drop-down screen, flanked by military servicemen and women, to deliver a passionate monologue live from the White House.
"(These films) taught us that love can beat all odds," Obama said of the nominees. "They reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage within ourselves."
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the FLOTUS appearance was the work of Obama supporter and friend Harvey Weinstein and his daughter Lilly, who arranged for Academy representatives and show producers to secretly fly (via Disney's jet) to D.C. just two weeks ago to make the magic happen.
And let's not forget that last month former President Bill Clinton made an unexpected cameo and drew a standing ovation at the Golden Globes when he presented "Lincoln." That guest list addition was rumored to have been a last-minute favor pulled by director Steven Spielberg, one of the entertainment industry's most dedicated Democratic donors.
So not to be outdone, the Academy went for a one-up: a reigning White House resident.
"I was hallucinating at that point," Ben Affleck said backstage with regards Obama's presentation of the Best Picture Oscar to his film "Argo." "I was asking people, 'was that Michelle Obama?' It was a huge honor, and the fact she was surrounded by servicemen and women. It was very cool."
However, instead of inspiring, the surprising presenter instantly drew a few head shakes and loud groans from journalists backstage.
"This makes no sense, it adds nothing to the show," one industry expert told FOX411's Pop Tarts column with a bemused laugh, while another surmised it as something of a "suck job."
"They threw all the campaign parties, I guess it was Hollywood's way of acknowledging their continued love and support of the Obamas," said another. "It was stupid and pointless."
Indeed FLOTUS' presentation drew mixed reviews and ignited quite the debate in the twitterverse.
"Forget separation of church and state - we need a separation of Hollywood and state," conservative journalist Michelle Malkin retweeted, while others weighed in that it was "tacky and tasteless" and cheapened the Presidency.
Scores of other viewers gave Obama rave reviews, however, calling her appearance "amazing," "show stealing" and placing her and her designer Naeem Khan gown at the top of the Oscars best dressed list."

I can't find any sparking debate or where Faux found fault with Mrs. Obama's appearance :confused:

So it all boils down to her "breathtaking" dress? Can anyone else spell "shallow"?
Actually, as soon as I saw Michelle, I could hear the Right Wing gnashing of teeth.

I thought the host....who the heck is this MacFarlane guy anyways?....was much worse.

Michelle would make a better host than Seth MacFarlane

She did a great job up there and made all real Americans proud

Why would reading a letter with one word on it make you feel proud? Because she's able to read the title of a film?

Do you really think it was that difficult for her, that she endured and got through it ok, so you're "proud" of her?

Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually
"It began as a seemingly awkward Jack Nicholson introduction of the very long list of nominees, but the Best Picture denouement*at a very long Oscars ceremony on Sunday turned into a surprise appearance by Michelle Obama, via satellite from the Governors' Ball in Washington, D.C.—where earlier she had sat next to Chris Christie—to introduce and announce the winner,*Argo.*

"These nine movies took us back in time and all around the world. They made us laugh, they made us weep, and they made us grip our armrests just a little tighter," Obama said. "They taught us that love can endure against all odds and transform our lives in the most surprising ways, and they reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we can dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage to believe in ourselves."*

After telling Nicholson to hang on a second, the First Lady was handed an envelope to announce the winner:"

Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

What is the problem? The First Lady announced the winner of the Best Picture. Why all the fuss, righties?
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