Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

I defend truth and reason. That's something about which you have no clue.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.
Can't commit? I didn't think so.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

I defend truth and reason. That's something about which you have no clue.

Truth and reason?

From Barack Hussein anti American Islamic agenda?

you are out of your mind! :cuckoo:
It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

I defend truth and reason. That's something about which you have no clue.

Truth and reason?

From Barack Hussein anti American Islamic agenda?

you are out of your mind! :cuckoo:
You wouldn't recognize truth if it hit you over the head. Your type believe what they want to believe despite all the evidence and any logical reasoning.

Obama's "anti American Islamic agenda?" Are you fucking serious? This is a perfect example of your not being able to recognize truth. What an idiot.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

I defend truth and reason. That's something about which you have no clue.

Truth and reason?

From Barack Hussein anti American Islamic agenda?

you are out of your mind! :cuckoo:
You wouldn't recognize truth if it hit you over the head. Your type believe what they want to believe despite all the evidence and any logical reasoning.


and look who's talking

lilly white clean you!

aww so clear minded ....ever so clear....ever so logical,,,,LOL

give me a break

go quote somebody else ....will you?
You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

I defend truth and reason. That's something about which you have no clue.

Truth and reason?

From Barack Hussein anti American Islamic agenda?

you are out of your mind! :cuckoo:
You wouldn't recognize truth if it hit you over the head. Your type believe what they want to believe despite all the evidence and any logical reasoning.


and look who's talking

lilly white clean you!

aww so clear minded ....ever so clear....ever so logical,,,,LOL

give me a break

go quote somebody else ....will you?
She's an airhead. When you challenge something she says you get responses like "you're stupid" or "look in the mirror". Kids stuff.
It's always the less intelligent who willfully give up their freedom to the government because they're too stupid to run their own lives and need somebody to wipe their ass for them. They even give up their authority over their own children. The Founding Fathers would be ashamed of Esmeralda. Benjamin Franklin talked about her kind.

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ok OP you stupid PoS, along w/ uncensored2008- Please to explain the attributes of fried foods and bits of flour drenched in refined sugar (Frosted Flakes).

I'll wait

They taste good

Now what?
Coca Cola tastes good but it has 0 nutritional value. Refined sugar has very little in the way of long-term attributes.

So what? This is America, we don't have to justify ourselves to an overlord when we want to exercise a right.
exercise your right to die early and an expensive death (raising HC costs more) at that n00b?

Go away you bother me kid

Yes, because everyone who eats cereal or snack foods dies early don't they?

You big government fools on the left an right amaze me The funniest part is yall hate each other , but you're the same damn thing.

If the school is providing your child's lunch, they will eat what the school provides. If you provide the lunch, it's NONE of the school's business. Provide you haven't packed them a jug of beer or something of course.

not they won't eat what they changed the menu into because of Michelle Obama poking her nose into them. I worked for three years cooking lunches for a grade school and they ate what we served just fine. My last year (the fourth) they changed the menu and I watched most of it be thrown in the garbage. I was embarrassed to serve some of it, so I left. Many schools opted out after only a year or two of that menu because their sales was in the toilet. Not only that they lost 100s of dedicated workers because of it too. So Mrs. Obama wasn't a success in anything but having food wasted and people leaving their jobs. Pretty much like her husband.
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So you blame this on Mrs. Obama. How idiotic.

Healthful food does not have to taste bad. Understanding this and incorporating this into their vision of life is a paradigm shift Americans need to make.

When I was younger (much younger), traveling around Europe and staying at youth hostels, many hostels in Italy and France served dinner. The food was delicious. Far better than anything one would find in an American cafeteria. And cheap.

Americans don't understand good food: how simple and healthful food can be prepared to taste wonderfully.

Cafeteria ladies do not have an understanding of how to prepare good, healthful food; they do understand how to prepare slop and dish it out.



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You are a waste of space.

and you will defend the Obamas not matter what...

I defend truth and reason. That's something about which you have no clue.

Truth and reason?

From Barack Hussein anti American Islamic agenda?

you are out of your mind! :cuckoo:
You wouldn't recognize truth if it hit you over the head. Your type believe what they want to believe despite all the evidence and any logical reasoning.


and look who's talking

lilly white clean you!

aww so clear minded ....ever so clear....ever so logical,,,,LOL

give me a break

go quote somebody else ....will you?
I don't know why the STATES even bowed down to Mabell Obama poking here nose into things. for one she isn't an ELECTED anything and for two, the States puts in more money and should have their own say. I don't know why a lot of people think the FEDS runs our schools, so they have all the say
How Do We Fund Our Schools?

It’s a little known fact that when it comes to the funding of our schools, the U.S. Government contributes about 10 cents to every dollar spent on K-12 education – less than the majority of countries in the world. And it wasn’t until 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as part of his War on Poverty, that the federal government created a lasting program to fund K-12 education.

So where does the bulk of the money for our 14,000 public elementary and secondary school districts schools come from? State and local governments. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, state and local funding accounts for approximately 93 percent of education expenditures.

What’s the source of these funds? In most states, it’s sales and income taxes (both corporate and personal). But on a local level, these funds usually come from property taxes, which are set by the school board, local officials or citizens. It’s this system that causes the most dramatic differences between states, and even within districts.

all of it here:
Finance ~ How Do We Fund Our Schools? - Where We Stand
It doesn't matter where the funding comes from. Mrs. Obama is not dictating anything. She is suggesting and supporting good, healthful eating. Those suggestions and ideas are supported and endorsed by the national and international medical community. Mrs. Obama is not forcing anything on anyone, and certainly not her personal vision on anyone: healthful eating habits are a national and international concern, especial in the West for children.

Attacking Mrs. Obama over this issue is just ludicrous.
It doesn't matter where the funding comes from. Mrs. Obama is not dictating anything. She is suggesting and supporting good, healthful eating. Those suggestions and ideas are supported and endorsed by the national and international medical community. Mrs. Obama is not forcing anything on anyone, and certainly not her personal vision on anyone: healthful eating habits are a national and international concern, especial in the West for children.

Attacking Mrs. Obama over this issue is just ludicrous.
It's obvious both are control freaks...
what a job sitting around waiting to hit a smilie on someone's post. some people need lives. so pathetic
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
I grew up eating Frosted Flakes and drinking Cherry Kool Aid made with real sugar and so did most of the kids I grew up with

None of us are obese.

But how many of you feed your kids the same crap?
I don't have kids but friends of mine do and they all still have frosted flakes in their pantries.

They just don't let their kids eat too much of anything. Oh and they let their kids play outside

The truth is that a cup of frosted flaked with whole milk (gasp) for breakfast and a banana every morning will not make a kid obese
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
I grew up eating Frosted Flakes and drinking Cherry Kool Aid made with real sugar and so did most of the kids I grew up with

None of us are obese.

But how many of you feed your kids the same crap?
I don't have kids but friends of mine do and they all still have frosted flakes in their pantries.

They just don't let their kids eat too much of anything. Oh and they let their kids play outside

The truth is that a cup of frosted flaked with whole milk (gasp) for breakfast and a banana every morning will not make a kid obese
Frosted Flakes in whole unpasteurized milk add a sliced up banana... Is damn good
these unelected "bureaucrats" knows best now. how dare we not all just bow to their tyranny.

we the people need to demand they gut a bunch of these worthless agencies on top of agencies making up their rules we are suppose to follow.
this is what happens you get these Obamas and Federal Government involved. do as they say or they cut you off the few taxpayer DOLLARS they hold over them.

what a gig eh?

PAYBACK: School Faces Massive Federal Regulations After Withdrawing From Michelle O’s Lunch Program

October 21, 2015

Londonderry High School in New Hampshire opted out of Michelle Obama’s school lunch program this year after it became evident that a large amount of food that complied with the program was being wasted.

The high school opted out but the elementary and middle schools are still in the program. Because the high school prepares meals for all schools in the district, the USDA is threatening to reclassify the high school as a food processing facility.

This classification carries with it a myriad of new regulation that could cause major problems for the district.

School superintendent Nathan Greenberg had this to say:

“Our whole goal was to provide nutritious lunches at the high school for our students, give them choice and limit the waste we saw last year.”

all of it here:
PAYBACK: School Faces Massive Federal Regulations After Withdrawing From Michelle O's Lunch Program - Progressives Today
these unelected "bureaucrats" knows best now. how dare we not all just bow to their tyranny.

we the people need to demand they gut a bunch of these worthless agencies on top of agencies making up their rules we are suppose to follow.
No one is stopping you from stuffing your face with Krispy Kream donuts, but why would you want to let your great grand kids eating that junk? Lower IQ and lower concentration levels is correlated to a steady high sugar diet it effects the brain

Sugar not only adds inches to your waistline, but in high doses, it could affect your brain cells, says Allen Towfigh, MD, a sleep medicine doctor and neurologist affiliated with Weill Cornell Medical Center/New York Presbyterian Hospital. "Diabetics have higher incidences of dementia," notes Towfigh. The negative impact of sugar on the brain may be because of increased inflammation, according to an animal study from the University of Southern California. High sugar diets were found to affect brain cell functioning and cognitive ability.

6 Surprising Things That Can Lower Your I.Q.
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this is what happens you get these Obamas and Federal Government involved. do as they say or they cut you off the few taxpayer DOLLARS they hold over them.

what a gig eh?

PAYBACK: School Faces Massive Federal Regulations After Withdrawing From Michelle O’s Lunch Program

October 21, 2015

Londonderry High School in New Hampshire opted out of Michelle Obama’s school lunch program this year after it became evident that a large amount of food that complied with the program was being wasted.

The high school opted out but the elementary and middle schools are still in the program. Because the high school prepares meals for all schools in the district, the USDA is threatening to reclassify the high school as a food processing facility.

This classification carries with it a myriad of new regulation that could cause major problems for the district.

School superintendent Nathan Greenberg had this to say:

“Our whole goal was to provide nutritious lunches at the high school for our students, give them choice and limit the waste we saw last year.”

all of it here:
PAYBACK: School Faces Massive Federal Regulations After Withdrawing From Michelle O's Lunch Program - Progressives Today
And yet you said you accept gob'ment cheese

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