Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

Pizza and French fries.

Firstly ,Michelle uses her influence to have fried food banned, but then she openly declares ,as if anybody could really care, that she likes pizza and french fries

What a complete contradiction.....make your mind up Michelle, but better still, just say nothing!

Yes...she likes them....as do most of us. But a smart person doesn't eat nothing but pizza and french fries.

Please tell us you know the difference, eh?

That's not the point.

The point is she gives the impression she is pushing BOTH agendas....fried and non fried foods.

Make up your mind Michelle!

She has to be careful and clear in what she says because being in a high position everything she says is taken seriously.

Wait...by saying she likes pizza and fries she's "pushing an agenda"? :lmao: :lmao:

Too funny!

She pushes BOTH agendas and doesn't make any sense, when she says her favorite food is french fries.....but at the same time bans fried foods for everybody else....:cuckoo:
Pizza and French fries.

Firstly ,Michelle uses her influence to have fried food banned, but then she openly declares ,as if anybody could really care, that she likes pizza and french fries

What a complete contradiction.....make your mind up Michelle, but better still, just say nothing!

Yes...she likes them....as do most of us. But a smart person doesn't eat nothing but pizza and french fries.

Please tell us you know the difference, eh?

That's not the point.

The point is she gives the impression she is pushing BOTH agendas....fried and non fried foods.

Make up your mind Michelle!

She has to be careful and clear in what she says because being in a high position everything she says is taken seriously.

Wait...by saying she likes pizza and fries she's "pushing an agenda"? :lmao: :lmao:

Too funny!

She pushes BOTH agendas and doesn't make any sense, when she says her favorite food is french fries.....but at the same time bans fried foods for everybody else....:cuckoo:

Pizza and French fries.

Firstly ,Michelle uses her influence to have fried food banned, but then she openly declares ,as if anybody could really care, that she likes pizza and french fries

What a complete contradiction.....make your mind up Michelle, but better still, just say nothing!

Yes...she likes them....as do most of us. But a smart person doesn't eat nothing but pizza and french fries.

Please tell us you know the difference, eh?

That's not the point.

The point is she gives the impression she is pushing BOTH agendas....fried and non fried foods.

Make up your mind Michelle!

She has to be careful and clear in what she says because being in a high position everything she says is taken seriously.

Wait...by saying she likes pizza and fries she's "pushing an agenda"? :lmao: :lmao:

Too funny!

She pushes BOTH agendas and doesn't make any sense, when she says her favorite food is french fries.....but at the same time bans fried foods for everybody else....:cuckoo:

Children are "everybody else"?
Stop telling Rednecks how to raise their children. They know what they are doing. Look how happy these kids are:




Leave redneck children alone. Let them be happy. Stop trying to get them to eat healthy.
Like I said, I like little big redneck kids. Their cheeks are so pinchable and squishy. I want to rub one of those round tummy's and make a wish. But I know better than to get close. Because their parents don't like vaccines, often, they have something contagious. If you touch one, remember to wash your hands. With something strong.
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
The point isn't fat kids, the federal government has no business in the personal lives of anybody. Federal government is too much of a hypocrite to be telling anyone what to do in any part of their personal life… LOL
Stop telling Rednecks how to raise their children. They know what they are doing. Look how happy these kids are:




Leave redneck children alone. Let them be happy. Stop trying to get them to eat healthy.
Like I said, I like little big redneck kids. Their cheeks are so pinchable and squishy. I want to rub one of those round tummy's and make a wish. But I know better than to get close. Because their parents don't like vaccines, often, they have something contagious. If you touch one, remember to wash your hands. With something strong.
No doubt we have obesity problem in this country, it is because of a socialist government. Seems everyone wants a an Obama phone or something like it. Vaccines don't work on everybody so quit trying to push them on everybody... Lol
I grew up eating Frosted Flakes and drinking Cherry Kool Aid made with real sugar and so did most of the kids I grew up with

None of us are obese.

That settles it then. Some dude who thinks he's skull says eating sugar a d fried foods has no harmful effect on kids or anyone else.

Skulls anecdotal story proves it.

Hey skull are there ANY fat people in your America?
Skull in your America, does eating right and exercising have ANY benefits?

Go ahead and ban cupcakes and fried chicken today. Some people will still be fat in 10 years.

There's nothing you can do about it.

And since you can't seem to grasp the idea of portion size or moderation maybe you need a government hack to tell you what to eat and when to exercise. I don't need to be treated like a child.

This issue should be between the kids parents and the operators of the day care the fucking government has no business getting involved

But then in the modern world, where people need so many skills in order to be able to operate properly, what is needed is the right education. Education on how to eat healthily, on what happens to your body when you eat bad food, correct information on food packaging to tell people the information they need and so on.

But then when people propose this you get accused of "indoctrination".
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
The point isn't fat kids, the federal government has no business in the personal lives of anybody. Federal government is too much of a hypocrite to be telling anyone what to do in any part of their personal life… LOL

But the people who demand the feds stop telling kids to eat fat food are the same people demanding the feds tell women to not have abortions, not to drink alcohol, not to smoke pot, not to do loads of things. They even advocate their feds going abroad and telling foreigners what to do, like in Iraq.
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
The point isn't fat kids, the federal government has no business in the personal lives of anybody. Federal government is too much of a hypocrite to be telling anyone what to do in any part of their personal life… LOL

But the people who demand the feds stop telling kids to eat fat food are the same people demanding the feds tell women to not have abortions, not to drink alcohol, not to smoke pot, not to do loads of things. They even advocate their feds going abroad and telling foreigners what to do, like in Iraq.
The federal government has no morality to demand any of these things, that's why am more libertarian than anything.
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
The point isn't fat kids, the federal government has no business in the personal lives of anybody. Federal government is too much of a hypocrite to be telling anyone what to do in any part of their personal life… LOL

But the people who demand the feds stop telling kids to eat fat food are the same people demanding the feds tell women to not have abortions, not to drink alcohol, not to smoke pot, not to do loads of things. They even advocate their feds going abroad and telling foreigners what to do, like in Iraq.
The federal government has no morality to demand any of these things, that's why am more libertarian than anything.

I don't disagree.

I think the feds should be involved in the process, but I think they should be more of an advisory body, giving schools and child care places ready made courses and things they can use. They're there to join together the forces of the USA and make something more out of them.

Education is a state issue, should states all be working alone on improving education? No, I don't think so, and it's the feds who should be leading that unity. However they're not doing that.

No one tells Republican children what they can and can't eat. Right mom?
Thanks for confirming.
No...thank you for confirming.
You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

I guess parents could check out EVERYTHING other people do, and then they'd just look like they're control freaks. Sometimes you have to trust people.

And if I don't? Then what, they might be "insulted" that I don't trust them with /my/ kids? I don't give two fucks if folks think I'm a control freak, I check(ed) everywhere my children went because it was /my/ responsibility to ensure my children's safety and well-being. That even included searching my family members homes to ensure that everything my kids could be harmed by was taken care of to my satisfaction. I opened every reachable cabinet and drawer in their aunt and uncles house, installed new outlet covers, and installed toilet locks on every bowl as well as made them move the couch so it wasn't next to the stairs (where the kids could climb over the railing and fall.) They actually thanked me for the help since they were planning to start a family eventually and didn't know half the shit I had checked and gone over with them. (Now they have 12 damn kids!! wtf are they thinking?!?! lol)
Frosted Flakes for breakfast, cream cheese and jelly on toast for lunch.

I wouldn't ever have given my son sugar cereal. And they aren't saying the daycare can't give cream cheese and jelly. They can't give French fries.
Well Silly Jilly...one thing you have failed to learn, even at your advance age...

It is this: whenever the government, as it is constituted today, gets involved in any issue it's goal is not to protect the American people. It's goal is to enrich and empower itself.

You can thank me later for enlightening you Silly Jilly.

Then again the person doing this isn't an elected official, it's not someone who seeks to gain personally from this, it's a mother with two daughters.
I have not nor will I criticize Mrs. Obama for her efforts to promote good nutrition. In fact, I commend her for it.

But again, once the government gets involved in anything, seldom are the results effective or beneficial for the American people.
Total BS. There are countless instances of government involvement that have resulted in being extremely beneficial for the American people. What about Hoover Dam? What about the Panama Canal? The US highway system? The railroad system across America? Police, fire and paramedic agencies across the country, which are there because of government involvement? These are only a tiny fraction of the examples I could give you.

Your statement is truly ridiculous and indicates a humongous lack of knowledge and intelligence--in fact, it indicates primary school thinking.
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No...thank you for confirming.

You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.

Well, to be honest, if you think First Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.

You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.

That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.

You think THIS is a fine body???


She is a woman in good health who is active and vital. She has a pear shaped body type which means she is thin on the top and heavier on the bottom. All women fall into certain body types. Women are not made by God to look like Barbie dolls.


After the age of 40, both men and women get thicker. Much depends on genetics, and there isn't much you can do about it.

You people attack her because she is the President's wife, a president you don't like because of partisanship. I doubt you or your spouse look anything like models or movie stars, and yet you think you have the right to determine what good nutrition for the country is.

She is concerned about the children of our country, the huge number of instances of childhood obesity and diabetes. Anyone who doesn't care about this issue is someone who is in not in a position to criticize those who do.
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You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???


She is a woman in good health who is active and vital. She has a pear shaped body type which means she is thin on the top and heavier on the bottom. All woman fall into certain body types. Women are not made by God to look like Barbie dolls.

After the age of 40, both men and women get thicker. Much depends on genetics and there isn't much you can do about it.

You people attack her because she is the President's wife, a president you don't like because of partisanship. I doubt you or your spouse look anything like models or movie stars, and yet you think you have the right to determine what is good nutrician for the country.
Keep making excuses for her. The woman is obese and she has no business telling other people what to eat when she can't control her OWN appetite. I suspect YOU are probably obese too.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???


She is a woman in good health who is active and vital. She has a pear shaped body type which means she is thin on the top and heavier on the bottom. All woman fall into certain body types. Women are not made by God to look like Barbie dolls.

After the age of 40, both men and women get thicker. Much depends on genetics and there isn't much you can do about it.

You people attack her because she is the President's wife, a president you don't like because of partisanship. I doubt you or your spouse look anything like models or movie stars, and yet you think you have the right to determine what is good nutrician for the country.
Keep making excuses for her. The woman is obese and she has no business telling other people what to eat when she can't control her OWN appetite. I suspect YOU are probably obese too.
She is not obese, but you are a monumental fat head.
You can 'suspect' what you want. That is your problem. You like to make assumptions and turn them into 'facts' you believe in if they fit your agenda. But the real truth is your fat and stupid head is a fact. That everyone can see as clear as day.
No...thank you for confirming.
You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this: View attachment 73123 fat.
You would have lost that bet, fatty. You saw the pic of Michelle walking the dog. I consider that a fat ass. That's a 200 pounder at least.
That isn't 200 pounds nor is she fat. I cannot help but wonder what insecurities you are hiding that make you want to body shame women who have fine bodies. That's usually how it goes.

So...share your pic with us.
You think THIS is a fine body???

It is a normal body for a woman of her age and body type.
Ok, post a pic of a woman you would consider to be obese.
You are a waste of space.

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