Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

Just because you have shitferbrains you stupid mother fucker- doesn't make me your communist and fellow traveller.

Apparently you are such a weak minded mother fucking idiot that you fall for this Conservative whine fest every time.

You object to your tax payer dollars(assuming you even pay any taxes) paying for healthier food for kids- rather than less healthy food.

Derp, derp, derpity derp derp derp.

Fucking retard.

Using linear regression, based on post samples taken on this board, I can demonstrate a correlation coefficient substantially close to 1 that stupidity and leftism track on the same trajectory. As you demonstrate, the lower the IQ of the poster, the further left the posts will be.

I wonder though, can I establish causation? Does leftism cause mental retardation? Are you a retard because you are a leftist? You are certainly a leftist because you are a retard, but this does not establish that leftism causes retardation.

It would be an interesting study.
Oh yeah, she's in great shape. :laugh2:

Yes she is. She's certainly not that anorexic form that American fashion sadly admires....causing girls to generate eating disorders.
So, you're fat too, eh? I kinda thought so.
Well, I am 60 now and with bad knees from my time in the military I am no longer in the shape I used to be....not toned. But it's sad to see that you believe the First Lady is "fat". She is not. That is your attempt at body shaming....and trying to control women thru such shame.
Thanks for confirming.
No...thank you for confirming.
You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.
Stop telling Rednecks how to raise their children. They know what they are doing. Look how happy these kids are:




Leave redneck children alone. Let them be happy. Stop trying to get them to eat healthy.
Actually, when your kids are in the custody of a caretaker, like a school. for instance, somebody else is responsible for a significant portion of "raising", or at the very least, feeding your kids. If you don't like it you have the option of home-schooling.

So, if your child goes to a federal school, they are in federal custody and the property of Barack Obama?

You are an amazingly stupid mother fucker.
^ that

or hes a lolibertarian or Murican Spring- type
Actually, when your kids are in the custody of a caretaker, like a school. for instance, somebody else is responsible for a significant portion of "raising", or at the very least, feeding your kids. If you don't like it you have the option of home-schooling.

So, if your child goes to a federal school, they are in federal custody and the property of Barack Obama?

You are an amazingly stupid mother fucker.
^ that

or hes a lolibertarian or Murican Spring- type

Hey Dog Cum, if you and syriusly combine your IQ's, the sum still fails to break into double digits? :eek:
I don't why we the people are paying for a bunch of people who are Suppose to Represent US in Congress. these Agencies just make up their own rules to stick on us.

Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare
Final regulation only allows daycare centers to serve juice once a day

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
April 25, 2016 1:50 pm

New rules stemming from the school lunch law championed by first lady Michelle Obama are banning popular children’s cereals like Frosted Flakes in daycare centers.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a final rule Monday that will affect more than 3 million kids in daycare centers across the country. The regulation will only allow daycare centers to serve juice once a day, will ban fried foods, and encourages centers to not add honey to a child’s yogurt.

The regulation is a result of the 2010 law aimed at school lunches, a top priority of Mrs. Obama’s Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative. The government hopes ( hummm. the Government hopes) the new rule will “help children build healthy habits.”

“This final rule updates the meal pattern requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program to better align them with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010,” the final rule states. “This rule requires centers and day care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program to serve more whole grains and a greater variety of vegetables and fruit, and reduces the amount of added sugars and solid fats in meals.”

The law required the USDA to “promote health and wellness in child care settings via guidance and technical assistance that focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and limiting electronic media use,” according to the regulation.

all of the wonderful here:
Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

Wow, and now Stephanie supports child abuse. Does she have any idea how evil she has become?
Let's review , she living in a trailer, in a trailer park, she sez she has received gob'ment chesse , she says she gets medicaid (not medicare) but that's ok because she deserves it!! yea right!!
Stop telling Rednecks how to raise their children. They know what they are doing. Look how happy these kids are:




Leave redneck children alone. Let them be happy. Stop trying to get them to eat healthy.
cracka kids in jesusland
ok OP you stupid PoS, along w/ uncensored2008- Please to explain the attributes of fried foods and bits of flour drenched in refined sugar (Frosted Flakes).

I'll wait
Stop telling Rednecks how to raise their children. They know what they are doing. Look how happy these kids are:




Leave redneck children alone. Let them be happy. Stop trying to get them to eat healthy.
cracka kids in jesusland

Just as stupid as if someone posted pictures of black kids and labeled it 'n*gger kids in Africaland'

The OP is stupid- incredibly stupid. No reason to contribute to the stupidity with bigotry like this.
Stop telling Rednecks how to raise their children. They know what they are doing. Look how happy these kids are:




Leave redneck children alone. Let them be happy. Stop trying to get them to eat healthy.

Don't be a bigot. These are overweight kids- not rednecks.
I'm a bit... shocked that folks so easily discard parental responsibility for their kids to the governments hand. It's not even, in my mind, a debate about nutrition anymore, merely a display of just how helpless and pathetic adult parents have become in this country. No wonder the lower 48 is falling apart, it's not even that ya'll would "give up" your parental rights and obligations so easily either, but that ya'll in fact seem to feel it's actually "better" if you do so... What a sad thing for the children, no wonder they are so confused, angry, and rebellious, who wouldn't be, so callously discarded to federally approved "keepers" in some national children's zoo? We should install windows and bars so we can peer in while the announcers read us the "quick fact sheet" on the little creatures...
ok OP you stupid PoS, along w/ uncensored2008- Please to explain the attributes of fried foods and bits of flour drenched in refined sugar (Frosted Flakes).

I'll wait

They taste good

Now what?
Coca Cola tastes good but it has 0 nutritional value. Refined sugar has very little in the way of long-term attributes.

So what? This is America, we don't have to justify ourselves to an overlord when we want to exercise a right.
Yes she is. She's certainly not that anorexic form that American fashion sadly admires....causing girls to generate eating disorders.
So, you're fat too, eh? I kinda thought so.
Well, I am 60 now and with bad knees from my time in the military I am no longer in the shape I used to be....not toned. But it's sad to see that you believe the First Lady is "fat". She is not. That is your attempt at body shaming....and trying to control women thru such shame.
Thanks for confirming.
No...thank you for confirming.
You already knew you were fat, I didn't have to confirm it.
Well, to be honest, if you think FIrst Lady Michelle Obama is fat, I don't mind the moniker. I bet you call everyone more than this:

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