Michelle Obama "my kids ruined my life "

Nah....that's not what she said in the Article......she more or less complains about her choice to be
a mother instead of some Greater Goal....noticeably missing is any mention of the Joys of being a parent.
Yes, "in the article", which cherry picked parts of a 90 minute movie. An article written by idiots, for idiots. "Hey, if it wasn't in muh article, it didn't happen! Hee haw!"....Jesus man, how can you be so damn dense,...
It wasn't as if she had to actually go through childbirth or months of nursing.
She and BONOBO bought the girls from a surrogate mother.
Someday someone is going to collect DNA samples from all the 'BONOBOs' and have independent 'blind' lab tests done and then the world will find out the truth.
Then the assholes at CNN/MSNBC can run 24/7 coverage about how wonderful the BONOBOS were for adopting the girls.
I didn't find it a bad article , and defiantly not your reaction to the article. Jo are you being too hard on her? I think so.
I’m sure her children will be very happy to hear that mom thinks they ruined her life by being born because it “took away” her dreams. Idiot.
Yes, "in the article", which cherry picked parts of a 90 minute movie.
She said what she said, asshole. Stop denying reality. A man is not a woman and Michelle Obama said publicly that her children ruined her life. I’m sure that won’t damage the psyche of her daughters at all.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.

Of course, the thread title is a lie. What an idiotic thread for braindead partisans.

That applies to both the right and left brain dead partisans. Right.
I didn't find it a bad article , and defiantly not your reaction to the article. Jo are you being too hard on her? I think so.
I’m sure her children will be very happy to hear that mom thinks they ruined her life by being born because it “took away” her dreams. Idiot.
She never said they ruined her life.
That’s exactly what she said. WTF do you think “took away my dreams” means?
It wasn't as if she had to actually go through childbirth or months of nursing.
She and BONOBO bought the girls from a surrogate mother.
Someday someone is going to collect DNA samples from all the 'BONOBOs' and have independent 'blind' lab tests done and then the world will find out the truth.
Then the assholes at CNN/MSNBC can run 24/7 coverage about how wonderful the BONOBOS were for adopting the girls.

Always glad to get an honest response from a Trump supporter.

Just a sterling example of how deep the racism towards the Obamas from Trump supporters is.
Yes, "in the article", which cherry picked parts of a 90 minute movie.
She said what she said, asshole. Stop denying reality. A man is not a woman and Michelle Obama said publicly that her children ruined her life. I’m sure that won’t damage the psyche of her daughters at all.
Michelle Obama did say what she said- the OP as we keep pointing out lied about what Michelle Obama.

And now you are lying about what she said also.

Trump supporters- Obama haters- liars.
I didn't find it a bad article , and defiantly not your reaction to the article. Jo are you being too hard on her? I think so.
I’m sure her children will be very happy to hear that mom thinks they ruined her life by being born because it “took away” her dreams. Idiot.
She didn't exactly say that either- did she?
Here is what she actually said:

My relationship with Barack was all about our partnership,” Obama said. “If I was going to have an equal voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up. I had to set myself off to a place where I was confident that I was going to be his equal.”

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” she said. “Something had to give, and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

A Biden win would set up pitched battle with liberals over filibuster
She added, “I made that concession not because he said, 'You have to quit your job,' but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this, so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back.'"

I wonder what it is about Michelle Obama's success that makes you so bitter?

Is it her graduating from Harvard Law?
Is it that she is the most admired woman in America?
Is it that she has never been divorced, and has two lovely children?
Is it that she was a very admired First Lady?
Is it that she had an actual professional career?
Or is it as simple as the fact that she is an admired black woman?
Michelle Obama is an America Hating JOKE. Like her "husband" an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION clown. She hates her OWN CHILDREN and uses them as an excuse that she is essentially a NOBODY and only known because of her Communist "husband".

Former first lady Michelle Obama said in her newly-released Netflix documentary Becoming that having children was a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams.”

Obama made the remarks while talking about her desire to become “equal” to her husband, President Barack Obama.

“My relationship with Barack was all about our equal partnership,” Obama recalled. “If I was going to have a unique voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up and set myself off to a place where I was going to be his equal.”

However, the birth of their two daughters, Malia and Sasha, “changed” the course of the couple’s relationship.

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” the first lady explained. “Something had to give and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

“I made that concession not because he said ‘you have to quit your job,’ but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back,'” she added

That is EXACTLY what she said.
Michelle Obama is an America Hating JOKE. Like her "husband" an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION clown. She hates her OWN CHILDREN and uses them as an excuse that she is essentially a NOBODY and only known because of her Communist "husband".

Former first lady Michelle Obama said in her newly-released Netflix documentary Becoming that having children was a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams.”

Obama made the remarks while talking about her desire to become “equal” to her husband, President Barack Obama.

“My relationship with Barack was all about our equal partnership,” Obama recalled. “If I was going to have a unique voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up and set myself off to a place where I was going to be his equal.”

However, the birth of their two daughters, Malia and Sasha, “changed” the course of the couple’s relationship.

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” the first lady explained. “Something had to give and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

“I made that concession not because he said ‘you have to quit your job,’ but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back,'” she added

That is EXACTLY what she said.
When you have kids you make compromises. All of you incel wankers will realise that if you ever meet that special somebody.
So here we have a bright intelligent woman making changes in her life to make sure she brings up her kids properly. We all do it.

Apart from Donny who fucks a porn star whilst his 3rd wife is giving birth.

You people really are racist trash, Americas dregs.
I didn't find it a bad article , and defiantly not your reaction to the article. Jo are you being too hard on her? I think so.
I’m sure her children will be very happy to hear that mom thinks they ruined her life by being born because it “took away” her dreams. Idiot.
She didn't exactly say that either- did she?
Here is what she actually said:

My relationship with Barack was all about our partnership,” Obama said. “If I was going to have an equal voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up. I had to set myself off to a place where I was confident that I was going to be his equal.”

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” she said. “Something had to give, and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

A Biden win would set up pitched battle with liberals over filibuster
She added, “I made that concession not because he said, 'You have to quit your job,' but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this, so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back.'"

I wonder what it is about Michelle Obama's success that makes you so bitter?

Is it her graduating from Harvard Law?
Is it that she is the most admired woman in America?
Is it that she has never been divorced, and has two lovely children?
Is it that she was a very admired First Lady?
Is it that she had an actual professional career?
Or is it as simple as the fact that she is an admired black woman?
All of the above.
"... ruined my life... "

One of the primary characteristics of nutters is the need to misquote, misinterpret, distort, and often completely fabricate the words of others in a transparently dishonest attempt to make a "point".

They do this with such frequency and passion that it's entirely possible they actually believe what they're saying or writing, as they say or write it.

One of the more counterproductive symptoms of the affliction.
"Concession that cost her aspirations and dreams". Pretty damning statement by that fat ass.
"Concession that cost her aspirations and dreams". Pretty damning statement by that fat ass.
It isnt damning at all. Its very honest and every parent will understand what she is talking about. Its only difficult for racist trash like yourself.

Up till now I have always defended the ex-president's wife as a person who received a tremendous amount of criticism she never asked for. I never thought the negative media coverage of her was ever appropriate or called for. Even her stupid statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life really didn't phase me all that much I took it more or less with a grain of salt considering the source. But the above link of her expressing regret about being a mother is one of the most hideous attacks on two living children I have ever seen in a public venue. I wonder how her two daughters feel knowing that their mother sees them as two impediments instead of two children? Are you serious bitch? The most sacred and precious privilege available to any human being to be a parent. Why am I not surprised that her value system begins with the word selfish and the ends with the word narcissist? This article has definitely changed my viewpoint of the former first lady.


Did I miss the part where she said "My kids ruined my life"??

"Cost me my dreams"..... is even a more offensive statement.....
Using "ruined my life " .... instead was being kind.

She didn't exactly say that either- did she?
My relationship with Barack was all about our partnership,” Obama said. “If I was going to have an equal voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up. I had to set myself off to a place where I was confident that I was going to be his equal.”

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” she said. “Something had to give, and it was my aspirations and dreams.”
A Biden win would set up pitched battle with liberals over filibuster
She added, “I made that concession not because he said, 'You have to quit your job,' but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this, so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back.'"

I wonder what it is about Michelle Obama's success that makes you so bitter?

Is it her graduating from Harvard Law?
Is it that she is the most admired woman in America?
Is it that she has never been divorced, and has two lovely children?
Is it that she was a very admired First Lady?
Is it that she had an actual professional career?

Bitter? Hah? Bitterness is in the title of the Article..... There are plenty of black women with children who have made it all the way to their dreams. Those who did not are not in the business of blaming motherhood as an obstacle.
Michelle is an affirmative action phony that never really did accomplish anything except for the establishment of horrifyingly unacceptable school lunch food menus that increased the garbage haul from grammar schools and junior high schools by one hundred percent. I always defended her before when I though it was unfair for people to drag her into her husband's political arena when it seemed to me that all she really wanted was privacy. But this article and its title have cast a light on the monster that dwells beneath.

Last edited:
"... ruined my life... "

One of the primary characteristics of nutters is the need to misquote, misinterpret, distort, and often completely fabricate the words of others in a transparently dishonest attempt to make a "point".

They do this with such frequency and passion that it's entirely possible they actually believe what they're saying or writing, as they say or write it.

One of the more counterproductive symptoms of the affliction.

Oh Bullshit....the actual wording is even more offensive ..

"Concessions that cost me my dreams???"

Let's face it she's a selfish bitch

Michelle Obama is an America Hating JOKE. Like her "husband" an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION clown. She hates her OWN CHILDREN and uses them as an excuse that she is essentially a NOBODY and only known because of her Communist "husband".

Former first lady Michelle Obama said in her newly-released Netflix documentary Becoming that having children was a “concession” that cost her “aspirations and dreams.”

Obama made the remarks while talking about her desire to become “equal” to her husband, President Barack Obama.

“My relationship with Barack was all about our equal partnership,” Obama recalled. “If I was going to have a unique voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up and set myself off to a place where I was going to be his equal.”

However, the birth of their two daughters, Malia and Sasha, “changed” the course of the couple’s relationship.

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” the first lady explained. “Something had to give and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

“I made that concession not because he said ‘you have to quit your job,’ but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back,'” she added

That is EXACTLY what she said.
'she hates her own children'

Except of course she doesn't say that

She didn't exactly say that either- did she?
Here is what she actually said:

My relationship with Barack was all about our partnership,” Obama said. “If I was going to have an equal voice with this very opinionated man, I had to get myself up. I had to set myself off to a place where I was confident that I was going to be his equal.”

“The thing that really changed it was the birth of our children. I wasn’t really ready for that. That really made it harder,” she said. “Something had to give, and it was my aspirations and dreams.”

A Biden win would set up pitched battle with liberals over filibuster
She added, “I made that concession not because he said, 'You have to quit your job,' but it felt like ‘I can’t do all of this, so I have to tone down my aspirations, I have to dial it back.'"

I wonder what it is about Michelle Obama's success that makes you so bitter?

Is it her graduating from Harvard Law?
Is it that she is the most admired woman in America?
Is it that she has never been divorced, and has two lovely children?
Is it that she was a very admired First Lady?
Is it that she had an actual professional career?
Or is it as simple as the fact that she is an admired black woman?
"... ruined my life... "

One of the primary characteristics of nutters is the need to misquote, misinterpret, distort, and often completely fabricate the words of others in a transparently dishonest attempt to make a "point".

They do this with such frequency and passion that it's entirely possible they actually believe what they're saying or writing, as they say or write it.

One of the more counterproductive symptoms of the affliction.

Oh Bullshit....the actual wording is even more offensive ..

"Concessions that cost me my dreams???"

Let's face it she's a selfish bitch

Really the only one coming off as a selfish bitch in this thread is you.

I wonder what it is about Michelle Obama's success that makes you so bitter?

Is it her graduating from Harvard Law?
Is it that she is the most admired woman in America?
is it that she is admired as a mother?
Is it that she has never been divorced, and has two lovely children who adore her?
Is it that she was a very admired First Lady?
Is it that she had an actual professional career?
Or is it as simple as the fact that she is an admired black woman?

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