Michelle Obama's new 'baller' motto

you have no sense of reality.

Bush was a huge failure and you licked his boots the entire time.

all your obama hate is making you insane
Thanks Steph

In terms of repeatedly demonstrating how out of touch conservatives are with popular culture....You are indeed a "Baller"

like we were out of touch with teabagger..

and you brag this make your party, IN TOUCH...

I don't know Steph.....You conservatives do have a thing with Testicles

stupid, but so you

but I'll leave you all to whine because it's about Michelle Obama..you all need to hit MICHELE Bachmann thread..some more class over there..
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TM, I don't see you in the Bachmann thread whining about RESPECT..

I guess it's selective with you

Its selective with me too.

Bimbo Bachmann has done NOTHING to respect and plenty to despise.

First Lady Michelle Obama is a truly amazing woman who has enormous accomplishments to her credit.

Unless, of course, you're one of the brainless rw's who believes high quality, nutritious food four our children is a Communist plot. :cuckoo:

As for you trying to make something of her use of the word "baller", that's really stupid. I mean its, REALLY stupid.
the tea party is dead

that is why the likes of bachman are not running again

yeah yeah, and next week you all will be blaming them again when Obama and his comrades in arms administration SCREWS UP..

They are dropping like flies, today:

For a couple weeks, Obama fans have been high-fiving each other, looking at polling numbers and concluding the public didn't really blame the president for any of the scandals engulfing his administration.

Well, looks like they celebrated too early:

American voters say 76 - 17 percent, including 63 - 30 percent among Democrats, that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate charges the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

President Barack Obama gets a negative 45 - 49 percent job approval rating, compared to 48 - 45 percent positive in a May 1 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University, conducted before the IRS allegations surfaced.

The president's biggest drop is among independent voters, who give him a negative 37 - 57 percent score, compared to a negative 42 - 48 percent May 1. He gets a negative 9 - 86 percent from Republicans and a positive 87 - 8 percent from Democrats, both virtually unchanged. Women approve 49 - 45 percent while men give a negative 40 - 54 percent score.

National (US) Poll - May 30, 2013 - American Voters 4-1 Want Speci | Quinnipiac University Connecticut
the tea party is dead

that is why the likes of bachman are not running again

yeah yeah, and next week you all will be blaming them again when Obama and his comrades in arms administration SCREWS UP..

They are dropping like flies, today:

For a couple weeks, Obama fans have been high-fiving each other, looking at polling numbers and concluding the public didn't really blame the president for any of the scandals engulfing his administration.

Well, looks like they celebrated too early:

American voters say 76 - 17 percent, including 63 - 30 percent among Democrats, that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate charges the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

President Barack Obama gets a negative 45 - 49 percent job approval rating, compared to 48 - 45 percent positive in a May 1 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University, conducted before the IRS allegations surfaced.

The president's biggest drop is among independent voters, who give him a negative 37 - 57 percent score, compared to a negative 42 - 48 percent May 1. He gets a negative 9 - 86 percent from Republicans and a positive 87 - 8 percent from Democrats, both virtually unchanged. Women approve 49 - 45 percent while men give a negative 40 - 54 percent score.

National (US) Poll - May 30, 2013 - American Voters 4-1 Want Speci | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

I am so tired of seeing the shallow articles written about them., this article about her new word, baller
the other day we got hear about how Obama got lipstick on his collar..
this article doesn't show Michelle in good light..it shows little class for a first lady

looks like a lot of people are getting tired of it too..
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I heard that yesterday President Obama and his wife Michelle took oxygen into their lungs! The OUTRAGE! Just think of all those poor people who carry oxygen tanks around! The nerve of the President of the United States and his wife using oxygen that should have been captured and bottled for the use of innocent three pack a day smokers!

I heard that yesterday President Obama and his wife Michelle took oxygen into their lungs! The OUTRAGE! Just think of all those poor people who carry oxygen tanks around! The nerve of the President of the United States and his wife using oxygen that should have been captured and bottled for the use of innocent three pack a day smokers!

you think you're cute don't care about baller, whatever
not playing, bye
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yeah yeah, and next week you all will be blaming them again when Obama and his comrades in arms administration SCREWS UP..

They are dropping like flies, today:

For a couple weeks, Obama fans have been high-fiving each other, looking at polling numbers and concluding the public didn't really blame the president for any of the scandals engulfing his administration.

Well, looks like they celebrated too early:

American voters say 76 - 17 percent, including 63 - 30 percent among Democrats, that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate charges the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

President Barack Obama gets a negative 45 - 49 percent job approval rating, compared to 48 - 45 percent positive in a May 1 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University, conducted before the IRS allegations surfaced.

The president's biggest drop is among independent voters, who give him a negative 37 - 57 percent score, compared to a negative 42 - 48 percent May 1. He gets a negative 9 - 86 percent from Republicans and a positive 87 - 8 percent from Democrats, both virtually unchanged. Women approve 49 - 45 percent while men give a negative 40 - 54 percent score.

National (US) Poll - May 30, 2013 - American Voters 4-1 Want Speci | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

I am so tired of seeing the shallow articles written about them., this article about her new word, baller
the other day we got hear about how Obama got lipstick on his collar..
this article doesn't show Michelle in good light..it shows little class for a first lady

looks like a lot of people are getting tired of it too..

Does it bother you that the First lady is more in touch with our society than you are?

I heard that yesterday President Obama and his wife Michelle took oxygen into their lungs! The OUTRAGE! Just think of all those poor people who carry oxygen tanks around! The nerve of the President of the United States and his wife using oxygen that should have been captured and bottled for the use of innocent three pack a day smokers!

you think you're cute don't care about baller, whatever
not playing, bye
I don't care about baller because I understand what Mrs. Obama was referring to, unlike you.

I further don't care if the First Lady says someone has "game" because she's not talking about a returning hunter.

Should Mrs. Obama refer to someone's 'kicks', I know that there has not been an assault on someone's shins, but a discussion of footwear.

Mrs. Obama might even say someone is 'cool'. Fear not, Steph! We don't have to revive someone who has fallen through the ice!

If we had the First Lady you want, we would have to dig up Barbara Billingsley, get a string of pearls around her neck, throw and apron on her and have her greet Ward and The Beaver at the front door.

I heard that yesterday President Obama and his wife Michelle took oxygen into their lungs! The OUTRAGE! Just think of all those poor people who carry oxygen tanks around! The nerve of the President of the United States and his wife using oxygen that should have been captured and bottled for the use of innocent three pack a day smokers!

you think you're cute don't care about baller, whatever
not playing, bye
I don't care about baller because I understand what Mrs. Obama was referring to, unlike you.

I further don't care if the First Lady says someone has "game" because she's not talking about a returning hunter.

Should Mrs. Obama refer to someone's 'kicks', I know that there has not been an assault on someone's shins, but a discussion of footwear.

Mrs. Obama might even say someone is 'cool'. Fear not, Steph! We don't have to revive someone who has fallen through the ice!

If we had the First Lady you want, we would have to dig up Barbara Billingsley, get a string of pearls around her neck, throw and apron on her and have her greet Ward and The Beaver at the front door.

now you know what I want, funny
and long winded...
And you had to start a thread on it you dumb bitch

yes I did...thought you all would enjoy it...but I guess not...

brought out your true colors though...tsk tsk

Our true colors??? LOL Look in the mirror dearie.

stop changing and adding words to peoples post

and you all need to look in a mirror, you'll see HYPROCRITE...none of you over here calling people bitches is in the Bachmann thread whining about how they are treating her..
now I have better things to do...see ya
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you think you're cute don't care about baller, whatever
not playing, bye
I don't care about baller because I understand what Mrs. Obama was referring to, unlike you.

I further don't care if the First Lady says someone has "game" because she's not talking about a returning hunter.

Should Mrs. Obama refer to someone's 'kicks', I know that there has not been an assault on someone's shins, but a discussion of footwear.

Mrs. Obama might even say someone is 'cool'. Fear not, Steph! We don't have to revive someone who has fallen through the ice!

If we had the First Lady you want, we would have to dig up Barbara Billingsley, get a string of pearls around her neck, throw and apron on her and have her greet Ward and The Beaver at the front door.

now you know what I want, funny
and long winded...

Hey Steph...

Remember the "Terrorist Fist Bump" ??


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