Michelle O's School lunch nightmare, Obama kids school NOT INCLUDED

No one would give a shit that the Obamas children are enjoying the privileges of wealth, if it were not for their striking hypocrisy. All the posters who pretend they don't get that context are either stupid, or glaringly obtuse.
You seem to want to argue that lunches from home shouldn't be inspected or confiscated.

Yes. Exactly.
You seem to be arguing that gvmt should decide for others..Not "you" of course.You put whatever you wanted to in your childs lunch....you just want others to have to comply with a useless and intrusive statist policy that doesn't affect you.

Almost as if I've disagreed with that somewhere on here. :confused-84:

Surrender all decisions to the gvmt. is your statist premise.
You should really try actually reading someone's post before commenting, you know. :D

Go read post #37 and STFU, c**t.
An image of the perfect child, to a liberal. Or for that matter any democrat following the rich democrat aristocrat leaders:


That puppet is white..you're a racist. /sarc

Good point. I was looking for a black marionette but realized it would make me look democrat and the strings would need to be chains.
How can this possibly surprise you? :rolleyes:

This is Obama's and liberals' hypocrisy at its best. :up_yours:
Gee I wonder why the Obama daughters eat nice lunches at school? Maybe because they go to a prestigious school? Class envy is ripe with this one.
And now...the Right is reduced to whining about the President's childrens lunches. This is really sad...and quite funny...all at once. :lol:

No, we are whining about this:

Who elected this woman to any office to FORCE children to eat a bunch of batshyt crazy vegan shit? I don't recall her being up for election.. If she wants to step in to the political limelight she had best be prepared for what's going to come her way. How come her kids aren't included in this slop being served to the Public school serfs?

A better question is: why is the Federal Government involved in school lunches in the first place? The more power the Federal Government seizes from states and local communities via taxing and then doling out program funds, the more money is siphoned off for government cronies, and the supposed beneficiaries are left holding an empty lunch tray.
Republicans once again demonstrate their extreme hatred of all things Obama

So much so that they even come out against healthy lunches for schoolchildren

The problem is that the lunches AREN'T healthy.
Oh..Ok..as I read back I see where I must have misunderstood you.
I apologize for my error.

Not a problem. I'm guessing that this will be one of the few times we'll agree.
Maybe not..as long as you adopt reasonable, sensible positions.. ;)

You first. ;)

My position is smaller gvmt and lower taxes.
No entanglements in foreign wars for israel/oil/religion.
No special privileges or gvmt programs/entitlements based on race.

Which of those do you disagree with and why?
My position is smaller gvmt and lower taxes.
No entanglements in foreign wars for israel/oil/religion.
No special privileges or gvmt programs/entitlements based on race.

Which of those do you disagree with and why?

Only one out of 3. I prefer higher taxes, and government programs that help all (such as single-payer health insurance, higher minimum wage, etc).

I'm pretty much an isolationist when it comes to foreign policy.

And I think affirmative action has run its course and needs to die a quick death....which will probably be painful.
No one would give a shit that the Obamas children are enjoying the privileges of wealth, if it were not for their striking hypocrisy. All the posters who pretend they don't get that context are either stupid, or glaringly obtuse.
I still don't see the hypocrisy......maybe you can explain
Obama Girls Enjoy Best School Lunch in America Public Schoolers Lament Let s Move Meals CNS News

This link shows you what the spoiled and pampered Obama kids have for lunch.

This link : This is the public school Serf lunch..
Michelle O s Lunch Rules Sour First Day Of School Student Fighting Back Politics

Who elected this woman to any office to FORCE children to eat a bunch of batshyt crazy vegan shit? I don't recall her being up for election.. If she wants to step in to the political limelight she had best be prepared for what's going to come her way. How come her kids aren't included in this slop being served to the Public school serfs?

Some animals are more equal than others

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