Michigan AG charges participants in 2020 fake elector plot

This was reported today in the Washington Post.
It is about those 'false electors' so often now in the news.
The Michigan law enforcement folks think falsely asserting one was an elector is bad juju.
Fraud, in other words.

Those Republicans who were convinced by Rudy & Don to assert they were legal 'electors' are now gonna have some steep legal bills. Unless, of course the Republican Election Committee, or Trump Election Committee, or some MAGA financial angel comes in and pays all their legal obligation. That has been rumored to have happened previously.

And, coincidentally, it is happening at a time when Don Trump himself may be splashed with this 'false elector' juju.
We'll see if Special Prosecutor Jack Smith includes the 'false elector' scheme in his investigation.....and his possible indictment of Don Trump.

Today, from WaPo: (18Jul23)

"Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) announced felony charges Tuesday against the 16 Michigan Republicans who falsely claimed to be the state’s 2020 presidential electors for forgery and other crimes, bringing the first charges against Trump electors as investigations over attempts to overturn those results intensify across the country.

The charges were brought against former state Republican Party co-chairwoman Meshawn Maddock and 15 others for submitting official-looking paperwork to the federal government asserting they were casting the state’s electoral votes for Donald Trump. Joe Biden won Michigan, and courts swiftly threw out lawsuits claiming Trump was the true winner of the state.

The charges stem from a state investigation that is separate from a federal probe by special counsel Jack Smith into attempts to reverse the 2020 results.

ps....this is a fun addendum. It is those electors trying to deliver their ballots to the State House in Michigan. Watch the video clip.
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Legally terrorize a bunch of grandmas and grandpas, because they spoke up and accepted legitimate alternate elector positions.

You shitlibs are total jackbooted fucking fascists.
How many threads do these morons need to cheer political prosecution of people who took LEGAL positions? The tears when this gets tossed will fill some reservoirs.
What is legal about falsely claiming to be an elector?
How many threads do these morons need to cheer political prosecution of people who took LEGAL positions? The tears when this gets tossed will fill some reservoirs.
LOL....To be fair about as many that were posted when SCOTUS went in dry on the dems at the end of June. ;)
Well, I can't speak to the specific objections each of the previous posters to this thread offer.

However, it seems to me that the American electoral process is a really big deal for America.
America takes it seriously. Really seriously.
And if one attempts to inappropriately ...perhaps, criminally....interfere with it, well, there can be consequences. Dire ones.

Let's see how those Michigan newspapers tomorrow....the Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, and the Lansing State Journal .....report on this pretty big development.

I personally think that these Michigan Republicans who chose to be these 'electors' got talked into it by Rudy and other lawyers working for Don Trump. They trusted Rudy that it was "all above board".

I think, tho don't know for sure, but I think Michigan is gonna hear a lot about Rudy Giuiliani in the near future vis-a-vis this 'false electors' scheme. This is NOT a good development for Rudy.

How many threads do these morons need to cheer political prosecution of people who took LEGAL positions? The tears when this gets tossed will fill some reservoirs.
They're proving to us all that God Emperor correct when he says; "They're really after you, I'm just in their way."

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