Michigan Allows Adoption Agents to Opt-Out of Adoption to Gay "Couples"

Do adoption agencies have a right to insist couples provide both a mother & father to children?

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The commitment that gay and lesbian parents make to these children is life long. And they are being denied due to the religious bigotry of others. The gays and lesbians are not responsible for the bigotry cast against them. Those doubling down on religiously motivated bigotry are.

The commitment wolves make to random human infants they find in the wild is also life long. !

No- that commitment goes as far as it takes them to eat the infants abandoned by their biological parents.

Not sure why you seem to prefer wolves eating children rather than gays adopting them.
Allowing homos to adopt kids is the worst form of child abuse. ...... :evil:

That is a stupid and hateful thing to say. You have not idea what you are talking about!!

. I worked in a state run child welfare agency for 26 years. I had many jobs during that time including child protective services investigator, protective services supervisor, foster care unit supervisor, and foster and adoptive parent trainer.

The state in question, New Jersey, has been placing children with gay foster and adoptive parents for decades, long before same sex marriage was even being discussed. During my career, I was involved in some manner or other with thousands of cases of child abuse, including sexual abuse, physical abuse neglect as well is families that were generally dysfunctional due to substance abuse or mental health issues. I was responsible for removing children from some of those homes when it was determined that the risk was too great not to do so, or if the parents could not be rehabilitated.

In all that time I never came across a gay person who was the perpetrator of child abuse of any kind. Granted, they are few in number compared to heterosexual couples and single parents, but we are talking about a span of more than two and a half decades. In addition, I personally placed children with gay and lesbian couples and individuals after they were damaged by their straight parents. Those gay people provided loving and nurturing homes and gave those kids the best shot in life possible. And no, there were not enough straight people to care for those kids, but if there were I would have still have placed them with the gay folks if the match was right.

Never once did I have a problem with a gay foster of adoptive parent. Never once did any of them reject a child because they were not of the “correct” sexual orientation, but some straight people did in fact reject gay kids. During my time there and beyond I followed those families and I can tell you that those children have grown and thrived and overcame the bad hand that they were dealt by their straight parents, largely due to the nurturing offered and sacrifices made by the gay families who took them in.

In addition, when we talk about gay adoption, most often we are referring to situations where the child in question is the biological child of gay person and that persons partner wishes to adopt as a second parent. The benefits of having two legal parents are clear. There are an estimated 2 million children in the care of gay people. That will not change by banning adoption. It will only put those children at a disadvantage, socially, financially and legally.

In conclusion, opposition to gay adoption is just ignorant and hateful equine excrement. To say that you care about the children while opposing adoption by gays is hypocrisy at it’s very worst.

Great- and informed post.

There is only 1 reason homos want to adopt children.......and it's not a good one. ...... :doubt:

Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:
Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:

The mentally-ill claim is currently under dispute. What isn't disputed though is that gay couples physically cannot provide the necessary structure an adoption agency seeks when adopting orphans to couples: a father and a mother.
Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:

The mentally-ill claim is currently under dispute. What isn't disputed though is that gay couples physically cannot provide the necessary structure an adoption agency seeks when adopting orphans to couples: a father and a mother.

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Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:
What isn't disputed though is that gay couples physically cannot provide the necessary structure an adoption agency seeks when adopting orphans to couples: a father and a mother.

Once again- just because the voices in your head tell you something doesn't make it true.

Adoption agencies look for a good home for children(rarely orphans- most children up for adoption were abandoned in one way or another by their biological parents)- the criteria that they use to determine what would make a good home varies by the agency.

Most will allow single parents to adopt- you would prefer that a child needing a home have no parents- rather than allow the child to have two mothers.
Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:

That is just an example of your own mental illness.
Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:

Dear Sunni Man
Stupidity and bigotry are diseases of the brain pal. Obviously you are deeply invested in your hatred and ignorance and have no desire or even the ability to learn anything and contribute anything useful here. I would fear for any children in your care. You are now ignored
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Most will allow single parents to adopt- you would prefer that a child needing a home have no parents- rather than allow the child to have two mothers.
Yes.......for the child's safety and mental well being.......the orphan home would better. ...... :cool:

Most will allow single parents to adopt- you would prefer that a child needing a home have no parents- rather than allow the child to have two mothers.
Yes.......for the child's safety and mental well being.......the orphan home would better. ...... :cool:

You need to educate yourself about this subject. Do you have ANY idea how ridiculously pathetic you sound? Where do you get this crap from? You can't just put this shit out there and expect to have any credibility or get any respect. This is the reality below. .....what do you have?

In a project launched last month, a team I direct at Columbia Law School has collected on one website the abstracts of all peer-reviewed studies that have addressed this question since 1980 so that anyone can examine the research directly, and not rely on talking heads or potential groupthink. Even when we might not agree with a study’s conclusions—with how a researcher interpreted the data—we still included it if it went through peer review and was relevant to the topic at hand. Peer review, of course, isn’t perfect, but it’s one of the best ways the world has to ensure that research conclusions are at least the product of good-faith efforts to get at the truth.

The Columbia project is the largest collection of peer-reviewed scholarship on gay parenting to date. What does it show? We found 71 studies concluding that kids with gay parents fare no worse than others and only four concluding that they had problems. But those four studies all suffered from the same gross limitation: The children with gay parents were lumped in with children of family breakup, a cohort known to face higher risks linked to the trauma of family dissolution.

Even the notion that you try to put forth that there are no good studies is wrong...the studies, while not perfect do give us a very good idea on the conclusions and that is that gay homes are not better nor worse.

Here is a link to all the studies

I should add, the consensus that kids in gay homes do just as well as kids in straight homes is recognized


The scientific research that has directly compared outcomes for children with gay and lesbian parents with outcomes for children with heterosexual parents has been consistent in showing that lesbian and gay parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents, and their children are as psychologically healthy and well-adjusted as children reared by heterosexual parents,[3][4][5] despite the reality that considerable legal discrimination and inequity remain significant challenges for these families.[4] Major associations of mental health professionals in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, have not identified credible empirical research that suggests otherwise.[5][6][7][8][9] Literature indicates that parents’ financial, psychological and physical well-being is enhanced by marriage and that children benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally recognized union.[5][6][87][92] Statistics show that home and childcare activities in homosexual households are more evenly split between the two rather than having specific gender roles,[93] and that there were no differences in the interests and hobbies of children with homosexual or heterosexual parents.[94]
...............^^^ A bunch of liberal homo professors say that allowing queers to adopt children is the same as kids raised in a normal mother/father home.

Yea......right....... :cuckoo:
Yep- the same reason why anyone wants to adopt children- you clearly hate the idea of children who have been abandoned by their parents being adopted.
I have no problem with children being adopted by normal straight people.

But sodomites are mentally ill and shouldn't be allowed around kids for any reason. ...... :cool:

The mentally-ill claim is currently under dispute. What isn't disputed though is that gay couples physically cannot provide the necessary structure an adoption agency seeks when adopting orphans to couples: a father and a mother.

Save of course that the 'physical structure' isn't the basis of discrimination that the Michigan law permits: religious belief is. You're moving your goal posts as you know that religious belief isn't a firm enough foundation to try and defend.

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