Michigan Allows Adoption Agents to Opt-Out of Adoption to Gay "Couples"

Do adoption agencies have a right to insist couples provide both a mother & father to children?

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I have not personally attacked any of the members here or called them names.

And have only used the descriptive term "sodomite" which can be found in any Bible. .... :cool:


OK here is a word search link for the Bible, please show us the usage of the word "Sodomite" -->> BibleGateway.com Search for a Bible word or phrase in 63 languages and 184 versions.


Here is a link to Merriam Websters Dictionary -->> Sodomy Medical Definition Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal

As a male heterosexual I've engage in oral sex with a member of the opposite sex, therefore I'm a sodomite (person that has engaged in sodomy).

Have you ever engaged in oral or anal sex with a person of the same or opposite sex?

Says the guy calling homosexuals "sodomites" and claims a homosexual raising a child is "child abuse".

Why can't you just debate the thread topic instead of personally attacking homosexuals?
Agreed. Yet coming from you Worldy is a bit of a hypocritical side-splitter :lmao:

Both sides should avoid name-calling. Just the facts ma'am. And those facts are that gays cannot provide children with both a mother and a father. That's the thing adoption agencies are concerned with when couples apply...that and the evidence in my signature for a cult that seems to be very little concerned about the welfare of children. Children, in case this may have escaped you, are the topic of this thread.

The exemption in the Michigan law is for religious beliefs. Your supposed 'Jude 1' jibberjabber.

You're moving your goal posts.
The copy of the KJV of the Bible I own uses the word sodomite to describe fudge packers. ...... :cool:

Ahhh found it for you.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,...

Interesting, notice how homosexuals and sodomites are referred to separately.

Says the guy calling homosexuals "sodomites" and claims a homosexual raising a child is "child abuse".

Why can't you just debate the thread topic instead of personally attacking homosexuals?
. And those facts are that gays cannot provide children with both a mother and a father. That's the thing adoption agencies are concerned with when couples apply..

Why do you make this crap up?

When it is so easy to point out that you are just making this crap up?

Criteria for Adoptive Families

The following list of criteria is not meant to be all-inclusive as to the criteria for adoption approval, but should serve as a general guideline for applicants in making their decision. Applicants’ individual situations will be taken into consideration as they may affect his/her ability to care for a specific child. Other factors that the agency takes into consideration include but are not limited to: DCF regulations, and expectant/birth parent(s) preferences.

Here is one adoption agency- not one word about what you claim is their prime concern.

Criteria for Adoptive Families - The Home for Little Wanderers
The age requirement for adoptive parent applicants varies. Factors that are taken into consideration include: the child’s age, the emotional maturity of the applicants, and the health/life expectancy of the applicants. The agency prefers applicants to be older than 25 and younger than 55.

Marital Status
The Home for Little Wanderers accepts applications from single persons and unmarried/married couples. The agency prefers that couples have been living together for at least two years at the time of application.

Prior Divorce
Applicants may have been divorced. The agency prefers no more than two previous divorces. Applicants must demonstrate stability in their present relationship.

At least one applicant must be a United States citizen.

Applicants and other members of the household must be in good physical and mental health as shown by physical evaluations required by this agency. If applicants have medical problems/mental health issues, the agency will want to see that they are controlled by medication, in remission (medical), and will not interfere with the care of children. The agency may require a more detailed report, including prognosis, from a medical specialist or mental health professional. Applicants will be required to be able to obtain a statement from their physician that they have “normal life expectancy.” If there is an indication of possible alcohol/drug abuse or any type of addiction, the applicant must provide evidence of successful completion of a licensed treatment program and two years of current abstinence. All medical and mental health decisions will be made on an individual basis. It is strongly preferred that applicants have health insurance coverage for themselves and are required to have it for the child/ren they plan to adopt.

The financial situation of each family is reviewed individually. The family income and assets must be sufficient to meet the family’s needs, including prospective adoptive children. The actual amount earned is less important than the family’s ability to manage adequately on that amount. Documentation will be collected regarding the applicant(s) finances.

Applicants must be residents of Massachusetts.

Physical Requirements of Home
Applicants may rent or own their residence. All homes however, must meet the physical requirements for adoptive homes set forth by the state licensing office. For homes that have well water or a wood stove, a report of inspection will be required. The Home for Little Wanderers does include questions on the application regarding an applicant’s home environment which applicants are required to answer.

Background Conduct
Applicants must have a background that is free of conduct that bears adversely upon his or her ability to provide for the safety and well-being of children. More specifically, applicants are ineligible if, within five years of the date of application, they or anyone regularly residing in the home or any substitute caregiver has been convicted of a felony against persons, or is awaiting, or is on trial for such charges. In addition, if the applicants or anyone regularly residing in the home or any substitute caregiver has ever been convicted of a felony involving violence of any kind, including domestic violence, child abuse/neglect, including physical and sexual abuse; or if any other above has had a child removed from their care or custody for reasons of child abuse and/or neglect, applicants are ineligible. Other background conduct issues will be assessed on an individual basis.

Failure to accurately report background conduct on the agency application may be reason for automatic denial.

Should a pregnancy occur during the homestudy or the waiting period before a child is assigned, we require applicants to notify the agency and be prepared to delay the adoption. If the pregnancy occurs after a child has been assigned, the agency will make decisions to go forward on an individual basis.

Significant Past Loss
The agency recognizes that each individual will grieve the loss of a loved one (spouse, partner, child) in their own manner and in their own time frame and that grief is not a linear process. The agency also acknowledges that the intensity of grief and length can relate to whether the loss is a sudden or predicated one. With that said, the agency requires that a loss has occurred at least two (2) years from the date of application (or of attending MAPP class) and prefers that a loss has occurred a least three (3) years from the date of application (or of attending MAPP class).

Previous Adoptions
Prior adoptions must be legalized (finalized) before beginning another adoption/homestudy.

Time at Home
The agency prefers one parent to remain at home for at least three months after a child is placed. Adopted children who receive early and consistent care by a loving parent make a better adjustment.

Applicants are required to show evidence through letters of reference of their good standing in the community. Applicants who have a child/ren must be good parents to the child/ren they are parenting and demonstrate the way in which they have parented to be appropriate. The agency may require one letter of reference to be from a person who can attest to the applicant(s) parenting skills (i.e., school reference).

All members of the applicant household shall participate in the homestudy process (including children). Applicants may be required to attend an adoption parent educational series. All applicants are required to fill out an application and submit necessary homestudy documents.

As stated earlier, at times outside evaluations by a provider approved by the agency may be necessary. An evaluation may be requested by the agency to assist in making a final determination of approval or denial of the adoption application . A refusal of the agency’s request for the outside evaluation shall be reason for denial of the application. Costs for the outside evaluation will be at the expense of the applicant.

The applicant(s) must have a plan for discipline that does not include the use of corporal punishment and will be asked to sign a statement attesting to this.
Fudge packers are mentally ill and have no business being around children.

To allow them to adopt children is beyond criminal. ..... :cool:

People who make claims like that are insane and should not be allowed near any children as they may harm them.
Says the guy calling homosexuals "sodomites" and claims a homosexual raising a child is "child abuse".

Why can't you just debate the thread topic instead of personally attacking homosexuals?
Agreed. Yet coming from you Worldy is a bit of a hypocritical side-splitter :lmao:

Both sides should avoid name-calling. Just the facts ma'am. And those facts are that gays cannot provide children with both a mother and a father. That's the thing adoption agencies are concerned with when couples apply...that and the evidence in my signature for a cult that seems to be very little concerned about the welfare of children. Children, in case this may have escaped you, are the topic of this thread.

What is wrong with you? I provided extensive documentation from child welfare experts that clearly shows that having parents of the opposite sex is far less important, if important at all, than many, many other factors. You did not so much as acknowledge that post, or respond to it an any way. In fact, you can't respond to it because there are no credible studies that show that the developmental or emotional wellbeing of children suffers in any way from having gay parents. Yet you mindlessly keep repeating that children need a mother and a father, with no attempt to back up that claim. You can repeat that mantra all you want, it will not make it true. It is nothing but an appeal to ignorance
Parents are role models for their children. That's why only straight parents should be allowed to adopt children. ..... :cool:
And your degree in child psychology is from where?? Maybe YOU can come up with an expert opinion on that because unless you have some credentials, your opinion is not worth squat. Even then it would not be because you are obviously biased against gay people
If an adoption agency has standards they follow in choosing who to give children to, it's their business. If you don't like it, start your own agency.

Parents are role models for their children. That's why only straight parents should be allowed to adopt children. ..... :cool:

Despite the actual biological parents of the children having abandoned those very children.

Some role models those straight parents are.
If an adoption agency has standards they follow in choosing who to give children to, it's their business. If you don't like it, start your own agency.

This is not about what they can and cannot do. It's about what is rational and in the best interest of the children. In addition the idea that there are enough heterosexual couples for all of the children that need adoption is horseshit. May there are for healthy while infants but certainly not for older, minority or special needs kids. I worked in a child welfare and adoption agency for 26 years and I know what I'm talking about. To exclude gays as potential adoptive parents is a disservice to the children. Period
Parents are role models for their children. That's why only straight parents should be allowed to adopt children. ..... :cool:

Despite the actual biological parents of the children having abandoned those very children.

Some role models those straight parents are.

It's apparent that with some people here, it's a hopeless case. They cant even construct an argument or provide any documentation of their claims. They just repeat the same bovine excrement over and over as though doing so will make it magically come true
And your degree in child psychology is from where?? Maybe YOU can come up with an expert opinion on that because unless you have some credentials, your opinion is not worth squat. Even then it would not be because you are obviously biased against gay people
Bachelors degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. ..... :cool:

That'll leave a mark LOL

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