Michigan charges 2020 Fake Electors

They will flip on trump. He started the whole voter fraud lie.
Pft. I've got no stake in the shit show, man.

Well...other than the fact that there does need to be resolution with regard to how that all went down the way the election rules were changed in some states. The oly entity with that consitituional authority is the state legislature.

But what the people in the OP did was perfectly constitutional, Legal and in-line with the very model and fabric of the traditional American model/philosophy for governance.

The Demos are clearly criminalizing opposition. Trying to anyway. This stuff won't stand in the SC.
Legally terrorize a bunch of grandmas and grandpas, because they spoke up and accepted legitimate alternate elector positions.

You shitlibs are total jackbooted fucking fascists.

For prosecuting criminals?
Idiot, you can't have fake electors, they are called alternate electors which are perfectly legal, have been used before and are protected by federal statute and required by the STATES to choose, not the congress, not the DOJ, and certainly not up to then VP Pence to decide.

The only crimes being committed here are by our government trying to circumvent laws and cloud the matter in the minds of the people hoping to keep Trump off the ballot or at least from winning.


No retard, only Michigan's Secretary of State can send a slate of electors to Congress for the state of Michigan. There is no alternate. The people of each respective state picks the president and vice president. Not the Republican party.

Section 168.42

In the year in which presidential electors are to be elected under section 43, each political party in this state shall choose at its fall state convention a number of candidates for electors of president and vice-president of the United States equal to the number of senators and representatives in congress that this state is entitled to elect. The chairperson and the secretary of the state central committee of each political party shall, within 1 business day after the conclusion of the state convention, forward by registered or certified mail a certificate containing the names of the candidates for electors to the secretary of state. The candidates for electors of president and vice-president who shall be considered elected are those whose names have been certified to the secretary of state by that political party receiving the greatest number of votes for those offices at the next November election.

After the 2020 election wrapped up, some of these individuals publicly said they didn’t realize they were potentially breaking the law by signing the fake certificates. Others are still peddling the lie that the election was stolen. CNN has reached out to the 16 fake electors for comment about the criminal charges.

They swore they were the chosen electors. They lied. They subverted the will of the people, but making false claims. No, they did break the law in the most anti-democratic way. They will pay

After the 2020 election wrapped up, some of these individuals publicly said they didn’t realize they were potentially breaking the law by signing the fake certificates. Others are still peddling the lie that the election was stolen. CNN has reached out to the 16 fake electors for comment about the criminal charges.

They swore they were the chosen electors. They lied. They subverted the will of the people, but making false claims. No, they did break the law in the most anti-democratic way. They will pay

Some of them admitted they knew they weren't legitimate electors. They claimed they signed the certificate so Biden's Michigan victory could be challenged in court. But those cases were all lost, exposing them to a crime; for which they've now been indicted.
Arizona Audit Leader Wants With Michigan Lawyer Indicted Over Voting Machines To Stay Secret.

Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan is trying to keep secret more than 1,600 texts he exchanged with a Michigan lawyer who was indicted on charges of illegally accessing voting machines as part of a plot to overturn 2020 election results.

Logan sent and received nearly 2,400 texts with Stefanie Lambert, more than any other person he messaged while leading the Arizona Senate's "audit" of 2020 ballots cast in Maricopa County, records show.

And now Logan and Lambert appear to have coordinated efforts to redact and conceal most of their messages — including ones directly related to the ballot review — despite multiple court orders to turn them over in response to a public records lawsuit filed by The Arizona Republic.

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