Michigan Gov Gretchen: I Run This State

Whitmer is to D-women being future governors as Barry was / is for blacks' chances of becoming President in the near future.

She is the most hated person in Michigan and the biggest joke as governors go, which is saying something considering Newsom...


That is why Barry's approvals are in the 60s and Trump can't get over 50.

She is more popular than Trump and she gets high approvals for her work unlike Trump. Trump is the biggest joke. The only people who hate her are you right wing fanatics.

More polls. I can only assume that you leftists all had some sort of traumatic experience with peer pressure in middle school that stunted your emotional growth.

Talk to me when the only poll that matters - the election - happens. If the people of Michigan actually like her as much as you keep trying to convince them they do, then they'll re-elect her, and they will officially have not one ounce of sympathy from me for any grousing they want to do about her. They'll deserve whatever they get.

Likewise, if people really want a doddering racist dementia patient for President as much as your desperate ass keeps trying to convince them they do, then they'll elect him . . . and God help us all.
She will make a great VP and future President
/----/ Yeah - for Venezuela.
Smart, beautiful and a great leader

Gretchen will be a fine asset to our country
She has tainted her future career with her response to this shit.
Calling people Nazis while at the same time making decrees like one.

The voters stand behind her. The people behind the protests are right wing fascists of every type you can imagine.
No, they dont. She will be replaced. She won 2 years ago by a small margin. Shes lost support by Democrats. She had no support by Republicans. The numbers arent with her, and people WILL remember

She won by a 8 point margin which is hardly small. Women supported her by a 60-38 margin. Moderates supported her by a 58-39 margin. The numbers are with her and they will remember what the Republicans have done.

Now everybody knows she is a dumbass Nazi Bitch.

All Democrats get exposed sooner or later.

Except a majority of the voters. Nazis are fascists are behind the protests.
/——/ Oh, and you have proof of that....

Polls clearly show voters want safety over the economy.

What polls? Who did they ask? The few people that answer the telephone canvasing? A bunch of Karens? They didn't ask the people at the Lake of the Ozarks, did they? They didn't ask the people that were protesting at the Michigan Capitol a couple of weeks ago, did they?

Polls are stupid.

Don't forget, "What did they ask them?"
Whitmer is to D-women being future governors as Barry was / is for blacks' chances of becoming President in the near future.

She is the most hated person in Michigan and the biggest joke as governors go, which is saying something considering Newsom...


That is why Barry's approvals are in the 60s and Trump can't get over 50.

She is more popular than Trump and she gets high approvals for her work unlike Trump. Trump is the biggest joke. The only people who hate her are you right wing fanatics.

More polls. I can only assume that you leftists all had some sort of traumatic experience with peer pressure in middle school that stunted your emotional growth.

Talk to me when the only poll that matters - the election - happens. If the people of Michigan actually like her as much as you keep trying to convince them they do, then they'll re-elect her, and they will officially have not one ounce of sympathy from me for any grousing they want to do about her. They'll deserve whatever they get.

Likewise, if people really want a doddering racist dementia patient for President as much as your desperate ass keeps trying to convince them they do, then they'll elect him . . . and God help us all.
They keep pushing polls. I've pretty much given up on polls. They just dont matter. They are "snapshots in time" and will not matter in 5 months
She will make a great VP and future President
/----/ Yeah - for Venezuela.
Smart, beautiful and a great leader

Gretchen will be a fine asset to our country
View attachment 338552
All based on Trump Administration agency recommendations, correct?
Not to worry... after November 3rd (January 20th), you won't have to worry about the incompetent Trump Administration any longer. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh, yeah. Trump TOTALLY ordered governors to force infected patients into nursing homes filled with the most vulnerable population. That's why only four governors out of 50 did it.

You leftist dipshit twits have had a whole week to prance around, asserting this canard as fact, now it's time for you to either prove it, or piss off.
Whitmer is to D-women being future governors as Barry was / is for blacks' chances of becoming President in the near future.

She is the most hated person in Michigan and the biggest joke as governors go, which is saying something considering Newsom...


That is why Barry's approvals are in the 60s and Trump can't get over 50.

She is more popular than Trump and she gets high approvals for her work unlike Trump. Trump is the biggest joke. The only people who hate her are you right wing fanatics.

More polls. I can only assume that you leftists all had some sort of traumatic experience with peer pressure in middle school that stunted your emotional growth.

Talk to me when the only poll that matters - the election - happens. If the people of Michigan actually like her as much as you keep trying to convince them they do, then they'll re-elect her, and they will officially have not one ounce of sympathy from me for any grousing they want to do about her. They'll deserve whatever they get.

Likewise, if people really want a doddering racist dementia patient for President as much as your desperate ass keeps trying to convince them they do, then they'll elect him . . . and God help us all.
They keep pushing polls. I've pretty much given up on polls. They just dont matter. They are "snapshots in time" and will not matter in 5 months

Exactly. Catch me in late October, tell me who did the poll, who they polled, and exactly what they asked, and MAYBE I'll find it vaguely interesting.

But I'm still going to believe that right is right, and wrong is wrong.
She will make a great VP and future President
/----/ Yeah - for Venezuela.
Smart, beautiful and a great leader

Gretchen will be a fine asset to our country
She has tainted her future career with her response to this shit.
Calling people Nazis while at the same time making decrees like one.

The voters stand behind her. The people behind the protests are right wing fascists of every type you can imagine.
No, they dont. She will be replaced. She won 2 years ago by a small margin. Shes lost support by Democrats. She had no support by Republicans. The numbers arent with her, and people WILL remember

She won by a 8 point margin which is hardly small. Women supported her by a 60-38 margin. Moderates supported her by a 58-39 margin. The numbers are with her and they will remember what the Republicans have done.

Now everybody knows she is a dumbass Nazi Bitch.

All Democrats get exposed sooner or later.

Except a majority of the voters. Nazis are fascists are behind the protests.
/——/ Oh, and you have proof of that....

Polls clearly show voters want safety over the economy.
Polls do not override the constitution
And message board whining doesn't overrule laws. Neither does putting on a little princess soldier costume and waddling down to the Capitol to compare confederate flags.
/——/ If by now you don’t realize most polls are designed to support an agenda, then you’ll never understand. You will always be taken in by them.
Here is an article from 2017 that explains it:Why Polls Differ On Trump’s Popularity

If Moon Bats only poll other Moon Bats they will only get Moon Bat results.
Who do you think you're kidding?

Stock market crash.​
401(k) devaluations.​
Depression Era ( 14-20% ) unemployment figures.​
100,000 dead.​
Vacuum of leadership in a crisis.​

And on and on and on.

The Crash of 1929 wasn't Hoover's fault, either.


Your boy is about to get a lesson in what Harry Truman meant, when he said: "The buck stops here."

And... because he never manned-up and learned to take responsibility for negative aspects of his own governance... your boy is going down on November 3rd.

His minions know it and are $hitting their pants.

False bravado isn't going to cut it this time.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You can thank Biden's Chicom buddies. You know, the ones that gave Biden' crack head son a billion dollar investment.

They are the ones that started all this shit. You idiotic TDS infected Moon Bats want to blame Trump but real America know that it was Biden's Chicom buddies that created the shit sandwich.
Irrelevant... your boy is toast, come November 3rd.

Talk is cheap. YOUR boy will be lucky if he's not searching for a nursing home to check in to come November 3rd.
/——/ If by now you don’t realize most polls are designed to support an agenda, then you’ll never understand. You will always be taken in by them.
Here is an article from 2017 that explains it:Why Polls Differ On Trump’s Popularity

If Moon Bats only poll other Moon Bats they will only get Moon Bat results.
Who do you think you're kidding?

Stock market crash.​
401(k) devaluations.​
Depression Era ( 14-20% ) unemployment figures.​
100,000 dead.​
Vacuum of leadership in a crisis.​

And on and on and on.

The Crash of 1929 wasn't Hoover's fault, either.


Your boy is about to get a lesson in what Harry Truman meant, when he said: "The buck stops here."

And... because he never manned-up and learned to take responsibility for negative aspects of his own governance... your boy is going down on November 3rd.

His minions know it and are $hitting their pants.

False bravado isn't going to cut it this time.
/----/ "Depression Era ( 14-20% ) unemployment figures. "
Ummm - will the Blue State Governors who shut their states down and are slow to reopen face any consequences? It seems you're blaming the wrong person.
More Teflon-Don mindset... what's going to trip you up, come November 3rd... those are nationwide figures... and it happened on Rump's watch.

What's going to trip YOU up, come November 3rd, is that only children subscribe to the "He was in office, so everything bad is his fault!" mentality.
The Queen is drunk with power. The Left are out of the closet in their tyrannical dreams.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accused protesters against her stay-at-home orders of partisan politics that she said will not change how “I run this state.”

But you work for the citizens of Michigan.

And they elected her to run the state.

This isn't rocket science, kid.

She is elected to serve the people first and foremost. She is another Democrat who feels entitled to power and uses crisis to shape things in alignment with their vision.
She's protecting her people. It's her job.

Too bad you children can't see that.
Like when she ordered Covid 19 patients into nursing homes???
While following the federal guidelines????
Quote us the Federal guidelines that put 20 year old CV19 patients in elderly care homes with a bunch of healthy elderly.

I wanna see the federal guidelines requiring that ANY wildly contagious patient has to be in a nursing home with healthy but immuno-compromised seniors.
She will make a great VP and future President
/----/ Yeah - for Venezuela.
Smart, beautiful and a great leader

Gretchen will be a fine asset to our country
She has tainted her future career with her response to this shit.
Calling people Nazis while at the same time making decrees like one.

The voters stand behind her. The people behind the protests are right wing fascists of every type you can imagine.
No, they dont. She will be replaced. She won 2 years ago by a small margin. Shes lost support by Democrats. She had no support by Republicans. The numbers arent with her, and people WILL remember

She won by a 8 point margin which is hardly small. Women supported her by a 60-38 margin. Moderates supported her by a 58-39 margin. The numbers are with her and they will remember what the Republicans have done.

Now everybody knows she is a dumbass Nazi Bitch.

All Democrats get exposed sooner or later.

Except a majority of the voters. Nazis are fascists are behind the protests.
/——/ Oh, and you have proof of that....

Polls clearly show voters want safety over the economy.
Polls do not override the constitution
And message board whining doesn't overrule laws. Neither does putting on a little princess soldier costume and waddling down to the Capitol to compare confederate flags.

Duly-executed state laws passed by actual legislatures don't overrule the Constitution, so no amount of YOUR message-board whining is going to give Wretched Gretchen's executive orders that power, either.

Only a leftist could defend violation of the Constitution by prattling about "not overruling laws".
The Queen is drunk with power. The Left are out of the closet in their tyrannical dreams.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accused protesters against her stay-at-home orders of partisan politics that she said will not change how “I run this state.”

But you work for the citizens of Michigan.

And they elected her to run the state.

This isn't rocket science, kid.

She is elected to serve the people first and foremost. She is another Democrat who feels entitled to power and uses crisis to shape things in alignment with their vision.
She's protecting her people. It's her job.

Too bad you children can't see that.

Her husband doesn’t see it.
If he's of at least average intelligence I'm sure he does.

You kids, on the other hand.....
The Queen is drunk with power. The Left are out of the closet in their tyrannical dreams.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accused protesters against her stay-at-home orders of partisan politics that she said will not change how “I run this state.”

But you work for the citizens of Michigan.

Another leftist douche that needs to be voted out.
The Queen is drunk with power. The Left are out of the closet in their tyrannical dreams.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accused protesters against her stay-at-home orders of partisan politics that she said will not change how “I run this state.”

But you work for the citizens of Michigan.

And they elected her to run the state.

This isn't rocket science, kid.

She is elected to serve the people first and foremost. She is another Democrat who feels entitled to power and uses crisis to shape things in alignment with their vision.
She's protecting her people. It's her job.

Too bad you children can't see that.
Like when she ordered Covid 19 patients into nursing homes???
While following the federal guidelines????
So you like those guidelines written by humans . But hate the constitution written by the same. 18th century men with some slave owners which existed at the time and 20th century murderers who were enlightened. We see the enlightened fascists you are. And if you win in November i will laugh at every authoritarian agenda enacted and every riot you have. From land, from sea, from air I have seen a measure of justice for the wrongs towards me. A lot more is needed.
/——/ If by now you don’t realize most polls are designed to support an agenda, then you’ll never understand. You will always be taken in by them.
Here is an article from 2017 that explains it:Why Polls Differ On Trump’s Popularity

If Moon Bats only poll other Moon Bats they will only get Moon Bat results.
Who do you think you're kidding?

Stock market crash.​
401(k) devaluations.​
Depression Era ( 14-20% ) unemployment figures.​
100,000 dead.​
Vacuum of leadership in a crisis.​

And on and on and on.

The Crash of 1929 wasn't Hoover's fault, either.


Your boy is about to get a lesson in what Harry Truman meant, when he said: "The buck stops here."

And... because he never manned-up and learned to take responsibility for negative aspects of his own governance... your boy is going down on November 3rd.

His minions know it and are $hitting their pants.

False bravado isn't going to cut it this time.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You can thank Biden's Chicom buddies. You know, the ones that gave Biden' crack head son a billion dollar investment.

They are the ones that started all this shit. You idiotic TDS infected Moon Bats want to blame Trump but real America know that it was Biden's Chicom buddies that created the shit sandwich.
Irrelevant... your boy is toast, come November 3rd.

Talk is cheap. YOUR boy will be lucky if he's not searching for a nursing home to check in to come November 3rd.
Someone should tell Biden that New York and Wisconson have some excellent ones, CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS!!!
The Queen is drunk with power. The Left are out of the closet in their tyrannical dreams.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accused protesters against her stay-at-home orders of partisan politics that she said will not change how “I run this state.”

But you work for the citizens of Michigan.

And they elected her to run the state.

This isn't rocket science, kid.

She is elected to serve the people first and foremost. She is another Democrat who feels entitled to power and uses crisis to shape things in alignment with their vision.
She's protecting her people. It's her job.

Too bad you children can't see that.

Her husband doesn’t see it.
If he's of at least average intelligence I'm sure he does.

You kids, on the other hand.....

He had no problem getting his boat out and trying to strong arm the security of the marina. He obviously knows his wife is full of shit.

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