michigan police officers arrest 12 year old taking out the trash

It's funny because you didn't read my post I guess, where I said this was a no harm-no foul situation. Yeah, BIG difference between detaining the kid at the scene, wherein he unfortunately gets a little scared--AND KILLING HIM

IOW: obvious things are obvious
All them N@GGAS look alike anyway, right?
No. The police were wrong, they made a mistake. But the kid was uninjured and I don't think they even took him to the station. No harm, no foul.
Lots of mistakes when those N@GGAS are involved cuz they all look alike
Saying that all cops are racists is just like saying all teachers are groomers. It's too easy, it's stupid, and it's ultimately destructive.
Where did I say that?

Unlike you , obviously, I have been hassled and bullied by pig cops for no other reason than my darker than lily white skin tone. I've lost count of the times I was told "You look like someone we're looking for"

So you go ahead and deny it if you want that's your choice.
There has been harm here. The kid learned that as a black person he must always be on his guard around police officers.

What a strange period in history. We expect perfection of our public servants. Perfection or BUST. When it's not perfection, and the bust is an absolute disaster (see: the crime wave after Defund the Police) we all look around like "what happened"?

Moral Panics (and even moral absolutes in many cases) are stupid and destructive.
What a strange period in history. We expect perfection of our public servants. Perfection or BUST.

Just the basics, not perfection. Ask a few questions, use common sense before putting cuffs on a 12 year old.

When it's not perfection, and the bust is an absolute disaster (see: the crime wave after Defund the Police) we all look around like "what happened"?

Moral Panics (and even moral absolutes in many cases) are stupid and destructive.

And we wonder why people are distrustful of the police.
What a strange period in history. We expect perfection of our public servants. Perfection or BUST. When it's not perfection, and the bust is an absolute disaster (see: the crime wave after Defund the Police) we all look around like "what happened"?

Moral Panics (and even moral absolutes in many cases) are stupid and destructive.
You think maybe the pigs could have actually verified the identity of that threatening 12 year old before they put him in torture cuffs?

If our oh so brave police are so fucking scared of a 12 year old kid in shorts and a tee shirt they shouldn't be cops.

They just ASSumed he was a criminal because he was black and all N!GGAS look alike.
Just the basics, not perfection. Ask a few questions, use common sense before putting cuffs on a 12 year old.

And we wonder why people are distrustful of the police.

They made a mistake. They did, a mistake.

The mistake resulted in:

--a kid getting misidentified
--a kid getting handcuffed
--a kid getting scared

None of that is good. But it's also not irrevocable, and the dept apologized. In this case, the greater harm is coming after cops so hard they say, en masse, "screw this, it's not worth it". And then this boy's very neighborhood is a stewpot of crime.

But whatever, we're a stupid, silly society chasing after the Outrage of the Day. So be it.
You think maybe the pigs could have actually verified the identity of that threatening 12 year old before they put him in torture cuffs?

If our oh so brave police are so fucking scared of a 12 year old kid in shorts and a tee shirt they shouldn't be cops.

They just ASSumed he was a criminal because he was black and all N!GGAS look alike.

You have a real problem extrapolating your experience to everyone's experience. It's a shortcoming in someone who is normally intelligent.

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