Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

It doesn’t matter what Pelosi said and did in SF China town. That doesn’t change anything how Trump mishandled the crisis.

This is like..... Pelosi went to China town. OMG Pelosi infected the US. There’s no way you can used that as an excuse of Trump incompetence.

Ok so it's perfectly ok for Pelosi to say that Coronavirus is harmless and people should go about their business, but Trump did something wrong when he banned travel from China Jan 31st? Why don't you just admit you hate Trump and NOTHING the man could have done would have changed your mind or made you happy and Pelosi gets a pass because shes a lib?

Can you admit that? Let's see how honest you are.
No my dear I’m not saying that. But using Pelosi as an excuse of..... What? She is a senator free to say how she wants just like the Fox News and other government officials. Is Pelosi responsible for buying life saving medical supplies? Trump didn’t do any buying till mid March. Also Trump used that as his tweets but lied AGAIN. Trump tweets accusing Pelosi of deleting it from her account. That was a video taken by somebody.

HATE Trump? He made himself to be hated by the left and even friendly allies. Maybe you don’t realize what he is saying or doing because you are Trump sympathizers. Like his rallies the democrats the democrats the democrats. Like Liberate your 2nd amendments is under siege against the Democrat governors? That is NOT acceptable.

Closing the border January 30 only applies to non US citizens while east coast was opened.

What makes the left happy?
Trump can save this country’s from pain, misery, crisis and sufferings. Before this country turn to anarchies and violence that he is trying to instigate. He should RESIGN now.... This country deserves a better leader than this inept, amateur and corrupt president.
When did Peloser become a senator?
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

Oh look: Pelosi saying Trumps travel ban was "outrageous" on Jan 31st:

Why change the subject? What pelosi said or didn't say doesn't change the fact that trump was pretty much in denial about this virus being deadly till about the middle of march. This piece of shit has lots of deaths on his hands because of his stupidity.

if it's real, why are they now using probable deaths as counts to the virus? you know they are not testing the dead. right? They are all bogus and made up. there is that.
Like yourself Tammy, leftists are afraid of their shadow
Funny, all i saw was a bunch of terrified, fat white right wing trash with weapons.
Who love their Nazi totting genocidal banners.

I bet you would hit them hard with your purse swings.
And I suppose you would take your purse out and pull candy out for them right?

unlike you I don't have a purse collection. I am hetero
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View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

Oh look: Pelosi saying Trumps travel ban was "outrageous" on Jan 31st:

Why change the subject? What pelosi said or didn't say doesn't change the fact that trump was pretty much in denial about this virus being deadly till about the middle of march. This piece of shit has lots of deaths on his hands because of his stupidity.

if it's real, why are they now using probable deaths as counts to the virus? you know they are not testing the dead. right? They are all bogus and made up. there is that.


View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

Oh look: Pelosi saying Trumps travel ban was "outrageous" on Jan 31st:

Why change the subject? What pelosi said or didn't say doesn't change the fact that trump was pretty much in denial about this virus being deadly till about the middle of march. This piece of shit has lots of deaths on his hands because of his stupidity.

if it's real, why are they now using probable deaths as counts to the virus? you know they are not testing the dead. right? They are all bogus and made up. there is that.


View attachment 325687

they said weeks ago, they wouldn't waste test kits on the dead. So, that means all counts are rigged.
Can someone explain why a person was carrying a confederate flag in a protest in Michigan. Michigan was not a confederate state and it has nothing to do with southern heritage.

Sure, Michigan is the home of the tremendous American patriot and WWE Hall of Fame member, Kid Rock, well know for the Rebel Flag. In the 1860's, the stars and bars showed loyalty to the Confederate States of America. In the current era, it shows loyalty to the idea that the libs can kiss their rebel asses.

10 to 1 you are going to hide, run scared from me.

You are implying of civil disobedience and unrest for the sake of Trump. This country will be destroyed just because you are a Trump sympathizers. REALLY?

If that happens. All the systems that we all enjoyed like ......... food chain supplies, water, electricity, communications, schools, sewer, paper towels, tv, 401, internet, stocks, $ are worthless, no Limbaugh or Fox. Are ALL gone.

One month after you loot your nearby grocery. You run out of food for your family. NOW WHAT?

You want to destroy America so you can uses your guns for the sake of Trump. Right? Look at post# 117.

1. You might not like it , but there is a long history of Civil Disobedience in this country and it doesn't lead to rioting or food shortages or the destruction of America.

2. When Rosa Parks spoke truth to power and refused to give up her seat to a Liberal telling him to "kiss her black ass" , she was speaking like a rebel. And the country didn't fall apart. The state didn't fall apart either
1. That is true we have civil disobedience in the past. You are forgetting something. Trump is purposely inciting violence so that is the big difference from the past.

2. I don’t blame Rosa for being rebellious if you or me were in her situations I probably do worse. Country didn’t fall apart. True.

This is a pandemic crisis that is different from Rosa no way you can make that comparisons. we never had this kinds virus before. Just imagine if we didn’t shutdown or close the businesses. What do you think will happen to US ? We could have more deaths and infections. Recessions turn to depressions.

You brought up Rosa Parks because of Moore making nonsense comparisons between those rejects that came to protest with guns and Rosa.

There is already Depression level unemployment rates that have been reached, it doesn't get much worse.

Actually we have had plenty of viruses as bad as , if not worse that the Wuhan Flu. Smallpox, aids, Spanish flu, malaria, typhoid fever, measles, polio. But the economy was never shut down for any of them, especially not for extended periods of time.

This is the problem when you used your common sense using Limbaugh teachings.

You don’t even know or understand the differences of malaria, small Fox, aids, Spanish flu, typhoid fever, measles, polio ....... to Covid-19. Let alone disputing the scientist or health experts? What that makes you Polishprince?
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Can someone explain why a person was carrying a confederate flag in a protest in Michigan. Michigan was not a confederate state and it has nothing to do with southern heritage.

Sure, Michigan is the home of the tremendous American patriot and WWE Hall of Fame member, Kid Rock, well know for the Rebel Flag. In the 1860's, the stars and bars showed loyalty to the Confederate States of America. In the current era, it shows loyalty to the idea that the libs can kiss their rebel asses.

10 to 1 you are going to hide, run scared from me.

You are implying of civil disobedience and unrest for the sake of Trump. This country will be destroyed just because you are a Trump sympathizers. REALLY?

If that happens. All the systems that we all enjoyed like ......... food chain supplies, water, electricity, communications, schools, sewer, paper towels, tv, 401, internet, stocks, $ are worthless, no Limbaugh or Fox. Are ALL gone.

One month after you loot your nearby grocery. You run out of food for your family. NOW WHAT?

You want to destroy America so you can uses your guns for the sake of Trump. Right? Look at post# 117.

1. You might not like it , but there is a long history of Civil Disobedience in this country and it doesn't lead to rioting or food shortages or the destruction of America.

2. When Rosa Parks spoke truth to power and refused to give up her seat to a Liberal telling him to "kiss her black ass" , she was speaking like a rebel. And the country didn't fall apart. The state didn't fall apart either
1. That is true we have civil disobedience in the past. You are forgetting something. Trump is purposely inciting violence so that is the big difference from the past.

2. I don’t blame Rosa for being rebellious if you or me were in her situations I probably do worse. Country didn’t fall apart. True.

This is a pandemic crisis that is different from Rosa no way you can make that comparisons. we never had this kinds virus before. Just imagine if we didn’t shutdown or close the businesses. What do you think will happen to US ? We could have more deaths and infections. Recessions turn to depressions.

You brought up Rosa Parks because of Moore making nonsense comparisons between those rejects that came to protest with guns and Rosa.

There is already Depression level unemployment rates that have been reached, it doesn't get much worse.

Actually we have had plenty of viruses as bad as , if not worse that the Wuhan Flu. Smallpox, aids, Spanish flu, malaria, typhoid fever, measles, polio. But the economy was never shut down for any of them, especially not for extended periods of time.
Wrong! Get the facts. It's not a flu.https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/chris-hayes-on-how-uniquely-devastating-and-deadly-the-coronavirus-is-82236485753

Chris Hayes is an expert to you guys? I don't really care if the virus known as the Wuhan Flu is a real flu or not. Just like I don't care whether a shark or a whale are real "fish".

The fact is that COVID19 is virus that people get, and 99%+ recover without problems. If you are walking around with TB or emphysema, or heart failure, you are a little bit more at risk. Further, the Trump Treatment is very effective at preventing hospitalizations for it, preventing intubations as well as preventing deaths. New treatments are coming on line all the time, Trump along with Kushner and Pence, are working hard for the people to make this virus as harmless as possible.

Trump treatment Plaquenil ? Are you serious?

Let me update you just incase you were stuck listening to Fox News. One study came out yesterday that it is NOT what you, Limbaugh, Trump and Fox News are broadcasting. It is NOT the cure and higher death rate. I’m waiting for Fox News how will they twist this after endangering American lifes promoting Trump ignorance.

Just because a lying, amateur, inept Trump told you doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because Trump told you then ignore the damaging side effects to your organ..
Did you take one? If you did. how would you know that like in 3??? years from now suddenly you develop a heart, kidney, seizures or liver problems? Did Dr. Trump even gave you a simple warnings?

Trump said...Take it what you got to lose. Oh nothing just your life Stupid.
What if you have a heart murmurs as an example that you don’t even know? Take one of this what do you think will happen to you?

  • Thanks
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While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
WTF do you know about it and why should you care you limey asshole?

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.

The Guardian tried this tactic to stop Brexit didn’t it? Did it work?
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

It doesn’t matter what Pelosi said and did in SF China town. That doesn’t change anything how Trump mishandled the crisis.

This is like..... Pelosi went to China town. OMG Pelosi infected the US. There’s no way you can used that as an excuse of Trump incompetence.

Ok so it's perfectly ok for Pelosi to say that Coronavirus is harmless and people should go about their business, but Trump did something wrong when he banned travel from China Jan 31st? Why don't you just admit you hate Trump and NOTHING the man could have done would have changed your mind or made you happy and Pelosi gets a pass because shes a lib?

Can you admit that? Let's see how honest you are.
No my dear I’m not saying that. But using Pelosi as an excuse of..... What? She is a senator free to say how she wants just like the Fox News and other government officials. Is Pelosi responsible for buying life saving medical supplies? Trump didn’t do any buying till mid March. Also Trump used that as his tweets but lied AGAIN. Trump tweets accusing Pelosi of deleting it from her account. That was a video taken by somebody.

HATE Trump? He made himself to be hated by the left and even friendly allies. Maybe you don’t realize what he is saying or doing because you are Trump sympathizers. Like his rallies the democrats the democrats the democrats. Like Liberate your 2nd amendments is under siege against the Democrat governors? That is NOT acceptable.

Closing the border January 30 only applies to non US citizens while east coast was opened.

What makes the left happy?
Trump can save this country’s from pain, misery, crisis and sufferings. Before this country turn to anarchies and violence that he is trying to instigate. He should RESIGN now.... This country deserves a better leader than this inept, amateur and corrupt president.
When did Peloser become a senator?
I don’t know. Maybe 200 years ago? Go update yourself Dude.
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

It doesn’t matter what Pelosi said and did in SF China town. That doesn’t change anything how Trump mishandled the crisis.

This is like..... Pelosi went to China town. OMG Pelosi infected the US. There’s no way you can used that as an excuse of Trump incompetence.

Ok so it's perfectly ok for Pelosi to say that Coronavirus is harmless and people should go about their business, but Trump did something wrong when he banned travel from China Jan 31st? Why don't you just admit you hate Trump and NOTHING the man could have done would have changed your mind or made you happy and Pelosi gets a pass because shes a lib?

Can you admit that? Let's see how honest you are.
No my dear I’m not saying that. But using Pelosi as an excuse of..... What? She is a senator free to say how she wants just like the Fox News and other government officials. Is Pelosi responsible for buying life saving medical supplies? Trump didn’t do any buying till mid March. Also Trump used that as his tweets but lied AGAIN. Trump tweets accusing Pelosi of deleting it from her account. That was a video taken by somebody.

HATE Trump? He made himself to be hated by the left and even friendly allies. Maybe you don’t realize what he is saying or doing because you are Trump sympathizers. Like his rallies the democrats the democrats the democrats. Like Liberate your 2nd amendments is under siege against the Democrat governors? That is NOT acceptable.

Closing the border January 30 only applies to non US citizens while east coast was opened.

What makes the left happy?
Trump can save this country’s from pain, misery, crisis and sufferings. Before this country turn to anarchies and violence that he is trying to instigate. He should RESIGN now.... This country deserves a better leader than this inept, amateur and corrupt president.
When did Peloser become a senator?
I don’t know. Maybe 200 years ago? Go update yourself Dude.
She looks her age that's for sure.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.

Like yourself Tammy, leftists are afraid of their shadow so what would you expect them to do other than hide in their Mom's basement like the Nanny State has ordered them to and wait for the check.
Of course......it's awfully brave of Orange cultists to go out there and take on a virus. Good for them. The more fighting....together...close together...the better!
Those northern cultists need to soldier on down to the deep south, where they will be welcomed with open sweaty arms and sloppy kisses.

Join your compadres. Together you can take on this virus. Don't listen to the people saying obesity is linked to more severe cases of Covid19 because that is FAKE NEWS. Go. Be with your hive. You have nothing to fear, healthcare in the deep south is the best in the world, bar none. Join the fight. Hurry!
Are you just trolling or are you really an insufferable snob in real life?
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

Get your facts straight Dude. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic infections, deaths, financial crisis that this country is suffering. You can twist however and whatever you want this fall in Trump’s lap.
Sealed off travel to China but did not apply to American citizens. Same time east coast was still open.

If you look at his reactions in February downplaying and busy finger pointing the crisis. Trump didn’t do anything till mid March.

Trump was downplaying it in February? I think you have misidentified your culprit.

Feb 24th:

Oh look: Pelosi saying Trumps travel ban was "outrageous" on Jan 31st:

Why change the subject? What pelosi said or didn't say doesn't change the fact that trump was pretty much in denial about this virus being deadly till about the middle of march. This piece of shit has lots of deaths on his hands because of his stupidity.

if it's real, why are they now using probable deaths as counts to the virus? you know they are not testing the dead. right? They are all bogus and made up. there is that.

1. You are using Pelosi as your excuse that has nothing to do with Trump ineptness. Hillary Clinton is laughing.

2. True they are not testing the dead. Probable deaths used NY times news. That is your bible to ignored the truth of CV deaths. Really? Tell me what and why NY Times used Probable deaths? Do you know what is probable deaths?

Latest number of death from regular flu is 63,000. Did they include those numbers to CV death too?
Well, they're a critical part of his base. As we see on USMB.
And don’t you forget it.
WOW, well, there ya go.
Yep, another one.

Good to know.
you got that clip board there don't you? hahahahahaahahahahahaha what a piss ant you are.
I never have to name names, and I never have to make anything up.

All I have to do is QUOTE YOU GUYS.

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