Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.
People didnt fight the nazis because of gun control or healthcare. They fought against an evil racist ideology that was killing off minorities. Gun control are only issues in the US where your politicians are owned by corporations.

Its all tied in together. If the Jewish people had been armed, when the national Socialists came knocking on their door to take them to the Death Camps, it wouldn't have gone off so smoothly.

BTW, after Obama launched his risky Obamacare scheme in 2010, WWII veterans here in America died in record numbers, upset that Hitler got the last laugh on America.
That is a myth. No individuals would have stood up to the Gestapo. Like today when it kicks off, the gun owners dive under the table.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
It's the descendants of the people who kicked your Colonial asses out of our Country are back at it again.
No, it is not. Conservatives were in support of the crown. This concept was a liberal idea for those times..
You're conflating Classic liberals with Modern Totalitarian Fascist Liberals

Fascism is mostly always right wing. Anybody who still sticks up for trump at this stage of the game is much like the followers of Hitler back in the day. Do you ever see nazis or the klan sporting Obama flags? Sure, trump has a relatively small amount of followers who are minorities , but his whole campaign was and still is race baiting and playing Americans off against each other.
Except when it isn’t
There is no except. trump is a fascist.
Democrats are the fascists.
BULLLSHIT. Give me or show me an example why you said democrats are the facist.
Sure. I've been posting that for years. First, we must delineate what are common, fascist characteristics. These are well known -

1. Fascist favor big, strong government with power centrally located in it.

2. Fascists favor heavy regulation of people and businesses.

3. Fascists favor strict gun control.

All 3 items are characteristic of Democrats.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
If they aren't Nazis, then what were the Nazi banners doing there then? What does going to a protest with Nazi banners and flags tell us? That they're selling boy scout cookies?

And why were they carrying confederate flags?

And "my body my choice?" You've got to be fucking kidding me right?
Every person with Nazi banners and flags could easily be leftist agent provacateurs, posing as Nazis, trying to demean a legitimate protest.

This could be true of the Charlottesville protest march too. And others. Let anyone in this thread show proof of this not being the case. Does anyone know who these Nazi flag wavers or torch carriers are ? State their names and addresses.
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.
Its important that these clowns are marginalised. They give such a bad image of the US.
You and the leftwing foreign publication you quote search for anything that you think makes America look bad

Its obvious the fact that we still have free speech in America and Brits dont really bothers you
What I always find fascinating, is how they ignore all of the people who were there and focus on a couple of clowns.
It's no different than the stock reaction by the right to every left wing protest, no matter what. It's always ANTIFA. So deal with it.
I can't recall one right wing protest that lead to mass property damage. Shit being burnt to the ground seems to be a common occurrence whenever a group of lefty loons congregate.
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.
well since there are no lines, they'd be ready to take anyone who gets it. you know this right?
What I always find fascinating, is how they ignore all of the people who were there and focus on a couple of clowns.
It's no different than the stock reaction by the right to every left wing protest, no matter what. It's always ANTIFA. So deal with it.
I can't recall one right wing protest that lead to mass property damage. Shit being burnt to the ground seems to be a common occurrence whenever a group of lefty loons congregate.
A lot of police cars have gone up in flames because of leftwing protesters
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.
well since there are no lines, they'd be ready to take anyone who gets it. you know this right?

Well keep protesting in close contact, do not social distance and there will be, there will be going out into the hospital hallways.
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.

"if you get a virus"

That presumes you didn't have a virus before you get out. Why would anyone healthy be in quarantine?
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.

"if you get a virus"

That presumes you didn't have a virus before you get out. Why would anyone healthy be in quarantine?

This virus spreads through close contact, the more people you have close contact with the greater the odds you will get it and the more people who do such exponentially increase the infection rates.

Lock downs and social distancing keeps the infection rates down so that the health system can prepare and so that there is more time to actually research and understand the nature of the virus. For instance we still do not know if infection confers long term immunity.

Those countries that did lock downs quickly and rationally, such as Australia, have much lower infection and death rates than countries like the US who had a delayed and chaotic response.
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.

"if you get a virus"

That presumes you didn't have a virus before you get out. Why would anyone healthy be in quarantine?

This virus spreads through close contact, the more people you have close contact with the greater the odds you will get it and the more people who do such exponentially increase the infection rates.

Lock downs and social distancing keeps the infection rates down so that the health system can prepare and so that there is more time to actually research and understand the nature of the virus. For instance we still do not know if infection confers long term immunity.

Those countries that did lock downs quickly and rationally, such as Australia, have much lower infection and death rates than countries like the US who had a delayed and chaotic response.

If is not total lock down, it can't work. Reason for it is that people are still going to get a food, and may get infected in stores, whose workers could be carriers. Therefore, you didn't do anything.

Second, who delayed lock downs in the US?
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.

"if you get a virus"

That presumes you didn't have a virus before you get out. Why would anyone healthy be in quarantine?

This virus spreads through close contact, the more people you have close contact with the greater the odds you will get it and the more people who do such exponentially increase the infection rates.

Lock downs and social distancing keeps the infection rates down so that the health system can prepare and so that there is more time to actually research and understand the nature of the virus. For instance we still do not know if infection confers long term immunity.

Those countries that did lock downs quickly and rationally, such as Australia, have much lower infection and death rates than countries like the US who had a delayed and chaotic response.

If is not total lock down, it can't work. Reason for it is that people are still going to get a food, and may get infected in stores, whose workers could be carriers. Therefore, you didn't do anything.

Second, who delayed lock downs in the US?

Our lock down in Australia still allows travel for food, exercise and social distancing in public, yet our infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world, the point is it has to have national consistency and leadership combined with a rationally funded health care system and social safety net.

In Australia there is none of the economic desperation there is in the US let alone the infection rates.

Trump was all over the place even after it became clear it was a global pandemic, resisting calls for lock downs, initially calling it just a flu, telling the American people there was nothing to worry about. Unlike Australia, where the governors met with the Prime Minister in a national cabinet and came up with coordinated and early responses, the states in the US were all over the place with differentiating measures and the President seemed totally delusional in the early weeks of infection spread. (Even now he is with disinfectant remarks and encouraging dangerous protest gatherings.) Of course he played his usual blame game, and several governors responded the same because American politics is infantile and tribal.

Addto that your disastrous unemployment system, the incompetence of your stimulus (Australia's is vastly superior in every way) and chaotically funded health care system and of course you have tens of thousands of people risking their lives and others in economic desperation protesting.

And American culture being almost totally incapable of learning from the rest of the world, insular and small minded, I reckon you will be one of the last developed countries to pull out of the pandemic and at far higher death tolls and economic cost.

Your unemployment rates is double Australia's and growing far more rapidly and your stimulus, much of which in true American fashion is being grabbed by powerful economic interests unlike ours, is not enough to keep the average American going.

The American response has been seen with horror and has severely damaged the countries credibility world wide.
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.

"if you get a virus"

That presumes you didn't have a virus before you get out. Why would anyone healthy be in quarantine?

This virus spreads through close contact, the more people you have close contact with the greater the odds you will get it and the more people who do such exponentially increase the infection rates.

Lock downs and social distancing keeps the infection rates down so that the health system can prepare and so that there is more time to actually research and understand the nature of the virus. For instance we still do not know if infection confers long term immunity.

Those countries that did lock downs quickly and rationally, such as Australia, have much lower infection and death rates than countries like the US who had a delayed and chaotic response.

If is not total lock down, it can't work. Reason for it is that people are still going to get a food, and may get infected in stores, whose workers could be carriers. Therefore, you didn't do anything.

Second, who delayed lock downs in the US?

Our lock down in Australia still allows travel for food, exercise and social distancing in public, yet our infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world, the point is it has to have national consistency and leadership combined with a rationally funded health care system and social safety net.

In Australia there is none of the economic desperation there is in the US let alone the infection rates.

Trump was all over the place even after it became clear it was a global pandemic, resisting calls for lock downs, initially calling it just a flu, telling the American people there was nothing to worry about. Unlike Australia, where the governors met with the Prime Minister in a national cabinet and came up with coordinated and early responses, the states in the US were all over the place with differentiating measures and the President seemed totally delusional in the early weeks of infection spread. (Even now he is with disinfectant remarks and encouraging dangerous protest gatherings.) Of course he played his usual blame game, and several governors responded the same because American politics is infantile and tribal.

Addto that your disastrous unemployment system, the incompetence of your stimulus (Australia's is vastly superior in every way) and chaotically funded health care system and of course you have tens of thousands of people risking their lives and others in economic desperation protesting.

And American culture being almost totally incapable of learning from the rest of the world, insular and small minded, I reckon you will be one of the last developed countries to pull out of the pandemic and at far higher death tolls and economic cost.

Your unemployment rates is double Australia's and growing far more rapidly and your stimulus, much of which in true American fashion is being grabbed by powerful economic interests unlike ours, is not enough to keep the average American going.

The American response has been seen with horror and has severely damaged the countries credibility world wide.

Do you think your infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world due to lockdown, or there are some other things that could keep it low, like you're in the end of summer, and early fall. which is not virus season. Or because you are,just as New Zealand country on it's own islands, naturally isolated from the rest of the world?

When did Australia imposed lockdown, what date exactly?

Also, you did not respond to my question.
Its important that these clowns are marginalised. They give such a bad image of the US.
The only clown I see margarinalized is you. Hopefully some rightwingers in the UK will keep that margarine-lubed butt of yours in line. Greased, full and happy.
If I was the Michigan governor I would say protest away.

But....if you get the virus you are last in line, very last for treatment, and if you give it to some one who was not protesting, you go to prison.

"if you get a virus"

That presumes you didn't have a virus before you get out. Why would anyone healthy be in quarantine?

This virus spreads through close contact, the more people you have close contact with the greater the odds you will get it and the more people who do such exponentially increase the infection rates.

Lock downs and social distancing keeps the infection rates down so that the health system can prepare and so that there is more time to actually research and understand the nature of the virus. For instance we still do not know if infection confers long term immunity.

Those countries that did lock downs quickly and rationally, such as Australia, have much lower infection and death rates than countries like the US who had a delayed and chaotic response.

If is not total lock down, it can't work. Reason for it is that people are still going to get a food, and may get infected in stores, whose workers could be carriers. Therefore, you didn't do anything.

Second, who delayed lock downs in the US?

Our lock down in Australia still allows travel for food, exercise and social distancing in public, yet our infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world, the point is it has to have national consistency and leadership combined with a rationally funded health care system and social safety net.

In Australia there is none of the economic desperation there is in the US let alone the infection rates.

Trump was all over the place even after it became clear it was a global pandemic, resisting calls for lock downs, initially calling it just a flu, telling the American people there was nothing to worry about. Unlike Australia, where the governors met with the Prime Minister in a national cabinet and came up with coordinated and early responses, the states in the US were all over the place with differentiating measures and the President seemed totally delusional in the early weeks of infection spread. (Even now he is with disinfectant remarks and encouraging dangerous protest gatherings.) Of course he played his usual blame game, and several governors responded the same because American politics is infantile and tribal.

Addto that your disastrous unemployment system, the incompetence of your stimulus (Australia's is vastly superior in every way) and chaotically funded health care system and of course you have tens of thousands of people risking their lives and others in economic desperation protesting.

And American culture being almost totally incapable of learning from the rest of the world, insular and small minded, I reckon you will be one of the last developed countries to pull out of the pandemic and at far higher death tolls and economic cost.

Your unemployment rates is double Australia's and growing far more rapidly and your stimulus, much of which in true American fashion is being grabbed by powerful economic interests unlike ours, is not enough to keep the average American going.

The American response has been seen with horror and has severely damaged the countries credibility world wide.

Do you think your infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world due to lockdown, or there are some other things that could keep it low, like you're in the end of summer, and early fall. which is not virus season. Or because you are,just as New Zealand country on it's own islands, naturally isolated from the rest of the world?

When did Australia imposed lockdown, what date exactly?

Also, you did not respond to my question.

They are due to lock down combined with an effective tracing system, vastly more testing than the US, indeed the most in the world, and a far more effective health care system.

Indeed every country that locked down early combined with mass and expanded testing . saw their infection rates fall, saw much fewer death rates.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
You guys make many comments and don't show evidence. These guys were neo nazi groups with confederate flags, the don't tread on me sign and all the standard neo nazi crap. And you know that because you are one of then.
Don't tread on me is neoNazi?

Anne I just looked it up.

America and the USA started lock downs at about the same time, though US infection rates were much higher at that time and Australia's where just starting.

So it is relative to infection rates.

None the less, I will concede your point, the timing may not be as important as the testing, health care systems and ability of the state to provide relief to those who lost their jobs.
Its important that these clowns are marginalised. They give such a bad image of the US.
You and the leftwing foreign publication you quote search for anything that you think makes America look bad

Its obvious the fact that we still have free speech in America and Brits dont really bothers you

Free speech in the EU has been reduced to snitching on your neighbors

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