Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
And confederate flags? :laughing0301: WTF?

Rebel Flags are huge in Michigan, traditionally waved by the great Michigan hero, Kid Rock.
Rebel flags are a symbol of racism, hate, enslavement, and human suffering. If you're proud of that ass hole, keep waving it. Everyone knows why you wave it.

No, the Rebel Flag is a symbol people use to show they are a fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Dukes of Hazard..
You know that's not the case and you really aren't fooling anybody with your nonsense.
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While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.

There are black Nazis as well, you know.

No, there are no black Nazis. That's a movie.

If you had a dollar for every time you were right, you would have zero dollars.

View attachment 326804

I'd be richer than Warren Buffet. Black Germans in WW2 don't count. Now name me the American black neo nazi groups in existence today.

Of course, you wouldn't be leftist if you don't move the goalpost.

Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
You guys make many comments and don't show evidence. These guys were neo nazi groups with confederate flags, the don't tread on me sign and all the standard neo nazi crap. And you know that because you are one of then.
Confederate flags arent swastikas, retard. Again, where is your proof?
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.
Nasis NEVER get angry for being called Nasis. Nasis are proud of that shit, so if you call someone a Nasis and they get mad, you instantly know they arent a Nasis.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
You guys make many comments and don't show evidence. These guys were neo nazi groups with confederate flags, the don't tread on me sign and all the standard neo nazi crap. And you know that because you are one of then.
Confederate flags arent swastikas, retard. Again, where is your proof?

The Triple K actually waves the Stars and Stripes, not the Rebel Flag at all, if you will remember their rally in Washington DC. But what's important isn't the fact they use Old Glory, but their despicable ideas including Socialized Medicine and Gun Control. The Ku Klux Klan unmasked: Extraordinary images from a divisive era capture a day of reckoning when 50,000 white supremacists marched on Capitol Hill
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.
People didnt fight the nazis because of gun control or healthcare. They fought against an evil racist ideology that was killing off minorities. Gun control are only issues in the US where your politicians are owned by corporations.
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While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
You guys make many comments and don't show evidence. These guys were neo nazi groups with confederate flags, the don't tread on me sign and all the standard neo nazi crap. And you know that because you are one of then.
Confederate flags arent swastikas, retard. Again, where is your proof?
Confederate flags represent a worse atrocity than what the Nazis did. That's all the proof I need. What you want for proof doesn't matter.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.
People didnt fight the nazis because of gun control or healthcare. They fought against an evil racist ideology that was killing off minorities. Gun control are only issues in the US where your politicians are owned by corporations.

Its all tied in together. If the Jewish people had been armed, when the national Socialists came knocking on their door to take them to the Death Camps, it wouldn't have gone off so smoothly.

BTW, after Obama launched his risky Obamacare scheme in 2010, WWII veterans here in America died in record numbers, upset that Hitler got the last laugh on America.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
You guys make many comments and don't show evidence. These guys were neo nazi groups with confederate flags, the don't tread on me sign and all the standard neo nazi crap. And you know that because you are one of then.
Confederate flags arent swastikas, retard. Again, where is your proof?

The Triple K actually waves the Stars and Stripes, not the Rebel Flag at all, if you will remember their rally in Washington DC. But what's important isn't the fact they use Old Glory, but their despicable ideas including Socialized Medicine and Gun Control. The Ku Klux Klan unmasked: Extraordinary images from a divisive era capture a day of reckoning when 50,000 white supremacists marched on Capitol Hill

The Klan is not the only such group and you know it.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

It's quite opposite, people do not get upset when they're call what they are. For instance, you never get upset when I call you British faggot, because that's what you are, but if I call you Irish faggot, you would jump out of your skin.

What do you think, why American leftists calling their opponents every name in the book? When you call someone who is not racist, a racist, they tend to drop everything they're doing, and try to prove that they're not racist. By the time they're done, they're already off their message, damage is done, and leftists already moved to something else.

Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.
People didnt fight the nazis because of gun control or healthcare. They fought against an evil racist ideology that was killing off minorities. Gun control are only issues in the US where your politicians are owned by corporations.

Its all tied in together. If the Jewish people had been armed, when the national Socialists came knocking on their door to take them to the Death Camps, it wouldn't have gone off so smoothly.

BTW, after Obama launched his risky Obamacare scheme in 2010, WWII veterans here in America died in record numbers, upset that Hitler got the last laugh on America.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.
People didnt fight the nazis because of gun control or healthcare. They fought against an evil racist ideology that was killing off minorities. Gun control are only issues in the US where your politicians are owned by corporations.

Its all tied in together. If the Jewish people had been armed, when the national Socialists came knocking on their door to take them to the Death Camps, it wouldn't have gone off so smoothly.

BTW, after Obama launched his risky Obamacare scheme in 2010, WWII veterans here in America died in record numbers, upset that Hitler got the last laugh on America.

I was at enough funerals for my uncles and other WW2 vets during the Obama years, I know I am right. Guys keeling over dead in angst over Obama's Risky Scheme.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

It's quite opposite, people do not get upset when they're call what they are. For instance, you never get upset when I call you British faggot, because that's what you are, but if I call you Irish faggot, you would jump out of your skin.

What do you think, why American leftists calling their opponents every name in the book? When you call someone who is not racist, a racist, they tend to drop everything they're doing, and try to prove that they're not racist. By the time they're done, they're already off their message, damage is done, and leftists already moved to something else.

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Washington never said that and people are called racists because they are. No racist ever admits that so there natural response will be defensive.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

Definitely agree with this. Maybe you weren't paying that much attention, but when Hillary Clinton was caused "Hitlery" , the libs in this country had a conniption. Even though her advocacy for a risky medical scheme similar to Hitlercare in Germany and her rabid gun control ideas made the WW2 veterans realize this is what they fought against in the 1940's. I remember, I survived Bill Clinton's insane , draconian banishment of so-called assault weapons that was passed but couldn't even stop columbine.
People didnt fight the nazis because of gun control or healthcare. They fought against an evil racist ideology that was killing off minorities. Gun control are only issues in the US where your politicians are owned by corporations.

Its all tied in together. If the Jewish people had been armed, when the national Socialists came knocking on their door to take them to the Death Camps, it wouldn't have gone off so smoothly.

BTW, after Obama launched his risky Obamacare scheme in 2010, WWII veterans here in America died in record numbers, upset that Hitler got the last laugh on America.

I was at enough funerals for my uncles and other WW2 vets during the Obama years, I know I am right. Guys keeling over dead in angst over Obama's Risky Scheme.
You are not right. Those veterans you talk about were 80-90 years old. Obama care did not kill them.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

It's quite opposite, people do not get upset when they're call what they are. For instance, you never get upset when I call you British faggot, because that's what you are, but if I call you Irish faggot, you would jump out of your skin.

What do you think, why American leftists calling their opponents every name in the book? When you call someone who is not racist, a racist, they tend to drop everything they're doing, and try to prove that they're not racist. By the time they're done, they're already off their message, damage is done, and leftists already moved to something else.

View attachment 326925
Washington never said that and people are called racists because they are. No racist ever admits that so there natural response will be defensive.

If that is what you got from my post, than you're either leftist, or retarded.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Just calling people "Nazis" isnt going to cut it. Show us pictures of them wearing nazi uniforms, otherwise, shut up. The fact is, everyone knows the proud boys members are a mix of races.

You are a dishonest person who has FAR more in common with Nazis than the Proud Boys ever will.
They are nazis. You ain't going to see people wearing nazi uniforms and you know it. So you are the dishonest one.
Then you should have no problem supporting your claim. Lets see your evidence.
You guys make many comments and don't show evidence. These guys were neo nazi groups with confederate flags, the don't tread on me sign and all the standard neo nazi crap. And you know that because you are one of then.
Confederate flags arent swastikas, retard. Again, where is your proof?
Confederate flags represent a worse atrocity than what the Nazis did. That's all the proof I need. What you want for proof doesn't matter.
Jews had it FAR worse than black slaves. At least black slaves got fed. Jewish slaves didnt.
Why do Nazis get upset when they are called Nazis ? Its like they are ashamed of their squalid beliefs.

It's quite opposite, people do not get upset when they're call what they are. For instance, you never get upset when I call you British faggot, because that's what you are, but if I call you Irish faggot, you would jump out of your skin.

What do you think, why American leftists calling their opponents every name in the book? When you call someone who is not racist, a racist, they tend to drop everything they're doing, and try to prove that they're not racist. By the time they're done, they're already off their message, damage is done, and leftists already moved to something else.

View attachment 326925
Washington never said that and people are called racists because they are. No racist ever admits that so there natural response will be defensive.
Is that why you get defensive when you are called a racist?
I live in MI and have lived here for decades. It's all over for you losers. Numbers are in just now: 26 million unemployed. The entire gain in jobs since the Great Recession wiped out.

You can call people concerned about that Nazis, terrorists or whatever you want, but it is ALREADY. NOT. WORKING. It has already failed, here, among my neighbors.

You failed, and we will not forget. This was your last chance and you're left with BIDEN

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