Michigan Rejects 846 Mailed Ballots 'Because the Voter Was Dead'

Yes, there is. We are just making it easier.
By "easier" you actually mean "less secure". If you had confidence in your candidates, this wouldn't be an issue.
Here's what terrifies you. If it were easier to vote, it would easier for poor people to vote, and they aren't voting Republican
Lies don't terrify me. Sorry, but you're projecting your own fear in a childish flame-baiting attempt. Try smarter.
... I mean outside the white trash trailer parks, anyway.
Racist bigot much? Lol.
Five states already have 100 percent mail in voting

Can anyone show that those states have more voter fraud than other states?
So 10% of states do it and the retards on the left think that can be expanded tenfold in in less than a hundred days without problems? Have you seen the government in action? It's not a model of efficiency and accuracy by any stretch of the imagination.
Just an FYI.....dems don't want to send them to every American...... some want to send them to every REGISTERED American voter in their state.
Even the ones that died or moved. No thanks.
The People that had died, between the time the ballot was mailed and election day. The other dead in Michigan had already been removed, but the efficient Michigan, gets a monthly list of those who die in their state from the Social Security Agency, and removes them monthly or bimonthly from their voter rolls. All states should do this....
We have universal mail in many areas. It’s not inventing the wheel
Do you understand what the word "universal" means? Having it in a few areas is not "universal".
Voting methods And procedures are determined by each state.

There is no universal anything.

Why are Republicans trying to block states from determining how they vote?
Five states already have 100 percent mail in voting

Can anyone show that those states have more voter fraud than other states?
So 10% of states do it and the retards on the left think that can be expanded tenfold in in less than a hundred days without problems? Have you seen the government in action? It's not a model of efficiency and accuracy by any stretch of the imagination.

10 percent is a good sample.
Can you show where these states have more voter fraud than other states?

The Post Office survives the Christmas rush every year. But that is because they pay overtime.

Why are Republicans trying to hamstring them by cutting funding.
The definition of being democrat is registering for the Democratic Party. Then you’re a democrat.
A distinction without a difference when you admit you're voting for their candidates in the election.
You can call me a dem if you want. I have zero interest in debating such a childish thing nor do I care what a stranger on the internet thinks
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You can call me a dem if you want. I have zero interest in debating such a childish thing nor do I care what a stranger on the internet thinks

I’m not a dem but in this election do support Biden over Trump
Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
Why not support a third party candidate if you're a non-democrat and have TDS? Yet you admit supporting Biden.
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You can call me a dem if you want. I have zero interest in debating such a childish thing nor do I care what a stranger on the internet thinks

I’m not a dem but in this election do support Biden over Trump
Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
Why not support a third party candidate if you're a non-democrat and have TDS? Yet you admit supporting Biden.
Let's let them do it. Millions of ballots. The election won't be certified until mid terms 2022.
Let's let them do it. Millions of ballots. The election won't be certified until mid terms 2022.
It's logistically impossible in the time frame they desire. This is just the latest in a long line of liberal tantrums over Trump. It, too, shall pass. There will be another faux-outrage when this one peters out in a week or so.
I prescribe this:
It's logistically impossible in the time frame they desire.
Just keep passing on the lies

The Postal Service handles many more letters and packages during the Christmas rush and still the mail goes through.

Many people will mail their votes in early or personally drop them off at polling stations.

This is just another lie from Trump to justify why he lost.

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