Michigan Supreme Court Hands Trump a Win

Ballot access. Not a trial. It's about a state's right and duty to hold potential candidates to the rules.
i agree, much like asset forfeiture or traffic fines, denial of ballot access is an afministrative matter.

3rd party and independent candidates are routinely denied ballot access for failing to meet administrative requirement. renouncing the oath of office is not a crime, it is a choice made by trump(in colorado) by claiming that he never took an oath.
What exactly did they get right, in their arguments? Could you be more specific?

Do you mean the part that sidesteps the core issues and allows more challenges later to keep Trump off the ballot?

That part?
No, that's not "part".
What they got right was not overstepping their authority. :smoke:
Michigan Supreme Court Hands Trump a Win!

"We have to prevent the 2024 Election from being Rigged and Stolen like they stole 2020"

But he can't help himself, making any win seem ... The man can't help himself. It's how he got into the mess he's in now. He just can't seem to accept things gracefully, or accept things for what they are. He just has to ... do what he does.

We have to prevent the 2024 Election from being Rigged and Stolen like they stole 2020,” the statement said.

Ron Fein, the legal director of Free Speech For People, a group seeking to have Mr. Trump disqualified from running in the 2024 election, said the Michigan Supreme Court ruled narrowly, sidestepping the core questions at the heart of the case. The decision, he said, leaves the door open to challenge whether Mr. Trump can appear on the general election ballot in Michigan.

“The Michigan Supreme Court did not rule out that the question of Donald Trump’s disqualification for engaging in insurrection against the U.S. Constitution may be resolved at a later stage,” Mr. Fein
said in a statement.

Michigan’s primary will be held Feb. 27.
Trump will be on the ballot in every state. He can't be kept off. The loony left will ultimately be forced to accept democracy and not be able to suppress votes for political gain.
trump is asking HIS court to set some fairly dangerous precedents. if a president is immune from prosecution mr biden could just bring an m-16 to the state of the union and create an instant veto proof majority.
Is that what the dipshits at MSNBC are telling you?
Wow, how clueless are you? First off if there was an insurrection, which there wasn't, there would be charges and the accused would be granted due process. Such a charge would be determined at the federal level, state courts have no standing in determining such a thing. If morons actually read the whole 14th Amendment, they would see there is in fact a remedy found within, that Congress can waive any such disqualification. That could only occur after an election, not before. The presidency isn't even mentioned in the 14th, for good reason, it doesn't apply. Every position that is mentioned is one that Congress has authority to act upon. Whereas Congress has no authority to limit presidential candidates from elections. Liberal kangaroo courts are intent in turning this once great nation into a banana republic, all with the aid of folks like you. Sad.
ridiculous. elections are held by the state. can you imagine the vuilent reaction to declaring a victorious trump ineligible AFTER the election?
Is that what the dipshits at MSNBC are telling you?
seems like the "original intent" clearly enough. care to point out the paragraph in constitution or federalist papers or anti federalist papers, that covers immunity from criminal persecution?

presidential candidates have to meet certain guidelines. Mr. Trump is not above the law. The legal and constitutional issues involved go beyond that petty little man.
How can someone be found guilty of a crime they’ve never been charged with?
seems like the "original intent" clearly enough. care to point out the paragraph in constitution or federalist papers or anti federalist papers, that covers immunity from criminal persecution?
Got it. You made up this ridiculous shit all by yourself. Have a little bit of pride.
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"His decision was upheld by the Michigan Court of Appeals, which said: “At the moment, the only event about to occur is the presidential primary election. But as explained, whether Trump is disqualified is irrelevant to his placement on that particular ballot.” - CNN

So the courts punted on procedural grounds. But only for the primaries.
ridiculous. elections are held by the state. can you imagine the vuilent reaction to declaring a victorious trump ineligible AFTER the election?
There is no cause for ineligibility, as it is an unenforceable clause. The only remedy remaining would be impeachment and removal. This is a non-issue invented by a bunch of two bit hacks.
ridiculous. elections are held by the state. can you imagine the vuilent reaction to declaring a victorious trump ineligible AFTER the election?
Elections are not administered by the judicial branch. Judges don’t tell us who we can or can not vote for.
Primary ballot? Yep. I actually don't care if the court has allowed him to be on the GOP primary ballot. I'm interested in the legal reasoning.

Sorry, suckier to be you playing games like some little, grade school juvenile.
Legal reasoning? That's the last thing you want because it shows the entire libtard intent is fallacious.
The fact the left would do this at all shows us what they are. Tyranical Fascist pricks last seen like this in 1930s Germany.

Too bad we dont live in a time of muskets

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