Mickey Rooney died

What a career he had

One of the greatest child actors. It is strange that he got his best roles playing a child or playing an old man

Someone who commented said--'My grandfather watched his films and now my son watches his films'--3 generations? From the 1920's ----8 decades?

I must have been 10 or 12--watched the Andy Hardy films on the old movie channel.

Quite a guy.

Boys town, National Velvet and Captains Courageous still get alot of play. If you look at his credits, Mickey started in silent films and worked up till this year

Quite a career
Born in 1920--one of the last to have worked in silent films. Wikipedia said --his work spanned 10 decades.

<Rooney was born Joseph Yule, Jr. in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. His father, Joe Yule (born Ninnian Joseph Ewell), was from Glasgow, Scotland, and his mother, Nellie W. (née Carter), was from Kansas City, Missouri. Both of his parents were in vaudeville, appearing in a Brooklyn production of A Gaiety Girl when Joseph, Jr. was born. He began performing at the age of 17 months as part of his parents' routine, wearing a specially tailored tuxedo.[2]

When he was fourteen months old, unknown to everyone, he crawled onstage wearing overalls and a little harmonica around his neck. He sneezed and his father, Joe Sr., grabbed him up, introducing him to the audience as Sonny Yule. He felt the spotlight on him and described it as his mother's womb. From that moment on, the stage was his home.
Sometimes it seems that death is just everywhere. Within the past the past two months, there have been two deaths related to my work place, one a young person who I worked with and another, just this past weekend, the child of a colleague, 8 years old, who died in a swimming pool accident.

And all the old folks who have been around since forever are dropping off one by one.
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true, and class and honor is dying with them

just look at the spoiled actors of today and their fans

Don't pretend Mickey was not spoiled. He was married eight times

Being married 8 times is not a determinative factor on whether a person was spoiled, it goes to deeper issues.

Mickey was a great actor for many, many years but he grew up in Hollywood. I don't know if spoiled is the right word but he did have personal issues that carried over into his many marriages.
My point was that todays actors are no better and no worse than the actors of old. All that attention and pressure to remain on top takes its toll

Look at Mickeys good friend Judy Garland and what Hollywood did to her
Someone who has been married multiple times has personal issues. I have a half brother who has been married 4 times, lived with a 5th woman, and was engaged several additional times that didn't end in marriage. This is someone who cannnot be on his own, who cannot live alone, but obviously also cannot live with anyone. He was abusive to his wives. I observed it, I know all about it: he was, as an older brother, abusive to me throughout my childhood. He has a lot of issues with women and, in fact, with anyone who has less power than himself; i.e., he is a bully, but, apparently a charming one who can convince all those women to marry him. After a few years, they realize they are in an abusive (mentally/emotionally) situation that isn't going to change, and they leave. I suspect that may be what Micky Rooney was like: very charming but very selfish and unable to return the love that was given to him by his wives.
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I met Mickey Rooney back in the '70s at a taping of a television show that never caught, I'm not even sure if the five episodes they taped ever aired.

Hell of a nice guy as I recall.

Rest in Peace, Mick.

Oh, the name of the show? A Year at the Top. It starred, besides Rooney, Greg Evigan and Paul Schaeffer (sp?).
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Most of Mickey's marriage problems was gambling and drinking.
When he married his 8th wife in 1978 he became a Christian and stopped.
They were married for 36 years. His longest marriage ever.
They separated in 2011 because of problems with her son from a previous marriage. They never did divorce.
Don't pretend Mickey was not spoiled. He was married eight times

Being married 8 times is not a determinative factor on whether a person was spoiled, it goes to deeper issues.

Mickey was a great actor for many, many years but he grew up in Hollywood. I don't know if spoiled is the right word but he did have personal issues that carried over into his many marriages.
My point was that todays actors are no better and no worse than the actors of old. All that attention and pressure to remain on top takes its toll

Look at Mickeys good friend Judy Garland and what Hollywood did to her

this is true. I don't know why--cough--yes, I do--I am less tolerant of some of the younger ones. Zero tolerance for Justin Bieber, for instance.

As the article stated--Mickey Rooney's parents were vaudevillians--first appeared on stage at around 7 months?--by 14 months--he was a 'star'. As interesting as such an upbringing might have been--a certain amount of 'instability' would seem to be inherent?

I suppose Justin Bieber also experienced instability --and I should be more understanding of him. Maybe tomorrow.

My mother is 93---a different time--so many changes in her lifetime. The Great Depression, two World Wars--that impacts a person. She embraces technology--but really can't get with the changes in fashion. lol--Sometimes I lol. Sometimes I get tired of hearing her opinions. Yes, --much less clothing is worn now --by 'some'--that is what they want to do. Might as well ignore it or just be glad you aren't required to wear that style.

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