Middle East 101


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Think back twenty years to how the Middle East appeared in 1994, specifically the states of Iraq, Libya, and Syria; now try to imagine how they will change by 2034.
"The situation in the Middle East has rarely been as fluid as today, the events seldom as fascinating to watch, as well as challenging to comprehend with the barrage of news reports we receive from the region every day.

"Since early 2011, heads of state of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have been driven to exile, put behind bars, or lynched by a mob. Yemeni leader was forced to step aside, while the Syrian regime is fighting a desperate battle for bare survival.

"Other autocrats dread what the future might bring and, of course, foreign powers are closely watching the events.

"Who’s in power in the Middle East, what kind of political systems are emerging, and what are the latest developments?"

Current Situation in the Middle East

One aspect of the Middle East that hasn't changed radically since 1994 lies between the River and the sea:

"On May 14, 1948, the leaders of Jewish statehood in Palestine gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum to hear David Ben Gurionread a declaration of independence. After 32 minutes, Ben-Gurion said: 'The State of Israel has arisen. The meeting is over.'

"That was it.

"Israel was born.

"It took the say so of a few men convinced that their nation’s time for self-determination had come. They didn’t need the United Nations’ partition map. They didn’t need Arab recognition. They certainly weren’t going to let Arab hostility stop them.

"It took Harry Trumanjust 11 minutes to recognize Israel’s existence.

"It has taken Israel and the United States 63 years, and counting, to recognize Palestinians’ equal right to exist.

"The Obama administration, shamelessly and unpardonably, is about to make matters worse by blocking a Palestinian attempt to gain recognition as a state at the United Nations.

"The administration’s pandering to Israel and its contempt for the principles of our own Declaration of Independence will demolish what’s left of its credibility in an Arab world daily being remade along principles America is abandoning."

Palestinian Statehood - Why Palestinian Statehood Is Deserved and Necessary
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.
Jews have always substituted quality for quantity, and the electoral college, not to mention AIPAC, multiply their influence in US elections:
(Reuters) - The four states with the largest Jewish populations account for 127 of the 240 Electoral College votes needed to secure the White House:

* New York (almost 1.8 million Jews and 29 electoral votes)

* California (more than 1.2 million and 55 votes)

* Florida (about 640,000 and 29 votes)

* New Jersey (more than 500,000 and 14)

Jewish voters By the numbers Reuters
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

I have been reading how the Jews in NY could change the Jewish vote towards Rep in the next years, and I questioned it but I had forgot about the electoral college.
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

I have been reading how the Jews in NY could change the Jewish vote towards Rep in the next years, and I questioned it but I had forgot about the electoral college.
I think we also need to factor age into Jewish voting demographics. There are many young Jews in the US with little connection to the Holocaust, and even less to Israel. Although, the same age voters in Israel are just as likely to be racist and proud of it. I don't see how Israel survives as a Jewish state for another twenty years, but if any nation can accomplish that feat, it would be the Jews.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF
Well seems Israel wants to have less Orthodox Jews so its rather a conundrum, good for them one way and bad another. Survive as a Jewish state , not unless its ran as a Monarchy like Saudi Arabia. Jews are already leaving, and some to Germany as we've read here.

At this time I think more countries recognize Palestine as a state than they do Israel if my memory serves. It would be so much better for one government and one country, in my opinion, but I don't see that happening.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.
Well seems Israel wants to have less Orthodox Jews so its rather a conundrum, good for them one way and bad another. Survive as a Jewish state , not unless its ran as a Monarchy like Saudi Arabia. Jews are already leaving, and some to Germany as we've read here.

At this time I think more countries recognize Palestine as a state than they do Israel if my memory serves. It would be so much better for one government and one country, in my opinion, but I don't see that happening
The Jewish state will tolerate no more than 20% of its total population being non-Jewish; there are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living there. 66 years ago there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea, and a hundred years ago there were ten times as many Arabs. Something has to change in Jordan and on the Sinai if Jew and Arab are ever to live in peace in Palestine.
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

fellow posters----please ignore the "information" posted by the islamo naziette----
"HAREDI JEWS" is a designation used for specific jews in Israel----it does not mean
"very pious jews in New York state-----unlike the trailor trash so naziette society----
very few of the highly religious jews of new York are on "welfare"-----in fact-----I have worked in health care-----and never encountered an alcoholic religious jew or even
a heroin addict jew. -------that is all the scum of the Nazi set-----getting back to
"Haredi" It is a Hebrew word ---I prefer, in general---not to translate Hebrew
(besides the fact that I am no expert) for the benefit of scum like Penelope During
the time I lived in New York City------I lived in THREE---(basically ALL ) of the enclaves
of the highly religious jews at one time or another -----mostly I did so when my child was young since I wanted him to have decent kids around him. I also did so when I
was very young and single in the city of New York------for the sake of personal
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

fellow posters----please ignore the "information" posted by the islamo naziette----
"HAREDI JEWS" is a designation used for specific jews in Israel----it does not mean
"very pious jews in New York state-----unlike the trailor trash so naziette society----
very few of the highly religious jews of new York are on "welfare"-----in fact-----I have worked in health care-----and never encountered an alcoholic religious jew or even
a heroin addict jew. -------that is all the scum of the Nazi set-----getting back to
"Haredi" It is a Hebrew word ---I prefer, in general---not to translate Hebrew
(besides the fact that I am no expert) for the benefit of scum like Penelope During
the time I lived in New York City------I lived in THREE---(basically ALL ) of the enclaves
of the highly religious jews at one time or another -----mostly I did so when my child was young since I wanted him to have decent kids around him. I also did so when I
was very young and single in the city of New York------for the sake of personal

Really I think I will believe what I read. You don't know what you talk about. Also those pious Jews should get out and get a job and quit living off the government and our US tax dollars.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

you posted Jibberish------Georgie said so and------da joooos got lobbies and
influence. ----have you ever said anything that means anything?
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

fellow posters----please ignore the "information" posted by the islamo naziette----
"HAREDI JEWS" is a designation used for specific jews in Israel----it does not mean
"very pious jews in New York state-----unlike the trailor trash so naziette society----
very few of the highly religious jews of new York are on "welfare"-----in fact-----I have worked in health care-----and never encountered an alcoholic religious jew or even
a heroin addict jew. -------that is all the scum of the Nazi set-----getting back to
"Haredi" It is a Hebrew word ---I prefer, in general---not to translate Hebrew
(besides the fact that I am no expert) for the benefit of scum like Penelope During
the time I lived in New York City------I lived in THREE---(basically ALL ) of the enclaves
of the highly religious jews at one time or another -----mostly I did so when my child was young since I wanted him to have decent kids around him. I also did so when I
was very young and single in the city of New York------for the sake of personal

Really I think I will believe what I read. You don't know what you talk about. Also those pious Jews should get out and get a job and quit living off the government and our US tax dollars.

You got a link regarding stats on how many jews are on welfare vs how many Hispanics, blacks and white trash like YOU? I would like to read all about it.
I doubt that you ever paid income tax in your life------your kind of job is not taxed
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

fellow posters----please ignore the "information" posted by the islamo naziette----
"HAREDI JEWS" is a designation used for specific jews in Israel----it does not mean
"very pious jews in New York state-----unlike the trailor trash so naziette society----
very few of the highly religious jews of new York are on "welfare"-----in fact-----I have worked in health care-----and never encountered an alcoholic religious jew or even
a heroin addict jew. -------that is all the scum of the Nazi set-----getting back to
"Haredi" It is a Hebrew word ---I prefer, in general---not to translate Hebrew
(besides the fact that I am no expert) for the benefit of scum like Penelope During
the time I lived in New York City------I lived in THREE---(basically ALL ) of the enclaves
of the highly religious jews at one time or another -----mostly I did so when my child was young since I wanted him to have decent kids around him. I also did so when I
was very young and single in the city of New York------for the sake of personal

Really I think I will believe what I read. You don't know what you talk about. Also those pious Jews should get out and get a job and quit living off the government and our US tax dollars.

You believe everything that you read? gee----now I understand----I read
your literature as a child-----I lived near a kind of NAZI ENCLAVE-----it had been
farm land-----and populated by white trash----the moonshine crowd. ----but after
world war II-----with the BABY BOOM-----people began to sell parcels of land for
housing developements-------I am from a LARGE BABY BOOM family. I would find' the Nazi crap pamphlets all around town-----they were so idiotic I thought they are
something like MAD MAGAZINE---------mostly around the bars and -----that little
gaggle of shacks that one could rent for an hour at a time-------I had no idea that it
was a whore house------my mom told me ---when I asked "why would anyone want
a room for an hour"??? her answer------"truck drivers who want to take a nap"
Because I read the Nazi stuff as a child-----I recognized you very quickly
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.
can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

fellow posters----please ignore the "information" posted by the islamo naziette----
"HAREDI JEWS" is a designation used for specific jews in Israel----it does not mean
"very pious jews in New York state-----unlike the trailor trash so naziette society----
very few of the highly religious jews of new York are on "welfare"-----in fact-----I have worked in health care-----and never encountered an alcoholic religious jew or even
a heroin addict jew. -------that is all the scum of the Nazi set-----getting back to
"Haredi" It is a Hebrew word ---I prefer, in general---not to translate Hebrew
(besides the fact that I am no expert) for the benefit of scum like Penelope During
the time I lived in New York City------I lived in THREE---(basically ALL ) of the enclaves
of the highly religious jews at one time or another -----mostly I did so when my child was young since I wanted him to have decent kids around him. I also did so when I
was very young and single in the city of New York------for the sake of personal

Really I think I will believe what I read. You don't know what you talk about. Also those pious Jews should get out and get a job and quit living off the government and our US tax dollars.

You got a link regarding stats on how many jews are on welfare vs how many Hispanics, blacks and white trash like YOU? I would like to read all about it.
I doubt that you ever paid income tax in your life------your kind of job is not taxed
Google might help you . (my your obsessed with Germany and Hitler, why?)
Isn't it funny , the Jewish vote , they say 5 million Jews live in the US, a small % of population, but the Jewish vote is so important. I think its not only the Jewish vote but the Jewish lobby and Zionist, if not pro Zionist in Washington, you do not get to be Pres, or even anyone who means a darn in congress.

can you explain the phenomenon that you describe-----according to you---JEWS DECIDE WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT------how does that work ? THE WILL OF

I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.
George Philip is a well known anti Semite. I'm pretty sure he blames the Jews for his own miserable life
George Philip is a well known anti Semite. I'm pretty sure he blames the Jews for his own miserable life
You're still wrong on both counts, Toastie.
My life has never been better, and I'm not anti-Semite; I am anti-racist, like the large scale racism among the Jews on the West Bank. Why aren't you?
OH yes that electoral college, my opinion that needs to go. Of course Jews have in the past and today mainly voted Democrat, but they say that is changing , the Jews along in NY could change to Republicans within the next 20 years.
I think George Phillip explained it, the influence they have as far as where the live, plus I think the Israel Lobbies have a great influence as well.

Since they are Haredi Jews, very pious, they tend to vote very conservative, and they are having huge families. They believe in be fruitful and multiply. Most live within but but separate in the society and they know well the Jewish way of life only, and most do not attend college. As a matter of fact, the maj. are on welfare from what I've read.

fellow posters----please ignore the "information" posted by the islamo naziette----
"HAREDI JEWS" is a designation used for specific jews in Israel----it does not mean
"very pious jews in New York state-----unlike the trailor trash so naziette society----
very few of the highly religious jews of new York are on "welfare"-----in fact-----I have worked in health care-----and never encountered an alcoholic religious jew or even
a heroin addict jew. -------that is all the scum of the Nazi set-----getting back to
"Haredi" It is a Hebrew word ---I prefer, in general---not to translate Hebrew
(besides the fact that I am no expert) for the benefit of scum like Penelope During
the time I lived in New York City------I lived in THREE---(basically ALL ) of the enclaves
of the highly religious jews at one time or another -----mostly I did so when my child was young since I wanted him to have decent kids around him. I also did so when I
was very young and single in the city of New York------for the sake of personal

Really I think I will believe what I read. You don't know what you talk about. Also those pious Jews should get out and get a job and quit living off the government and our US tax dollars.

You got a link regarding stats on how many jews are on welfare vs how many Hispanics, blacks and white trash like YOU? I would like to read all about it.
I doubt that you ever paid income tax in your life------your kind of job is not taxed
Google might help you . (my your obsessed with Germany and Hitler, why?)

my you're quite stupid ------ "your obsessed" is not English. Did you
manage to graduate the third grade? I am not at all obsessed with your
hero Adolf Hitler. I have no idea why you say so-------you talk more about
JOOOOS than I mention adolf-------why are you obsessed with JOOOOOS?
I do not recall mentioning GERMANY recently-----perhaps once or twice
Do you want to talk about ADOLF? He tried to be an artist but failed----
what else do you want to know? I am no expert.

getting back to your obsession with JOOOS------I am interested because I did
know people like you in my childhood. My family was one of the earlier baby
boom families to buy a house in that little town---clearly it was an issue for the local
Nazis--------I learned what it is to be a jew at age five from little girls who wore
grey plaid jumpers ------and attended the ""catholic school"-----they screamed
at me that I had killed someone named "jesus" "----little bitches -----were you
among them? One little bitch used to throw rocks at me. Later on -----my
friends were mostly Christians of various kinds-------including even two girls ---
sisters ------ EASTERN ORTHODOX------my presbyterian friend told me that if
--I was about six------I thought----'she thinks people live for thousands of years'....
but she also believed that the "easter bunny' brought jelly beans to her
little basket----------she grew up ok I attended sunday school with her several
times and colored in a coloring book----pictures of some guy holding a lamb---
that was supposed to be jesus. My question for you is ....how old were you
when you knew that da JOOOOOS "killed jesus"??? -------awaaay in the maanger
no crib for a beeeeedddddd That little girl taught me lots of stuff----
like "keep a paper cross in your pocket in case you run into DA DEVIL"----do
you carry a cross for that purpose?
George Philip is a well known anti Semite. I'm pretty sure he blames the Jews for his own miserable life
You're still wrong on both counts, Toastie.
My life has never been better, and I'm not anti-Semite; I am anti-racist, like the large scale racism among the Jews on the West Bank. Why aren't you?

how may west bank jews do you know, GEORGIE?

Right now as he sits in his subsidized apartment (financed partly of course by some of the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles), he probably has no contact with Jews at all. I would venture to say that when he gets out of his little place all he comes across are the Hispanics in the Pico-Union neighborhood, many of whom are unable even to communicate with him. Meanwhile, has anyone ever seen Gaza George ever bring up how terrible it is for those who are non Muslims or even Muslims who are not the favored sect in any Middle East country. That is where he is showing himself to be a phony and, of course, an anti-Semite by bypassing the terrible conditions those non believers live under in the Middle East. If he wasn't so lazy, he could certainly find a Coptic or Assyrian Church right here in Los Angeles to ask the people who have newly arrived here or those who still have relatives living in the Middle East how they fared in the country of their origin. There are probably plenty of people in the Middle East who would be happy to trade places with the Arabs in the West Bank regardless of what Gaza George says.

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