Might I Offer Up Some EDITORIAL/proofreading Services to Members?


Ariel Looney
May 22, 2010
For MOST of my life,

I read books,

and, for a wEnder, SOMEONE that Knew English sort of proofread 'em.

I'll do it for you.

I honestly do not mind.

But PLEASE! NO MORE thAn for thEn,

nor there, for their, nor they're,

or ANY more of this bogus bullspit.

LEARN the language, or don't WRITE it, okay?


send it to me, and I'll edit it, WITH YOUR APPROVAL for any modifications,


My PM is OPEN. My e-addy is available. I HAVE the time, and I can Rest ASSURE you,

I have the ... not ambition ... but LIKE that!

WE should know our language;

WE should be able to speak AND write in our native language.

WTF is up with this SHIT of not knowing about English lang/words?

IF you wEnder?

PM me.

Although I might mess with you head, if you're TORO,

OMG! THAT's another one! Your/You're.

You asshats have MADE me have to do this,


I honestly don't mind!

For realz.

I love language. It's the ONLY way we have, to SAY shit, you know?
When they do that it shows character... and indicates the level of intelligence. Of course occasionally we all make mistakes by getting in too much of hurry.
Your freeking out.

We don need no stinkin editers.

We right Anglish preety good.
It isn't that I'd want to EDIT you ~

it's that our communication ability is severely limited if we aren't able to actually TYPE what we mean.

It isn't something I want to TAKE from you;

it's just a little something that I'd like to give you.

For real.
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M R mice.

M R not.

M R 2, C M E T B T feet?

L, L B, M R mice.

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For MOST of my life,

I read books,

and, for a wEnder, SOMEONE that Knew English sort of proofread 'em.

I'll do it for you.

I honestly do not mind.

But PLEASE! NO MORE thAn for thEn,

nor there, for their, nor they're,

or ANY more of this bogus bullspit.

LEARN the language, or don't WRITE it, okay?


send it to me, and I'll edit it, WITH YOUR APPROVAL for any modifications,


My PM is OPEN. My e-addy is available. I HAVE the time, and I can Rest ASSURE you,

I have the ... not ambition ... but LIKE that!

WE should know our language;

WE should be able to speak AND write in our native language.

WTF is up with this SHIT of not knowing about English lang/words?

IF you wEnder?

PM me.

Although I might mess with you head, if you're TORO,

OMG! THAT's another one! Your/You're.

You asshats have MADE me have to do this,


I honestly don't mind!

For realz.

I love language. It's the ONLY way we have, to SAY shit, you know?

Well, okay,

so I'm some funnily fuktard,

but the service IS available,

IF you care.

If you don't?

WTF bother posting in this thread?
If you're thinking my post was meant as an insult I'm sorry. I GOT your post and thought it was great!
Because the thought of you clarifying someone's writing is hysterically funny.

What is a wender?
i'm hoping my language and content are alright. you are welcome to shadow me and capitalize words in my sentences if that puts a chill on your OCD, however.
i'm hoping my language and content are alright. you are welcome to shadow me and capitalize words in my sentences if that puts a chill on your OCD, however.


It isn't that I would set myself up as the judge of anything:

it's just that I could help with certain things,

and it's sort of an affront

to our language.

AND it IS sort of distracting, wEndering if you actually MEANT your/you are,

and I'm rather horrified by the FACT that our schools don't teach ANYTHING about OUR LANGUAGE.

I meant it as a sort of gift,

but I'm suspect, I know. I drink, and, indeed AM an alchie/stoner.

You know what?

Never mind.

It was just another of my HARE-brained schemes to bring y'all ALL under my control!

<~ OUTED![color]
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