Might the prop gun have been secretly loaded with real bullets by a Trump supporter, to punish Alec Baldwin for his Trump parodies?

That's just stupid.
No it's not, it's motive and Trump was well connected with Hollywood. Or since Trump claimed he could shoot someone in the street & get away with it, Baldwin could be showing Trump that he is more powerful by actually shooting someone & getting away with it.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."
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Should be a line of inquiry.

Well let's see, before the shooting on the low budget film set:

1. Those employed by Alec Baldwin complained of poor working conditions. Check

2. They complained of poor safety conditions. Check

3. Alec would not even provide them a place to stay that was close to the shoot to save money. Check

4. Alec then shot one of the crew dead before checking the gun. Check

Yep, it's Trump's fault. In fact, I suggest Nancy Pelosi impeach Trump a third time.

It is interesting how Mr. Socialist democrat is such a greedy bastard. If I were one of the crew, I would sue his arse off.
I put the thread in the section "conspiracy theories" intentionally, as i know no one will believe me...that's the genius of it, that no one will suspect a thing on Trump
Baldwin is nothing but an idiot. Period full stop. Anyone who has been around firearms knows treat any gun as if it is loaded. Check the gun yourself. Treat it as if it is loaded. DO NOT HANDLE ANY GUN IF YOU DO NOT KNOW AND FOLLOW SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.
Either he does not know how to handle a gun which means he should not have been touching it in the first place. Or he was handing a gun that he should not have been handling.
some quotes of Baldwin imitating Trump:

"Belarus is an important country, bigger than England"

"i was gonna sing We Are The Champions at the inauguration, but Mike Pence told me not to because it was originally sung by a gay dude"

"Romney seems like a winner, but he doesn't smell like one. reminds me of my own family members"

"Jackie O Kennedy wanted to marry me in the 60s, but she was already 50 by then"

"terrorists are so dumb...they build bombs that always explode in their face"

"the last time i learned a lesson involved cake. i was 11, and my hair caught fire, then my dad smashed my face into the cake and laughed maniacally, the only time i've ever seen him laugh"
some quotes of Baldwin imitating Trump:

"Belarus is an important country, bigger than England"

"i was gonna sing We Are The Champions at the inauguration, but Mike Pence told me not to because it was originally sung by a gay dude"

"Romney seems like a winner, but he doesn't smell like one. reminds me of my own family members"

"Jackie O Kennedy wanted to marry me in the 60s, but she was already 50 by then"

"terrorists are so dumb...they build bombs that always explode in their face"

"the last time i learned a lesson involved cake. i was 11, and my hair caught fire, then my dad smashed my face into the cake and laughed maniacally, the only time i've ever seen him laugh"
I know you have no reason to post all that other then you are absolutely crazy. Since it has nothing to do with him and a loaded gun. Just maybe stay on topic or try really hard to integrate it somehow into the topic. Like find a quote of Baldwin claiming he was going to shoot someone in a film crew?
Crybaby Baldwin doesn't allow anyone "for Trump" around him, much less anybody he has to work with on the set.

Point #1 -- WHY were there LIVE rounds of ammo on a film set???

Point #2 -- WHY was Baldwin aiming to shoot an assistant director and not another actor????????????????

Point #3 -- WHY wouldn't a so-called "veteran actor" NOT double check his prop BEFORE using it?????

This reeks of a plot that was not involved in the script!!!
Yup the BIG question is why was he aiming at her? She is not an actor and so unless it was to set a scene for later no reason to aim at her.

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