Migrant gang rapists in Germany walk free.

1 was seen to be innocent and came free a longer time ago
8 got a juvenile sentence between 1 - 2 years on probation.
1 was sentenced 2 years and 9 month without probation.

The range is 6 month up to 5 years.

The judgments are not yet legally binding.

It's a clearly proof Muslims run your stupid country
Just imagine what would happen in another countries where the influence of Muslims is not so strong as by you
It is not just Germany. It is a fact of pussy breeders all over Europe.

Communist Europa has twofold standards for two groups of citizens:

1. Muslims are practically elite of European countries. They became anything for free, no punishment for crimes, they don't need to work.
2. Christians have been degraded to servants of Muslims, they pay high taxes which get redistributed by communists to Muslims

For equal crimes Christians get punished many time more severely as Muslims.
What shall pussies do?

Communist will imprison anyone even if he defend himself/ his family against Muslim robbers or murders
Yes, because far left politicians who allow them to go free were on the ballot in Germany. The voters put these people in place. Politicians and judges don't appoint themselves. Stop letting the public off the hook for their own stupidity.
Is there mail in voting in Germany?
It's a clearly proof Muslims run your stupid country

Just imagine what would happen in another countries where the influence of Muslims is not so strong as by you

By the way: What is it what you have on your shoulders and what speaks with your fingers nonsense over a distance of thousands of miles far from Germany? If you may protect the rest of this communication organ I could offer you a nearly new knight helmet. Helps since centuries not only with physical and mental trauma but also with mind manipulating radiations and lightning strikes.

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