Migrant kids outperform local kids

Example ONe. Bring back manufacturing jobs that provide a good wage so that a father can provide for his family without working so much that he has no family life.

Secondary effects. With a core of better jobs, less competition for even Busing jobs improves wages and conditions for those jobs.

There are no examples there, Corry.....only some 'I can dream, can't I...." wishes.

Not only is there no gain without the commensurate effort, such as in my example of the efforts of the Sunset Park Chinese folks....
1. We live in a global economy. Jobs are in competition with far lower wage workers elsewhere.

2. Tariffs were, largely, the cause of the Depression

3. If we start awarding success to individuals, psychology and experience prove that they become worthless. The efforts put in are what make the rewards so meaningful.

BTW....know which group has the highest educational attainment, lowest crime rates, and highest income in the nation?

There's no 'white privilege.'

And....beware, Corry.....your wishes come dangerously close to this: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)

1. We live in a "global economy" because of policy that makes it so. We don't have to have our workers in direct competition with far lower wage workers elsewhere.

2. We were a massive exporting nation then. Today we are exactly opposite.

3. I don't see how anything in my example was about awarding success.

3b Working 40 hours a week, if that is enough to pay the bills, is not going to make father feel less a sense of accomplishment. Will Asian culture really collapse if Dad has time to teach his son to ride a bike?

The accomplishments must be based on individual responsibility, not government regulations and statutes.

Are you suggesting things like minimum wage laws???

....walter e. williams:
  1. While legislative bodies have the power to order wage increases, they have not as of yet found a way to order commensurate increases in worker productivity that make the worker’s output worth the higher wage.
  2. Further, while Congress can legislate the wage at which labor transactions occur, it cannot require that the transaction actually be made, and the worker hired.

Our current crappy manufacturing sector is not a result of individual responsibility, it is a result fo bad government trade policy.

If we have trade policy to encourage US manufacturing and immigration policy to reduce labor supply, minimum wage laws will become quickly irrelevant as wages rise well beyond them.

"... bad government trade policy..."

Spot on!
Somehow, Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, etc., have put their faith in the knowledge of self-proclaimed experts, rather than the wisdom of society itself.

"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

"To conservatives, the fundamental problem with the Left is what Friedrich Hayek called the fatal conceit: the delusion that experts are wise enough to redesign society.

Conservatives distrust central planners, preferring to rely on traditional institutions that protect individuals’ “natural rights” against the power of the state. Leftists have much more confidence in experts and the state.

Engels argued for “scientific socialism,” a redesign of society supposedly based on the scientific method. Communist intellectuals planned to mold the New Soviet Man. Progressives yearned for a society guided by impartial agencies unconstrained by old-fashioned politics and religion.

Herbert Croly, founder of the New Republic and a leading light of progressivism, predicted that a “better future would derive from the beneficent activities of expert social engineers who would bring to the service of social ideals all the technical resources which research could discover.”
The Real War on Science

That's not Conservative, that's Classical Liberalism.

Real Conservatives grasp that Authoritarianism is needed, to stop Liberal / Capitalist degeneracy, like hired Illegals, hired Refugees, Outsourced jobs, Pornography, Prostitution, Illicit drugs, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Hollywood, Media, and Facebook too.

The Refugees, and Illegals (Migrants) you hate so dearly, are largely here because of the Capitalism you support.
Last edited:
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

So, do Polish migrants, and yet the dumb Polak joke still exists.

Influx of Polish children into schools has 'helped improve British pupils' grades' | Daily Mail Online

I have the utmost respect for the Polish people and your history, culture, etc.

It’s a shame the Polish-American community has to suffer the likes of you as ambassadors on USMB.

Hmm, and yet I win most debates here, hands down.

As for the OP, the biggest of migrant groups in the UK, are Poles, and Indians who both succeed in education, better than Brits.
I'm not surprised, doesn't mean that his Muslim fantasies are all geniuses, but he probably still thinks so.
And yes they were smarter back then,.....

You really think so?

Based on those tests shown on the internet yes.

While there is an almost unlimited supply of info on the internet,Kids today are getting dumbed down in critical thinking and history along with being indoctrinated.
You have college students and young people violently protesting yet they cant even name the three branches of government let alone their function.
Most cant name the Governor of their own state.
You dont see this as a problem?

Do you know who are some of the dumbest SOBs in the world? Islamic terrorists. Do you know what 'education' consists of for most students in most madrasa for young would-be terrorists? Memorizing the Koran. All of it. Exactly. Nothing else. When they 'graduate' they are malleable enough to kill on command, and can remember instructions. That's it. That's not intelligence.

And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.
You really think so?

Based on those tests shown on the internet yes.

While there is an almost unlimited supply of info on the internet,Kids today are getting dumbed down in critical thinking and history along with being indoctrinated.
You have college students and young people violently protesting yet they cant even name the three branches of government let alone their function.
Most cant name the Governor of their own state.
You dont see this as a problem?

Do you know who are some of the dumbest SOBs in the world? Islamic terrorists. Do you know what 'education' consists of for most students in most madrasa for young would-be terrorists? Memorizing the Koran. All of it. Exactly. Nothing else. When they 'graduate' they are malleable enough to kill on command, and can remember instructions. That's it. That's not intelligence.

And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.
Based on those tests shown on the internet yes.

While there is an almost unlimited supply of info on the internet,Kids today are getting dumbed down in critical thinking and history along with being indoctrinated.
You have college students and young people violently protesting yet they cant even name the three branches of government let alone their function.
Most cant name the Governor of their own state.
You dont see this as a problem?

Do you know who are some of the dumbest SOBs in the world? Islamic terrorists. Do you know what 'education' consists of for most students in most madrasa for young would-be terrorists? Memorizing the Koran. All of it. Exactly. Nothing else. When they 'graduate' they are malleable enough to kill on command, and can remember instructions. That's it. That's not intelligence.

And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Probably not. The kid from the past would have grown up respecting hard work and authority unlike the spoiled, self centered kids decadent modern western society creates. That might also explain why migrant kids are supposedly doing better in school.
Based on those tests shown on the internet yes.

While there is an almost unlimited supply of info on the internet,Kids today are getting dumbed down in critical thinking and history along with being indoctrinated.
You have college students and young people violently protesting yet they cant even name the three branches of government let alone their function.
Most cant name the Governor of their own state.
You dont see this as a problem?

Do you know who are some of the dumbest SOBs in the world? Islamic terrorists. Do you know what 'education' consists of for most students in most madrasa for young would-be terrorists? Memorizing the Koran. All of it. Exactly. Nothing else. When they 'graduate' they are malleable enough to kill on command, and can remember instructions. That's it. That's not intelligence.

And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.
Do you know who are some of the dumbest SOBs in the world? Islamic terrorists. Do you know what 'education' consists of for most students in most madrasa for young would-be terrorists? Memorizing the Koran. All of it. Exactly. Nothing else. When they 'graduate' they are malleable enough to kill on command, and can remember instructions. That's it. That's not intelligence.

And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Probably not. The kid from the past would have grown up respecting hard work and authority unlike the spoiled, self centered kids decadent modern western society creates. That might also explain why migrant kids are supposedly doing better in school.

Do you respect hard work and authority?
Do you know who are some of the dumbest SOBs in the world? Islamic terrorists. Do you know what 'education' consists of for most students in most madrasa for young would-be terrorists? Memorizing the Koran. All of it. Exactly. Nothing else. When they 'graduate' they are malleable enough to kill on command, and can remember instructions. That's it. That's not intelligence.

And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.
And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.

Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

So, do Polish migrants, and yet the dumb Polak joke still exists.

Influx of Polish children into schools has 'helped improve British pupils' grades' | Daily Mail Online

I have the utmost respect for the Polish people and your history, culture, etc.

It’s a shame the Polish-American community has to suffer the likes of you as ambassadors on USMB.

Hmm, and yet I win most debates here, hands down.

As for the OP, the biggest of migrant groups in the UK, are Poles, and Indians who both succeed in education, better than Brits.
I'm not surprised, doesn't mean that his Muslim fantasies are all geniuses, but he probably still thinks so.

Lol self-flagellation much??? All you do is rail against the evils of Jews and Capitalism and their undue hand in influencing American society.

Even though you stand to directly benefit in both cases.

Just because Poles and Indians outperform British students doesn’t mean that the UK should allow for unfettered migration from Poland or India. It isn’t racist, nativist, or xenophobic for the UK to wish to keep the UK preponderantly English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish and White- culturally and racially.

I say that as an Indian.
And a hit out to far left field!!!! It's going,going .....foul!!!

Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.
Take a child of 2019 and transport him to 1800, present him with a list of 50 things to memorize under the threat of regular, vicious beatings and what will happen? Take a child of 1800 and transport him to 2019 and ask him to make original claims based on the analysis of unfamiliar text and support his position with relevant evidence and what do you think will happen?

The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.

Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.

Nope. That's part of the fantasy most people fall into.
The kid from the past will smoke todays youth.

You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.

Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.

Nope. That's part of the fantasy most people fall into.

LOL...in my short 53 years on this planet things have become far easier as I've aged.
I can do things today at 53 much faster than I could in my teens.
You’re fantasizing.

Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.

Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.

Nope. That's part of the fantasy most people fall into.

LOL...in my short 53 years on this planet things have become far easier as I've aged.
I can do things today at 53 much faster than I could in my teens.

People fall into fantasy and emotion, and abandon reason when they harcken back to "them days."
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

So, do Polish migrants, and yet the dumb Polak joke still exists.

Influx of Polish children into schools has 'helped improve British pupils' grades' | Daily Mail Online

I have the utmost respect for the Polish people and your history, culture, etc.

It’s a shame the Polish-American community has to suffer the likes of you as ambassadors on USMB.

Hmm, and yet I win most debates here, hands down.

As for the OP, the biggest of migrant groups in the UK, are Poles, and Indians who both succeed in education, better than Brits.
I'm not surprised, doesn't mean that his Muslim fantasies are all geniuses, but he probably still thinks so.

Lol self-flagellation much??? All you do is rail against the evils of Jews and Capitalism and their undue hand in influencing American society.

Even though you stand to directly benefit in both cases.

Just because Poles and Indians outperform British students doesn’t mean that the UK should allow for unfettered migration from Poland or India. It isn’t racist, nativist, or xenophobic for the UK to wish to keep the UK preponderantly English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish and White- culturally and racially.

I say that as an Indian.

Our culture is dying, our jobs given to foreigners, because of Capitalists / Jews, why is that benefiting us, exactly?

Certainly it's poor planning, and short sighted, to say the very least.
Take away the false knowledge of the internet and get back with me.
When I was a kid you had to go to the library to research a subject,and once you learned it,it stuck.
Kids nowadays dont have to do shit to research a subject.

Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.

Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.

Nope. That's part of the fantasy most people fall into.

LOL...in my short 53 years on this planet things have become far easier as I've aged.
I can do things today at 53 much faster than I could in my teens.


If I have to explain....
Did you go to school in the 1800s? Don't you fucking get it? The "old days" shit is a common delusion that people always want to believe. In the 1800s, crabby old shits were pining away for the 1700s when kids REALLY worked hard and REALLY got it. Those soft kids in the 1800s had it so easy with libraries everywhere and subway systems popping up in big cities making it so quick and easy to get to those libraries for the information they could get in a few minutes. So soft and lazy. The fact of the matter is that if you reduce the "chase after the info" part, you have that much more time for the analyze and examine part. Any damn fool from the 1400s could have told you that.

Guess what? Men weren't stronger in the past either, and they didn't live longer or any other silly shit people tend to swallow uncritically.

Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.

Nope. That's part of the fantasy most people fall into.

LOL...in my short 53 years on this planet things have become far easier as I've aged.
I can do things today at 53 much faster than I could in my teens.


If I have to explain....

If you can't...
Stop being a tard. Of course people were stronger back then,manual labor was an everyday thing just to survive.

Nope. That's part of the fantasy most people fall into.

LOL...in my short 53 years on this planet things have become far easier as I've aged.
I can do things today at 53 much faster than I could in my teens.


If I have to explain....

If you can't...

I'm surprised you need clarification.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

So, do Polish migrants, and yet the dumb Polak joke still exists.

Influx of Polish children into schools has 'helped improve British pupils' grades' | Daily Mail Online

I have the utmost respect for the Polish people and your history, culture, etc.

It’s a shame the Polish-American community has to suffer the likes of you as ambassadors on USMB.

Hmm, and yet I win most debates here, hands down.

As for the OP, the biggest of migrant groups in the UK, are Poles, and Indians who both succeed in education, better than Brits.
I'm not surprised, doesn't mean that his Muslim fantasies are all geniuses, but he probably still thinks so.

Lol self-flagellation much??? All you do is rail against the evils of Jews and Capitalism and their undue hand in influencing American society.

Even though you stand to directly benefit in both cases.

Just because Poles and Indians outperform British students doesn’t mean that the UK should allow for unfettered migration from Poland or India. It isn’t racist, nativist, or xenophobic for the UK to wish to keep the UK preponderantly English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish and White- culturally and racially.

I say that as an Indian.

Our culture is dying, our jobs given to foreigners, because of Capitalists / Jews, why is that benefiting us, exactly?

Certainly it's poor planning, and short sighted, to say the very least.

What foreigners are taking your job shoveling shit? And haven't you been promising to leave for about 5 years now?

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