Mike Dickson Dies Suddenly

True, but it was one of the few measures that actually made sense. I used it to advantage as I'm not much of a people person.


It might be great if you don't like crowds but it did nothing to mitigate an airborne respiratory virus.
fwiw I have zero problems with anyone who chose to take the vaccine but respected everyone else's choice. Sadly, that group seemed very small. Too many people were raging fascists about it. And they were raging, WRONG fascists too.
btw: I took the Q Fever experimental vax in 1984 also in full knowledge; I'm something of a risk taker in that regard. lol

Investigate the igG4 switch

Prove to me this guy didn't die of something completely unrelated to the COVD vaccine.

I know a guy who dropped dead at the age of 52 just a few months ago and he never got a COVID vaccine
Snoop Dogg's 24-year-old daughter, Cori Broadus, is in the hospital from a severe stroke.

Broadus posted on her Instagram story from a hospital bed early Thursday morning, saying she "started breaking down crying" when doctors told her about the stroke.

In a follow-up post, she noted she is "only 24" and added, "what did I do in my past to deserve all of this."

Do you think anyone is going to tell her?

Cancers, auto-immunes, strokes at age 24, Bell's Palsy and on and on and on and on. But we have government boots to lick and Moral Panics to uphold so hey!!! Everything is great! I got six shots and never felt better! (Until the Turbo Cancer gets me, that is....)
Well. The CDC also recommended social distancing, which now Fauci himself says was based on nothing at all. So there's that.

It seems like it was based on common sense and something we have done all our lives, we just did not have a name for it.

If someone I know told me they were sick and not feeling well, I would instinctively move away from them a little bit. If someone was sneezing or coughing, I would move away from them, not closer to them.

Everyone did it, until the Govt gave it a name and then it was a bad idea.... :cheers2:
Don't get me started on the most STUPID of them all; masks!!!


There is a video on YouTube from the US Dept of Labor that came out in like the mid-2010s. It's a healthcare training video that EXPRESSLY states that surgical masks DO NOT mitigate for respiratory viruses. For healthcare workers. Amazingly, it stayed on YT throughout the entire pandemic. I posted the video everywhere---people just sputtered about it. You want to talk about religious faith, blind faith? That was just blind faith in action--the mask BS
It seems like it was based on common sense and something we have done all our lives, we just did not have a name for it.

If someone I know told me they were sick and not feeling well, I would instinctively move away from them a little bit. If someone was sneezing or coughing, I would move away from them, not closer to them.

Everyone did it, until the Govt gave it a name and then it was a bad idea.... :cheers2:

Nothing about the pandemic is or was "common sense". Because of the fraudulent "social distancing", which is based on NOTHING, my friend's gym was converted to another cafeteria so the kids could sit six feet apart at lunch time. For an entire school year. She had to have gym outside every day in MI weather. Classes could not play with kids in other classes; they made barriers on the playground. You want more?

Never defend this stuff. Never.
It might be great if you don't like crowds but it did nothing to mitigate an airborne respiratory virus.
I've not seen any scientific papers that contradict your statement.


The current study demonstrated that limiting contacts significantly curbed the number of infections and fatalities during the early pandemic period. But in the long term, these beneficial effects were less prominent due to larger subsequent outbreaks. The falling effectiveness of social distancing could be due to robust containment initially and the high proportion of susceptible people that coincided with the increased transmissibility of the virus in winter.

Nothing about the pandemic is or was "common sense". Because of the fraudulent "social distancing", which is based on NOTHING, my friend's gym was converted to another cafeteria so the kids could sit six feet apart at lunch time. For an entire school year. She had to have gym outside every day in MI weather. Classes could not play with kids in other classes; they made barriers on the playground. You want more?

Never defend this stuff. Never.

So, when someone tells you they are sick, you move closer to them? If a co-worker told you they had a fever for the last few days, your get up and move closer to them? When someone is sneezing or coughing, you do not move away from them?
Prove to me this guy didn't die of something completely unrelated to the COVD vaccine.

I know a guy who dropped dead at the age of 52 just a few months ago and he never got a COVID vaccine

Can't prove anything like that. The money part of the story is the guy railed and railed about the tennis player being a danger. Tennis player still living is best life, guy drops over dead on air. And WE ALL now wonder if it was the Miracle Shots. I don't have to wonder and worry, because I didn't get them.
There is a video on YouTube from the US Dept of Labor that came out in like the mid-2010s. It's a healthcare training video that EXPRESSLY states that surgical masks DO NOT mitigate for respiratory viruses. For healthcare workers. Amazingly, it stayed on YT throughout the entire pandemic. I posted the video everywhere---people just sputtered about it. You want to talk about religious faith, blind faith? That was just blind faith in action--the mask BS
yep. I showed early studies from Denmark but the fanatics were just as stupid AFTER reading it.

So, when someone tells you they are sick, you move closer to them? If a co-worker told you they had a fever for the last few days, your get up and move closer to them? When someone is sneezing or coughing, you do not move away from them?

Because of the CDCs fraudulent recommendation, which was based on NO SCIENCE, my students were made even more miserable than they had previously been. FOR NO REASON
Can't prove anything like that. The money part of the story is the guy railed and railed about the tennis player being a danger. Tennis player still living is best life, guy drops over dead on air. And WE ALL now wonder if it was the Miracle Shots. I don't have to wonder and worry, because I didn't get them.

So what if the guy was vocal about his beliefs? Your inference that the vaccine he supported killed him is utterly baseless.

But thanks for the good wishes. You know there is a special place in Hell for people like you, right? People who wish things like cancer and death upon others...

Where was I wishing? The "watch out for the turbo cancer" is advice. Like, get your screenings. Hello?

But thanks for the good wishes. You know there is a special place in Hell for people like you, right? People who wish things like cancer and death upon others...

But she is a good Christian so she is covered and can act anyway and say anything she wants since she has fire insurance
While reporting on the Australian Open. He was 59 years old, fully vaccinated, and denounced Novak Djokovic for not being vaccinated.

Gosh. So many anecdotes, huh?

He had a heart attack at 59
Nothing to do with any vaccines except in your tiny obsessed mind.
So what if the guy was vocal about his beliefs? Your inference that the vaccine he supported killed him is utterly baseless.

And it's all over everywhere because everyone wonders if they guy dropped over dead from the vaccines. Yes, the miracle vaccines that didn't stop transmission, barely made the disease less virulent, and now are causing all kinds of effects.

And we're just scratching the surface because, shocker, Big Govco and Big Corp LIE.

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