Mike Dickson Dies Suddenly

Florence "Flo" Hyman--Olympic Volleyball Medalist for the USA died at the age of 31 I think.

Remarkably; she passed away about 25 years before Covid happened.

Please explain how this is possible?

Hey Corny, I WOULD ask you to tell us about all the strange things you're seeing as a hospital administrator---the increased cancers, the heart issues in children---but I know you lie and will lie.

Know this: you and your entire profession richly deserve the total lack of trust you have earned.
I won't ever wish for anyones demise if they haven't committed a capital crime. The frightening reality is that those who DID take the vaccine definitely wished for my and others demise. The most disturbing "houlier than thou", finger wagging with such a serious virus.

When the British military were recruiting for spies during WWII, maybe the period in which the most competent and dedicated spies were recruited as nothing less than there very survival was at stake; they had a number of obstacles in training that they used to gauge potential candidates across various metrics.

One such task involved a man climbing up a rope in a barn, in complete darkness. The impression was though that they needed to drop safely to an area and did so based on sound. The Brits weren't interested in those who took this easy path, they were interested in those who climbed higher and were more curious about different "off ramps" rather than following the group based on hearing the safe way out and the calls from others to jump down to safety on the 2nd level. These people didn't succumb to this advice and pressure from others, instead seeking their own solution which was outside the common approach. Unbeknowst to them they were being assessed by Intelligence Officers.

British Intelligence were most interested in such people, as they viewed them as curious, courageous, self reliant and unwilling to accept the rest of the groups approach as they tried to find their own approach, outright rejecting others peer pressure to jump down, seemingly to assist them in their task.

Those who educated themselves and made their own personal decisions in spite of the ridicule, peer pressure (and government pressure) and even death wishes by others are the ones who would climb higher, seek other paths and accept the ridicule of others for not taking the standard view. Just one simple task and example but it was one successful metric employed.

As a historian of WWII and human nature of that war and other periods of time in which humans were nothing more than obedient, vicious citizens of Groupthink; I learned a great deal about human nature and power structures during Covid. Modern humanity is the same as it ever was. So many of the people who pressured us and wanted us dead now look back with some shame of how they acted, others try to forget how they acted or don't even appreciate the cowardice they represented.

In the end these are the precise same types who would have ratted out the location of the Jews who were in hiding, or, a fellow East German citizen who was considering escaping to West Berlin.
that analogy is beyond stupid.
Open mind that's fucking hilarious.

You are so fixated on something that you can't prove killed a guy that your mind is anything but open

Indeed, she is so fixated on this she brings it up in threads that have jack shit to do with COVID or the vaccine
how many?

some 5.5 billion worldwide have gotten the vaccine, how many of the are going to drop over dead soon?

No worries, the shots were great! A raging success! Go get every one. IN fact, they're shilling for getting them all at once now: the RSV, Covid and flu, all at once. Do it! I'm sure you'll feel great.
Florence "Flo" Hyman--Olympic Volleyball Medalist for the USA died at the age of 31 I think.

Remarkably; she passed away about 25 years before Covid happened.

Please explain how this is possible?
Ignorance is bliss. Apparently you don’t know sudden death of healthy people is on the rise but don’t dare question the vax, because you love big pharma. WTF!
It's amazing to me that politics wont allow some people to admit they were wrong!!!! I got the jab. ONCE. After it was proven that I was lied to, and that it did NOT do what we were told it would do, I said FUCK THE REST. No more!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason hard core leftist idiots just cant admit they were lied to.

No worries, the shots were great! A raging success! Go get every one. IN fact, they're shilling for getting them all at once now: the RSV, Covid and flu, all at once. Do it! I'm sure you'll feel great.

So, no answer.

My favorite ads now are those that advertise drugs for your mental wellness. Then, you get the shakes from said drugs. So they want you on OTHER drugs that might cause....mental unwellness.

It would be really funny if it weren't so sad. But the parade of mothers who will now get ZERO vaxxes for their children is exactly and precisely what the health care industry deserves after the covid madness.
Uh huh...
Bring back measles, polio, scarlet fever, whooping cough...

That'll show those drug companies.

If God existed he'd have some things to say to you.
Indeed, she is so fixated on this she brings it up in threads that have jack shit to do with COVID or the vaccine

Yes, I understand. Those who bought in just want to MOVE ON as fast as possible. Oops, hey that was a big stupid period huh? Well, well, let's just move on.

Not so fast

Deal with it
It's amazing to me that politics wont allow some people to admit they were wrong!!!! I got the jab. ONCE. After it was proven that I was lied to, and that it did NOT do what we were told it would do, I said FUCK THE REST. No more!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason hard core leftist idiots just cant admit they were lied to.

How in the world does a phony vax pushed by a criminal cabal of government, corporations, and media become political?
Ignorance is bliss. Apparently you don’t know sudden death of healthy people is on the rise but don’t dare question the vax, because you love big pharma. WTF!

The thing is: they ALL wonder. EVERYONE wonders. That's the zeitgeist that has changed. When anyone under the age of 70 just drops over, everyone wonders--huh. Vaccinated?

But you can't say that, or you get attacked, like the minions here do.

You can't say it....YET. Wait til Generation Alpha gets good and pissed off at what their parents did to them re: mRNA vaccines....
Hey Corny, I WOULD ask you to tell us about all the strange things you're seeing as a hospital administrator---the increased cancers, the heart issues in children---but I know you lie and will lie.

Know this: you and your entire profession richly deserve the total lack of trust you have earned.

You said I was going to die 3 years ago. Me (and about 2 billion folks who took the jab give or take) are still alive.

When it comes to credibility; you have zero.

You said I was going to die 3 years ago. Me (and about 2 billion folks who took the jab give or take) are still alive.

When it comes to credibility; you have zero.

Never said that, never would. And you know it.

You also know what's happening, and are probably worried about it. Or not, because we know how you feel about humanity. Have certainly posted your death wishes here often enough.
You also know what's happening, and are probably worried about it.

you just whined about people telling you what you feel, and now you are doing it to them....seems there is a word for that

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