Mike Dickson Dies Suddenly

It's amazing to me that politics wont allow some people to admit they were wrong!!!! I got the jab. ONCE. After it was proven that I was lied to, and that it did NOT do what we were told it would do, I said FUCK THE REST. No more!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason hard core leftist idiots just cant admit they were lied to.


We need so much more of this. SO MUCH more. Hats off. You re-adjusted when more information became available. This is what intelligent people do.
For the record: I won't argue with you. You are stuck in April of 2020; you have not budged on one single talking point, not one. Therefore, it would actually be more productive for me to talk to a wall.

Have a nice day.
I don't need to budge because the facts are on my side.
All you have is fantasy and lies.
It's amazing to me that politics wont allow some people to admit they were wrong!!!! I got the jab. ONCE. After it was proven that I was lied to, and that it did NOT do what we were told it would do, I said FUCK THE REST. No more!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason hard core leftist idiots just cant admit they were lied to.


I got the vaccine because I was told it would help me have a more mild case of COVID if I happened to get COVID after getting the vaccine and there would be less chance of it making my COPD worse and causing me lots of problems.

What part of that was a lie?
yet nobody can provide the stats to support this claim.


In addition, ACS found there has been a rise in cancer diagnoses among younger people. People ages 65 and older represent a growing proportion of the overall population but a decreasing proportion of new cancer cases. In 1995, those ages 65 and older accounted for 61% of all cancer diagnoses, but during 2019 to 2020, that number dropped to 58%. Cancer rates for those ages 50 to 64 remained relatively stable.

But during that same period, "people aged younger than 50 years were the only one of these three age groups to experience an increase in overall cancer incidence," the report said.

"It's overwhelming for anybody, but especially for these younger patients who are going on with their daily lives and then suddenly get this life-altering diagnosis and really don't know where to turn," said Robin Mendelsohn, co-director of the Center for Young Onset Colorectal and Gastrointestinal Cancers at Memorial Sloan Kettering. "Many feel alone because they're younger, their friends, many haven't had to deal with this."
Florence "Flo" Hyman--Olympic Volleyball Medalist for the USA died at the age of 31 I think.

Remarkably; she passed away about 25 years before Covid happened.

Please explain how this is possible?
That's your retort? She had a congenital heart defect. So what?
Imagine someone celebrating the death of a person they never met.

Oh wait...that is what you did here. We don't have to imagine.

Kindly fuck off.

Sweetie, you put my name on a tombstone and said someone did the world a favor. YOU did that. I just reported what happened.

One IS celebrating and one is not.

I feel bad for your poor demonic soul
While reporting on the Australian Open. He was 59 years old, fully vaccinated, and denounced Novak Djokovic for not being vaccinated.

Gosh. So many anecdotes, huh?

So you now claim anyone who collapses and dies suddenly and was vaccinated must have died of the vaccination?

But…but…I thought vaccines protect you from ever dying?

Does your misinformation campaign have no limits?
So you now claim anyone who collapses and dies suddenly and was vaccinated must have died of the vaccination?

Does your misinformation campaign have no limits?

Didn't claim that. However, the dude who vilified the non-vaccinated guy dropped over dead on air. That's what happened, and that's what I reported.
Yeah...you started this thread to honor the guy who passed away, right?

Shove it up your ass bitch.

How many boosters did you get? This is about your god complex and the precious health care system being wrong--and I mean way wrong, yes? Like embarrassingly wrong. Cause you all DO have god complexes, esp the higher up you go.

I mean, only someone with a pathological god complex could make a meme like you did. But I already knew that about you
That's your retort? She had a congenital heart defect. So what?

well I mean this poster made a meme of a tombstone with my name on it and said "someone did the world a favor", and is now trying to gaslight ME into saying I wished death on the guy in the OP. So.....yeah
Didn't claim that. However, the dude who vilified the non-vaccinated guy dropped over dead on air. That's what happened, and that's what I reported.

Sorry Sue….But you are one sick little Bitch

Celebrating the death of someone you never knew before just so you can push your lies that vaccines are killing people

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