Mike Huckabee: Another Hater Who Wants To Be POTUS

Glancing thru the thread......

The Obamarrhoidal LIEbturds are simply being ANNIHILATED !!!!

just sayin.....
Oh, and what Huckabee thread is complete without:


Oh.....so you're making fun of fat people now.


Actually they - or he at least - aren't fat anymore. Mikey's weight loss was the biggest (no pun intended) and most highly trumpeted accomplishment of his governorship.
Oh, and what Huckabee thread is complete without:


Oh.....so you're making fun of fat people now.


Actually they - or he at least - aren't fat anymore. Mikey's weight loss was the biggest (no pun intended) and most highly trumpeted accomplishment of his governorship.

How many lbs did Huck lose ?

Being of ~ average weight, I don't have any idea what a "most highly trumpeted accomplishment" might be.
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I like Mike, He's a decent likable sort. Don't believe he's a hater for one second.

Of course thats just my opinon and we all know opinions are like assholes. Everyones got one.

Carry on.
Oh.....so you're making fun of fat people now.


Actually they - or he at least - aren't fat anymore. Mikey's weight loss was the biggest (no pun intended) and most highly trumpeted accomplishment of his governorship.

How many lbs did Huck lose ?

Being of ~ average weight, I don't have any idea what a "most highly trumpeted accomplishment" might be.

I don't remember exactly, it really was an impressive personal accomplishment though. I want to say it was 80 pounds or so, but it's been a while.
From Reagan's welfare queen to Willie Horton to Muslims to illegal immigrants to gays, finding black or brown people to scare white suburban voters with is a core Republican value.

It's what they do.
From Reagan's welfare queen to Willie Horton to Muslims to illegal immigrants to gays, finding black or brown people to scare white suburban voters with is a core Republican value.

It's what they do.

Huck sent those two New Black Panther dudes with the billy clubs to that polling place in Philly?

Who knew?
Gay rights. What use is an America where only some Americans are free to live in dignity and peace? I'm not going to take my family's well-being at the expense of my neighbor's and you shouldn't be willing to either.


So you want "special rights" for gays.... not equal rights.... Oh OK :eusa_eh:

That is EXACTLY what Maddie wants: "special rights" for gays, or abnormals .......not equal rights.

Gays are not normal. THAT is a fact. Gays are ABNORMALS

Just because our Government looks the other way, and allows abnormals to be treated as normals i.e., have EQUAL RIGHTS......that does not mean that the Government is obligated to OFFICIALLY designate what is OBVIOUSLY an ABNORMALITY to be a NORMALITY. And, in that process change the word MARRIAGE", used in our language for millenia, to mean something OTHER THAN "MARRIAGE" to suit the sexual predilection of Abnormals.

That's like changing the meaning of the word "chair" to "apples" just because faggots are perverts.

That is fucking ridiculous.

No pun intended.

I guess that's why the Catholic church doesn't allow priests and nuns to marry.

Because they consider them abnormal.
Oh, and what Huckabee thread is complete without:


Oh.....so you're making fun of fat people now.


I think you could remove about 300 lbs from that picture and it would still be funny.

You'all wanna talk about how stupid his daughter looks too?

His family hasn't made the mistake of opening their mouths so the only thing you can do is make fun of their looks?

Knock yourself out.
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Oh.....so you're making fun of fat people now.


I think you could remove about 300 lbs from that picture and it would still be funny.

You'all wanna talk about how stupid his daughter looks too?

His family hasn't made the mistake of opening their mouths so the only thing you can do is make fun of their looks?

Knock yourself out.

Another 'can dish it out can't take it' pussy weighs in.

I think you could remove about 300 lbs from that picture and it would still be funny.

You'all wanna talk about how stupid his daughter looks too?

His family hasn't made the mistake of opening their mouths so the only thing you can do is make fun of their looks?

Knock yourself out.

Another 'can dish it out can't take it' pussy weighs in.

Can you link to any posts of his mocking anyone's family? If you can, you have a point.

If you can't, you don't.
You'all wanna talk about how stupid his daughter looks too?

His family hasn't made the mistake of opening their mouths so the only thing you can do is make fun of their looks?

Knock yourself out.

Another 'can dish it out can't take it' pussy weighs in.

Can you link to any posts of his mocking anyone's family? If you can, you have a point.

If you can't, you don't.



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