Mike Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'To The Door Of The Oven'

There is really no debate about this. Let's ask Iran what they have to say about inspections:

"We will never yield to pressure ... We will not accept unreasonable demands ... Iran will not give access to its (nuclear) scientists," Khamenei said.

"We will not allow the privacy of our nuclear scientists or any other important issue to be violated."

Khamenei, who has the final say for Iran on any deal, last month ruled out any "extraordinary supervision measures" over nuclear activities and said military sites could not be inspected."

What our Muslim president is saying to America is, "I hate Israel, and I'm giving Iran a bomb making assembly line before I leave."
But Obama insisted that "anytime anywhere" inspections were a must!

Oh wait, inspections are with Iran's foreknowledge and permission, what the administration calls "when necessary"
"This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Saturday invoked the specter of the Holocaust to criticize President Barack Obama for his decision to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program.

“This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven," Huckabee said in an interview with Breitbart News.

The presidential contender, a social conservative who is seen favorably by Republican voters, has promised to rescind the deal with Iran on his first day in office.

"This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people. I read the whole deal. We gave away the whole store. It’s got to be stopped," he said in the interview.

Mike Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'To The Door Of The Oven'

Well, that should excite the right-wing base. Huckabee sure knows how to turn a phrase.
Eh it pisses off the religious right then it MUST be good for the country....that's true in 90% of the cases.
Somewhat true, but the Israelis won't go quietly. Israelis are very strong tough People. Many may hate em, but they have to admit they are bad asses. Push em too far, and there will be annihilation.
Yeah we have seen how bad ass they are when it comes to rock throwing kids and old men and women! Or how about peace activists in front of bulldozers..
and? pretty much the truth. that must burst a lot of peoples bubbles who saw him as some noble PEACE prize winner. which has been a joke all along. Since he dropped bombs on seven different countries ALREADY. he's leading us there too. we just won't see it until the puke is gone out of lives. like Clinton nine months later we had 9/11

I'd like to know who posted a smilie face on this post and why we can't see who did it? this happens a lot and I don't think this is fair.

Quit whining you big baby.
A year from now, Iran will complying with all the terms of the agreement, and whoever the Republican candidate is will be in trouble. He'll either have to walk back his past "I want to bomb Iran!" statement, or he'll look like a warmongering moron for still wanting to bomb Iran.
Somewhat true, but the Israelis won't go quietly. Israelis are very strong tough People. Many may hate em, but they have to admit they are bad asses. Push em too far, and there will be annihilation.

Yes, that is true. Israel is the most dangerous nation on the planet. It has an "undeclared" nuclear arsenal and will not allow IAEA inspectors.

The U.S. and others will not allow foreign inspections of their Nuclear Facilities either. That's why i said the Iran Deal is very flawed and doomed to failure. Why should some nations be forced into inspections, while others aren't?

But regardless, it would be very unwise to push the Israelis too much. They will survive. They've made that very clear.

Just like kids in a schoolyard, there is a pecking order among the world’s countries. Like the kids, countries know each other’s relative strength, who their current friends are, and who is likely to turn on them given the chance.

If a country or alliance of countries feels they can promote their own safety by forcing a country viewed as a threat to submit to nuclear inspections, they will. Sanctions, threat of military action, or actual military action may be used to encourage inspection compliance.

Of course, the threatening country could sense the weakness of those making inspection demands. In this case, they could possibly negotiate an agreement that allows them to do what they want while providing an illusion of compliance. It makes everyone happy – for awhile.

In summary, you shouldn’t waste your time demanding someone’s lunch money unless you are bad enough to ultimately take it.
Why isn't Israel forced to submit to IAEA inspections?

Because they aren't genocidal. They want to be left alone. They aren't being left alone. They are being threatened on several sides. And still no threats come from them. If any nation on earth has a right and a need for weapons, it's Israel. It is never ending for them. And about to soar on the persecution level. Iran is going to enrich uranium for the terrorist group Hamas. They are in trouble. I'm glad they have a good defense plan.
Garbage, Lak. Had the Jews never been targeted before en masse, maybe they wouldn't be so skittish...

Israel has nukes and you'd never know it. They actually could wipe a nation, say Iran, off the map. They haven't. The are NOT the most dangerous nation on earth and you have proved that. They could, and yet don't. Iran can't wait, and will.
Your anti-Semitism is showing, Tonto.

Israel has had nukes for 40 years and hasn't used one. So much for the most dangerous nation in the world
You are right. There is only one country that has used nukes.....and twice.
"This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Saturday invoked the specter of the Holocaust to criticize President Barack Obama for his decision to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program.

“This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven," Huckabee said in an interview with Breitbart News.

The presidential contender, a social conservative who is seen favorably by Republican voters, has promised to rescind the deal with Iran on his first day in office.

"This is the most idiotic thing, this Iran deal. It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people. I read the whole deal. We gave away the whole store. It’s got to be stopped," he said in the interview.

Mike Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'To The Door Of The Oven'

Well, that should excite the right-wing base. Huckabee sure knows how to turn a phrase.

Too many people believe we should not deal with Iran and then just blow them away with our own nukes once they develop their own or sometime before that. They act as if there would be no consequences to such an action. The simplistic thinking from the right is beyond scary.
Garbage, Lak. Had the Jews never been targeted before en masse, maybe they wouldn't be so skittish...

Israel has nukes and you'd never know it. They actually could wipe a nation, say Iran, off the map. They haven't. The are NOT the most dangerous nation on earth and you have proved that. They could, and yet don't. Iran can't wait, and will.
Your anti-Semitism is showing, Tonto.

Israel has had nukes for 40 years and hasn't used one. So much for the most dangerous nation in the world

The truth is man has never built a weapon he didn't use. It was unfortunate, but it ended a long war and saved untold American lives.
You are right. There is only one country that has used nukes.....and twice.

There is nothing angry or hateful about the man. He stands up for his country, spinmaster.

He's coming out a lot more of an angry firebrand than he was in his first run. He was somewhat reasonable then. Now he goes off and says nutty things like this
Trying to be Trump - lite I guess since being Mr. Nice Guy didn't work out so well for him last time.

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