Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage

I remember in 2008, how all the Business republicans were shitting their pants when Huckabee won Iowa.

Because the last thing the Business Republicans want are the slack-jawed bible thumping morons to figure out Jesus didn't say a darned thing about Tax Cuts for Rich People.

If Huckabee splits and runs as a third party candidate on social issues, that would interesting to see that split.

Huckabee's not a bad guy. I've seen the guy interviewed many a time, read about him, his friends and the folks that know him. He seems pretty authentic. A family man of genuine faith. And quite an intelligent one.

Obviously, I disagree with him on most of his policy positions. But he seems to comes by them honestly.
So what do the USMB Republicans think about Huckabee's latest threat?

RWW News Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage - YouTube

Big loss or good riddance?
Huckabee is a far right wing kook. He's got a tv show...So does Al Sharpton....In a way even though they are separated by political views, these two are the same person. Both nuts beyond help.....
Huckabee? Let him go, Mainstream conservatives don't need this bible thumping horse's ass speaking for us.
So what do the USMB Republicans think about Huckabee's latest threat?

RWW News Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage - YouTube

Big loss or good riddance?
I admire the man for sticking to his religious principles, but when he starts demanding others also live by his principles, then he is playing with fire.

This obsession with social issues has probably been the most injurious to the Republican Party. When you couple that with the GOP's utter capitulation of its fiscal and anti big government principles when it held all the power, then you really don't have much of a party left. All you have is a pack of malcontents and whiners.

Therefore, Huckabee's departure would be far less noteworthy than he thinks it would.
He's not playing with fire. He's standing on principle. Which is the opposite of discretion being the better part of valor.
Hey, if Huckabee wants to continue being the political pied piper for the pious Christian Right, let him. Nobody cares.
I support religious freedom. I think religion has a place in everyday life. It's part of the belief system by which believers choose to live.
Is it appropriate to make law that applies to everyone else? Non believers and those of other religions and denominations included? No.
This is really a non story.
Republicans show why they are being bypassed by a society they no longer understand

Gay marriage is here, It is an accepted practice with most Americans. Even most Republican voters. In spite of gloom and doom predictions from the Huckabees of the country, we have not collapsed into a den of sin

Continued blocking of gay marriage stamps republicans as mean, stubborn and out of touch
I do not support nor do I oppose gay marriage. Quite frankly I never really took a stance on the issue.
I Live in NC. I did not vote for Amendment 1. Neither did the wife. Just did not vote on it at all. Left it blank.
Look, social updates are inevitable. We used to have separate water fountains for non whites.
We used to send our daughters to the doctor to make sure they were virgins before they could marry.
Owners of apartments once refused to rent to single women. We evolve. We're humans. That's what we do.
That is not to say we as individuals do not hold onto certain core principles. We do. That is also what we do. As humans.
Republicans need to be as far away as they can from this issue by 2016

In two years, Gay marriage will be the law of the land. Continued fighting by Republicans will stamp them as an archaic party fighting to preserve past hatreds
I have always maintained that GOP candidates should steer their campaigns far away from social issues.
My GOP, well ideally would be the GOP which stood firm on fiscal responsibility in government.
Republicans need to be as far away as they can from this issue by 2016

In two years, Gay marriage will be the law of the land. Continued fighting by Republicans will stamp them as an archaic party fighting to preserve past hatreds

This is going to be interesting. Strategically, you're absolutely right. Republicans need to stop polishing this turd as it only serves to highight the distinction between what the majority of the electorate believes and what republicans believe.


...this is a pet issue of the religious right. And as Huckabee demonstrates with his threats, its entirely possible for this issue to cause some serious discord among the GOP. I mean, more discord, given the clefting the party has already endured between mainstream and tea party republicans. So....more internal bickering among the GOP. And more damage to the brand outside it as support for gay marriage bans continues.

Its a lose-lose-lose scenario for republicans.

In 2016, Republicans can no longer continue their well rehearsed mantra of "I believe marriage is between one man and one woman". It will make them look totally out of touch with 2016 America
Now they can continue to pander to the religious right or surrender the young Republicans who wonder......What is wrong with these guys?

In 2016 and 2018 and on and on.....they'll still be saying it.

America only has this because of the courts. Or else you feel California is out of touch ?

This is too easy.
Huckabee's not a bad guy. I've seen the guy interviewed many a time, read about him, his friends and the folks that know him. He seems pretty authentic. A family man of genuine faith. And quite an intelligent one.

Obviously, I disagree with him on most of his policy positions. But he seems to comes by them honestly.

I don't have anything against Huckabee, either. But I think that his trajectory in 2008 was telling.

When I decided I had enough of the GOP and it's love for greed and stupidity in 2008, what I noticed was the reaction of the GOP Establishment to Huckabee. What propelled him to the top was that the rank and file of Bible Thumpers didn't want Romney because he was a Mormon, and didn't want Giuliani because he didn't live or believe in a moral lifestyle. But the establishment - the guys who think that the biggest problem with America is a few of us still are getting middle class wages - absolutely crapped themselves when Huck got to the top.

And they were perfectly willing to put all their chips on McCain - a guy they already knew had problems - rather than take the risk of getting a "true believer" up there.
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?

Most of us among the unretarded already know what the essential Huckabee picture is:


Enjoy yourself.
I'd hate to be around to watch that bunch eat. :rofl:
I see it more and more.... Persecution of Christians

The end for you non believers is near

I see it more and more.... Persecution of Christians

The end for you non believers is near


More christer revenge fantasies?

The rev huckleberry is pissed because he knows you an his ilk have been marginalized and dismissed

Of course.


Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I love that this is causing a civil war in the GOP. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

We're laughing at you,there is no "civil war".

And yet the GOP is falling into three camps.

1. It's over, let it go to tacit support
2. We just don't talk about it
3. Aaahhhhh, we need a Constitutional Amendment!!!!

That seems a bit dissentish
At first, I thought that an issue like this couldn't possibly tear the GOP apart, but now I'm not so sure.

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