Mike Johnson: Abortion An "American Holocaust"

It looks like he wants to fight the next election on abortion. I suspect that the dems will not be shedding tears over this.

In other news Tommy Tubbyville is wittering on about post birth abortions. A gop myth. Tommy is all in for trump as is Johnson.

Do they think that this medieval nonsense will gain votes among educated people ?

Who runs the GOP ? They display a level of naivety that defies belief.
Democrats want legal abortions, the later the better, for their organ harvesting globalist masters.

It looks like he wants to fight the next election on abortion. I suspect that the dems will not be shedding tears over this.

In other news Tommy Tubbyville is wittering on about post birth abortions. A gop myth. Tommy is all in for trump as is Johnson.

Do they think that this medieval nonsense will gain votes among educated people ?

Who runs the GOP ? They display a level of naivety that defies belief.

It's about Abortion, not the GOP, the Democrats who worked to finance the DNC through abortion have a lot of 'skin' in this dirty evil game.

While Tommy loves the thought of abortion since the thought of less abortions bothers him so much.

Personal conclusion:

Likely is a loner. Possibly a pagan or someone with nihilist death obsessions.
The biggest threat from Johnson, imho, is his support of Justice Thomas for the SCOTUS to revisit some landmark case.

from: MSN

"Thomas went even further in his concurring opinion, writing that the justices "should reconsider" its rulings in three landmark cases: Griswold v. Connecticut, which established the right to contraception; Lawrence v. Texas, which legalized same-sex sexual activity; and Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage.""
The Nazis killed an estimated 6 million Jews over five plus years in WWII. That was called the Holocaust

World wide, an estimated 14 million babies are aborted every year, the large majority of them because they are unwanted.

The analogy doesn't seem out of line.
This is a lie, no ‘babies’ are ‘aborted.’

This is further proof that conservatives are demagogues, dishonest, and liars.

It looks like he wants to fight the next election on abortion. I suspect that the dems will not be shedding tears over this.

In other news Tommy Tubbyville is wittering on about post birth abortions. A gop myth. Tommy is all in for trump as is Johnson.

Do they think that this medieval nonsense will gain votes among educated people ?

Who runs the GOP ? They display a level of naivety that defies belief.

A Democrat speaking for a Republican, a Brit speaking for an American, there are so many reasons no one should give a shit. We kicked you lot out almost 250 years ago and that was when you lost your right to be listened to by the good guys
I think he should be in a home not congress.

Should this be the rule of the land? Is this view perfectly okay for a Brit to demand from another country? What is the limit in Great Britain? SIX MONTHS, TWENTY-FOUR WEEKS! A fetus is viable at that age. Why do you demand that it's okay to murder an infant at that age?

"[(WHO?] abortion-on-demand bill, which passed without media scrutiny, would allow elective abortion up until birth. This would add the United States to a list of only seven countries with such an extreme policy—the others include North Korea and China. Only one Democrat in the House voted against the bill."

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It looks like he wants to fight the next election on abortion. I suspect that the dems will not be shedding tears over this.

In other news Tommy Tubbyville is wittering on about post birth abortions. A gop myth. Tommy is all in for trump as is Johnson.

Do they think that this medieval nonsense will gain votes among educated people ?

Who runs the GOP ? They display a level of naivety that defies belief.
Let's examine what the right calls genocide and the Left calls genocide

In Gaza, the population has almost doubled in less than 5 years.

In New York City, there have been more Black abortions than births, in addition to over 60 million aborted dead.
If the GOP fights the next major election of abortion, the results will be a massive blue victory.

They should fight it on the economy. They will not succeed, but their losses will be manageable.

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