Mike Johnson: Abortion An "American Holocaust"

In fact, comparing abortion to the Holocaust does a grave injustice to the millions of Jews and others who perished at the hands of the Nazis.

To compare perfectly appropriate and legal reproductive healthcare to the tragedy of the Holocaust for bad faith partisan reasons is both wrong and reprehensible.

This is your answer to voluntary child support? 🤷‍♀️
He supports Justice Thomas' desire for the court to revisit the cases that allowed the things I listed.

Yes, he wants same sex marriage gone, contraception controls, and bans on gay sex.
So what? It’s his opinion, and he has a right to it. He is not a tyrant. He has one vote in the House.
He supports Justice Thomas' desire for the court to revisit the cases that allowed the things I listed.

Yes, he wants same sex marriage gone, contraception controls, and bans on gay sex.

More Democrat party stupidity. You need to stop listening to people trying to program you because .... it's working ....
Conservatives lying about abortion being ‘murder’ or ‘killing babies’ is of course only a small part of the right’s war on facts and the truth.

Johnson and others on the Christo-fascist right using lies and demagoguery is a classic fascist tactic – repeat a lie often enough until it’s perceived to be ‘true.’

Every time you say "Conservatives lying" it just makes me laugh you are so oblivious to reality of the stupid, unbelievable shit you constantly vomit

It looks like he wants to fight the next election on abortion. I suspect that the dems will not be shedding tears over this.

In other news Tommy Tubbyville is wittering on about post birth abortions. A gop myth. Tommy is all in for trump as is Johnson.

Do they think that this medieval nonsense will gain votes among educated people ?

Who runs the GOP ? They display a level of naivety that defies belief.

Donald Trump runs the GOP. They are doing God's work saving babies. Pregnant women are just collateral damage.
I would like him to apologize for being a RWNJ whack-a-doodle. DO you think he would do that?F
Apologize for what? For having an opinion different from your own? Are you serious?

Should Nancy Pelosi apologize for trying to push through legislation that would permit murdering an infant at the point of birth?
Apologize for what? For having an opinion different from your own? Are you serious?

Should Nancy Pelosi apologize for trying to push through legislation that would permit murdering an infant at the point of birth?

Yes, Crepitus is totally serious. Trump is being prosecuted for not being a Democrat. Republicans are too nice. Our freedom is under attack and we aren't in it to win it like the Democrats are in their attempt to remove our freedom
Yes, Crepitus is totally serious. Trump is being prosecuted for not being a Democrat. Republicans are too nice. Our freedom is under attack and we aren't in it to win it like the Democrats are in their attempt to remove our freedom

Trump is being prosecuted for lying to the American people about an election he knew wasn't stolen, and trying to overthrow the government.

Your freedom is under attack and Donald Trump is the guy it. Democrats are the party defending your freedom. You're just too brainwashed and ill informed to know it.
This is easy:

In States that severely restrict abortions, including the morning after pill, child support should be Court Mandated.

In States that allow access to abortion, including the morning after pill, child support should be voluntary.

Now, are you all happy?
Women get really offended when stupid men pass health care laws leading to their deaths. It's crazy I know. Women not wanting to die in childbirth and all. How selfish.
Women should get offended when stupid men threaten or coerce them into defying their God given need to protect the life inside them and sign the consent to kill their babies. Stupid liberal men want Americans to believe that turning a full term fetus inside the mother's body to produce a breach birth and holding a squirming baby long enough to stab it in the back of it's head and sucking it's brain out is a mother's health issue. The people who benefit most from abortion are the liberal men who see their future responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel while the woman is left with symptoms similiar to PTSD for the rest of her life.
Women should get offended when stupid men threaten or coerce them into defying their God given need to protect the life inside them and sign the consent to kill their babies. Stupid liberal men want Americans to believe that turning a full term fetus inside the mother's body to produce a breach birth and holding a squirming baby long enough to stab it in the back of it's head and sucking it's brain out is a mother's health issue. The people who benefit most from abortion are the liberal men who see their future responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel while the woman is left with symptoms similiar to PTSD for the rest of her life.

It’s like women are too stupid to know where babies come from?

I sure see a whole hell of a lot of folks who apparently think this.

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