Mike Johnson extends FISA in secret with the democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.
For those that don't know, the NDAA, which was supported in both parties, gives government the power to arrest and imprison any American without representation, but only on the premise they are a dangerous terrorist.

It is 100% unconstitutional, but no one can challenge it until it is used to arrest someone. However, if they do arrest someone, and they just up and disappear, how can they challenge it?

Funny that.
Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.

So when was this vote taken?

Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.
Oh no!!! Is it another deep state operative in disguise?! Did you root out the evil and save America?!
Yep. 8-10 million illegals in less than 3 years, that's as large a threat to our security as anything.

Totally. Thank god for Mike Johnson! Cause it’s money that they need down there. The policy is all perfect!
Totally. Thank god for Mike Johnson! Cause it’s money that they need down there. The policy is all perfect!

Nothing coming out of DC is perfect, but it's better than the alternative.

It’s political posturing. Do you not see that?

It's not if he has the votes. Border security is becoming more bipartisan by the day. More than 80% of American see the border as a major problem. If xiden doesn't address it the commiecrats will be in deep shit in 24.


Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.
This does not mention Mike Johnson at all. But it details the problems with the proposal.
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Lead Republican of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on the House passage of the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023.

“We are at a critical point in our nation’s history – it’s today’s investments in our defense that will ensure the success of our warfighters on the battlefields of the future. The FY23 NDAA is a bipartisan and bicameral agreement that makes the investments our military needs to maintain overmatch with China – from boosting deterrence to securing our supply chain this legislation demonstrates strength in the face of China’s threats. I am also proud that the FY23 NDAA supports our servicemembers by repealing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate as well as providing a boost in servicemember pay and allowances to counteract the effects of Biden’s inflation.

“The FY23 NDAA also continues to bolster the crucial role that Alabama plays in our national defense by reversing President Biden’s dangerous cuts to our missile defense, supporting the work done at the Anniston Army Depot and expanding and modernizing our shipbuilding, among other initiatives.

“Our nation’s freedom hinges upon American servicemembers having the resources and weapons they need to keep our nation safe. Providing for our national defense is the most consequential responsibility that the U.S. Constitution granted Congress – the National Defense Authorization Act remains a vital part of fulfilling that commitment to our servicemembers and our nation.”

A summary of the legislation can be found here.

It's not if he has the votes. Border security is becoming more bipartisan by the day. More than 80% of American see the border as a major problem. If xiden doesn't address it the commiecrats will be in deep shit in 24.


Yeah I know. The Dems put a border bill forward early on in Biden’s admin and the Republican sat on it.

Like I said. Political games
Oh no!!! Is it another deep state operative in disguise?! Did you root out the evil and save America?!
well didn't ya hear Mike Johnson say that the republicans represent law and order for our country over these lawless Democrats... meanwhile 4 more republicans get indited in Arizona ... priceless ... still laughing
Yeah I know. The Dems put a border bill forward early on in Biden’s admin and the Republican sat on it.

Like I said. Political games
if the republican Mike Johnson doesn't bring it to the floor it doesn't get passed soon these people will start waking up to these political games Republicans play trying to get reelected ... there stupity is killing this country...
For those that don't know, the NDAA, which was supported in both parties, gives government the power to arrest and imprison any American without representation, but only on the premise they are a dangerous terrorist.

It is 100% unconstitutional, but no one can challenge it until it is used to arrest someone. However, if they do arrest someone, and they just up and disappear, how can they challenge it?

Funny that.
Sounds communist enough. Problem these days is trusting a weaponized government, otherwise one that is exactly like what we've been witnessing with these gaslighting Democrat's, and sadly witnessing this ever since modern technology has allowed the government it's many ways of monitoring American's by indirect means.. It is now enjoying this in ways that it has never before had the ability to do until now.

Social media is it's best free speech target that it wants to control, otherwise they want this control for limiting speech for political reasons, otherwise reasons endorsed that are definitely slanted left to be found in many cases when such leftist reasoning is used.
well didn't ya hear Mike Johnson say that the republicans represent law and order for our country over these lawless Democrats... meanwhile 4 more republicans get indited in Arizona ... priceless ... still laughing
Can Mike Johnson be responsible for Republicans that are found to be failing by leaning towards the very things it accuses others of doing ??? No he can't be responsible for that, and he must stand up for the principles he espouses regardless of how many so called Republicans might fall around him.

The Democrat's are smart in a demonic way though, because they try to normalize sin or unusual Acts in order to use such things openly without condemnation or a breaking of the old rules that guided ethic's and decorum in all things usually dealt with. The latest folly by a Democrat was this John Fetterman's attempt at destroying the dress code that luckily failed massively when a bipartisan effort finally stood against such stupidity. The nation needs more bipartisanship in order to battle against the things that rogue charismatic officials attempt to bring into the arena's.

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