Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

You don’t seem to concerned about the illegals that meander across our Southern border. They are insured. They aren’t llicensed. They can bring anything they want, including guns. We don’t even know who they are or that they are here at all. Hamas and other terrorist groups could simply have their folks infiltrate the US and then activate them. Yeah, yeah, Biden says he supports border security and the Neatherdals that vote for him believe it, despite loads of evidence to the contrary.

By all means, continue you foolish rant about gun safety. We could end up being like those in Israel that were killed by Hamas on 10/7 that didn’t have guns immediately accessible to protect themselves. The hypocrisy and pure idiocy of the left is beyond reproach.
Illegals don’t need to bring guns… they can buy all they want at gun shows
He's already claimed that Earth is only 6000 yrs. old.

His brain is equal to 5.

Let me guess, you believe that life(organic) formed from inorganic material that, in and of itself, just poof, appeared, just like that, given billions of years of course. Yeah, ok, you go with that completely non-scientific explanation. If I see a cabin deep in the woods, I assume it was the result of intelligent design, not that a bunch of trees just happened to fall to create such a structure. My hunch is that no matter how long I waited, trees will never, ever, never fall to create such a thing, but hey, that is just me.
Illegals don’t need to bring guns… they can buy all they want at gun shows

What would be the difference if we made them illegal when they can walk across the border with them? The difference would be that they would have guns and law abiding citizens in the US would not. Logic 101.
Let me guess, you believe that life(organic) formed from inorganic material that, in and of itself, just poof, appeared, just like that, given billions of years of course. Yeah, ok, you go with that completely non-scientific explanation. If I see a cabin deep in the woods, I assume it was the result of intelligent design, not that a bunch of trees just happened to fall to create such a structure. My hunch is that no matter how long I waited, trees will never, ever, never fall to create such a thing, but hey, that is just me.
Non-scientific explanation?

Do you know what science even is?
What would be the difference if we made them illegal when they can walk across the border with them? The difference would be that they would have guns and law abiding citizens in the US would not. Logic 101.
You have quite the imagination. Don’t hurt yourself when you make leaps like that
Of course he's right. It's simple logic. The problem isn't guns. Any more than the problem with forest fires is matches or lighters.

Except - every other country either bans gun ownership or limits it, and they don't have this problem.


What about the giant metal boulders that we make go 60+ MPH to transport us that cause 80-100 deaths per day?

Do the cars kill people? Or did the driver?

And.. if you’re so dramatically worried about human life as far as guns, why do you so accept so many predictable deaths via cars?

Because no one jumps into his car one morning and decides to die or kill people (usually).

Everyone who kills themselves or someone else with a gun goes out with the intent to do so.
Non-scientific explanation?

Do you know what science even is?

Yes, I know, exactly what it is and yes I know their excuses. They assume that science will eventually explain everything, despite current scientific evidence to the contrary. Abiogenesis is a statistical improbability to the nth degree. Life from non-life doesn’t happen.
Let me guess, you believe that life(organic) formed from inorganic material that, in and of itself, just poof, appeared, just like that, given billions of years of course. Yeah, ok, you go with that completely non-scientific explanation. If I see a cabin deep in the woods, I assume it was the result of intelligent design, not that a bunch of trees just happened to fall to create such a structure. My hunch is that no matter how long I waited, trees will never, ever, never fall to create such a thing, but hey, that is just me.
Your brain has a hard time understanding the massive difference in scale we are talking about here.

There are 3 trillion trees on earth. That’s a lot.

The same number of molecules exist inside a simple tiny bacteria.

Your brain is simply not equipped to understand the dimensions we are talking about and so your analogy about a cabin in the woods is wrong, and for more reasons than just that.
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Yes, I know, exactly what it is and yes I know their excuses. They assume that science will eventually explain everything, despite current scientific evidence to the contrary. Abiogenesis is a statistical improbability to the nth degree. Life from non-life doesn’t happen.
Really? How does organic material (life) form around deep ocean vents?
Everyone who kills themselves or someone else with a gun goes out with the intent to do so.

No they don’t. Self defense happens all the time and the person didn’t leave the house with their gun in the am thinking they were going to kill someone. You don’t have any perspective because you live in a place where they don’t allow even law abiding citizens to carry guns. Only those willing to break the law are armed. It’s quite a brilliant strategy huh?
A lot of money and effort goes into making cars as safe as possible. Fortunately, we see the harm that can come from the use of cars, and try to reduce it, unlike gun nuts who don't care about harm that is caused by the use of guns.

Good point. If the Auto Industry were like the gun industry, all the cars would look like they came out of a Mad Max movie.


If 50 homicides happen in Chicago on a weekend (which has happened many times), why don't you, Joe Biden, the MSM, and leftists care? None of them were "mass shootings", but 50 people are dead... and there's no addressing it.

Except we never have 50 homicides in a weekend in Chicago. 10 would be considered a high number, and it is almost always noted.

The problem is, of course, that we have 19,000 gun homicides in this country every year. I would love it if EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM got coverage. I would love it if we put pictures of crime scenes on a split screen with whatever NRA mutant gets on TV squealing about his Second Amendment Rights.

Instead, we numb ourselves to the horrible reality, and it takes a mass shooting of 18 people to actually get us to pay attention, and all the gun nuts like you and 2AGuy flock to this site blaming everyone except the person who sold a gun to a crazy man.

Or even more, by a few orders of magnitude, via abortion?
Fetuses aren't people.

I know this because we had a Census in 2020, and they didn't count ONE FETUS as a resident of the US. If you were still a fetus on April 30th, even a ninth month fetus who was born on May 1st, you were not counted.
What about the giant metal boulders that we make go 60+ MPH to transport us that cause 80-100 deaths per day?

Do the cars kill people? Or did the driver?

And.. if you’re so dramatically worried about human life as far as guns, why do you so accept so many predictable deaths via cars?
That's easy, we accept them because we like to drive fast. Seriously, force vehicles to go no faster than 30mph and watch the death toll plummet.
No they don’t. Self defense happens all the time and the person didn’t leave the house with their gun in the am thinking they were going to kill someone. You don’t have any perspective because you live in a place where they don’t allow even law abiding citizens to carry guns. Only those willing to break the law are armed. It’s quite a brilliant strategy huh?

Defensive Gun Uses are rare. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Actually, Illinois gun laws are as lax as the rest of the country, that's the problem.

Wooo... they made me get a FOID card. Do you know what that consisted of? I filled out a form AND paid a whopping $11.
Of course he's right. It's simple logic. The problem isn't guns. Any more than the problem with forest fires is matches or lighters.

So Mike going to ring up Europe and ask them how they solved their mental issues?

Look at it... Western Europe has so few of these incidents, they must have close to no mental health issues...

But saying that... How much extra money is he giving to Mental Health Issues in America to solve this problem?
Really? How does organic material (life) form around deep ocean vents?

It doesn’t without the presence of some organic material like an amino acid of some type.
It doesn’t without the presence of some organic material like an amino acid of some type.
Newsflash… amino acids aren’t alive. They are chemical compounds

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